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<pablo_escoberg> OK, definitely like the syntax you propose better than the one I was using.  Indeed flatter and easier to read.  However, I still need some way to inject the code into constructors because I don't necessarily want to call "super" in all my classes.  So I'll definitely update my code, and it will be simpler.  But I still haven't eliminated the
<pablo_escoberg> need to mess with how the constructor is constructed.  Maybe I'll try something more object oriented like an abstract class with a method that does this.  Need to think about it some, but will definitely use that syntax for the kv pairs.
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<tankf33der[m]> Ping
isaneran has joined #picolisp
<tankf33der> Reply
<abu[m]> Pong :)
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ello has joined #picolisp
<DKordic> Hi ello
* ello waves hello
<ello> If you don’t mind, I plan on just lurking for a while 😊
<abu[m]> Surely we don't mind ☺