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<aw-> pablo_escoberg: replacing substrings with chop/pack/split is precisely why you're coding in Lisp and not Perl
<aw-> combining functions to obtain the exact data/results you want, that's the heart of every lisp language. much less tedious than writing an obscure regex that you'll NEVER figure out a couple years later when you re-visit your code
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<pablo_escoberg> OK, cool.  I'll play with it and see what I come up with.  Thanks for the guidance
<pablo_escoberg> (so far, I'm finding this a lot more verbose than regexps, but I'll reserve judgement on later readability.  I've spent many hours wrangling regexps and can read them like a second language, so I'm biased and will take the time to try to become unbiased.  If I still hate it (and, ceteris paribus, I strongly favor conciseness so I may) I'll find a
<pablo_escoberg> different solution)
<abu[m]> skyjuice: I'm not sure what you mean. ":map" sets the global 'vip~*KeyMap' which will then fire when the defined keys are typed
<abu[m]> pablo_escoberg: As aw- says, regexes are not used in Pil. There is a rosetta task though with an example using a C-lib
<abu[m]> Can you give an example of what you want to do?
<pablo_escoberg> Sure.  And I think I found an alternative way of doing it.
<abu[m]> great!
<pablo_escoberg> Yeah, let me make sure, but I think I won't need it.  Great to know they're there if I need them, though, even if it means resorting to a C lib.
<abu[m]> Good. And, as ever, don't abstract or optimize prematurely! You tend to look for solutions before there is even a problem ;)
<pablo_escoberg> LOL.  If I had a nickel for every time somebody told me that (the abstraction part, never optimization).... well, actually, I have many nickels for every time somebody told me that, thankfully :).  IAC, looks like I can build what I need using "fill", so yay!
<abu[m]> ☺
<abu[m]> Sometimes I have the same problem. Building abstractions is fun!
<abu[m]> But it should not be too early
<pablo_escoberg> Well, of course it shouldn't be too early.  That's what "too early" means :D
<abu[m]> The problem is to know when it is too early. Sometimes it may be too late.
<pablo_escoberg> exactly!  To me, that's what technical debt comes down to:  fear of abstraction, but that's just me.
<pablo_escoberg> And relatedly, poor naming policies.  That's another killer.
<abu[m]> Right. Once a name is established, it is difficult to get rid of it
<pablo_escoberg> Yes, and names and abstractions guide each other, at least the way I think of it ("what is this thing?  Aha!  Ok, I'll call it that and abstract it away").
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<aw-> abu[m]: hi
<aw-> perhaps a stupid question, but i have PilBox 18.2.10 on my phone, should I update to the latest? am i missing much?
<abu[m]> Better to update. PilBox changed a lot (last release was today)
<abu[m]> Did you disable automatic updates from PlayStore? (or direct APK install?)
<abu[m]> In any case, there are lots of fixes:
<abu[m]> oh, the ChangeLog is a little outdated - uploaded now
<aw-> i install the APK directly since i'm on lineageos
<abu[m]> Very good
<aw-> wow i'm very many releases behind
<aw-> you changed it to GPL ?
<abu[m]> Hmm, looks like
<abu[m]> In fact, I don't remember the reason. Perhaps because of related/depending libraries.
<abu[m]> It was 20.12.14
<aw-> oh yeah it's nice
<abu[m]> Perhaps the most powerful change during the last years was 21.8.11 Pseudo TTY interface
<aw-> good idea to update
<aw-> thanks!
<aw-> yeah i just tried ! ls
<abu[m]> The change from today "Remove QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission" was necessary because Google refused to accept it
<abu[m]> It is a permanent nightmare
<aw-> :\
<abu[m]> Android security restrictions get sharper all the time
<abu[m]> But the above permission is indeed not needed
<abu[m]> I used it in 'zxing?' to query the existence of a QR-Code-Scanner
<abu[m]> And 'zxing?' is also not necessary, as it is done implicitly when trying to access a scanner
<abu[m]> In the next version 'zxing?' is gone in Pil too
<aw-> no idea what that is
<abu[m]> It is "Zebra Crossing" aka of Google standard for QR Code readers
<abu[m]> A PilBox app can simply call (scanQR)
<abu[m]> : (pp 'scanQR)
<abu[m]> Works very well, I need that in several apps
<aw-> oh i see
<aw-> how can i get the version that includes it?
<abu[m]> But scanQR had been there all the time. An example use is in "".
<abu[m]> demo changed too today. Removed the deprecated (zxing?) call
<aw-> oh i see
<abu[m]> I *really* would like to put PilBox (and also PentiKeyboard) to F-Droid. But I don't understand how to do it.
<abu[m]> Mia is bette with such things, but she failed too
<abu[m]> *better
<abu[m]> We asked F-Droid for support, but no answer
<skyjuice> <abu[m]> "skyjuice: I'm not sure what..." <- Never mind, I just realized "SPC" is already in use as the de facto command window prefix key so my desired "SPC + x" remaps wouldn't work
<abu[m]> Yeah, space is the same as colon, putting focus into the command window
<abu[m]> (easier to type than colon, especially on Penti)
<abu[m]> Which key -> command would you need most?
<skyjuice> <abu[m]> "Which key -> command would you..." <- :w write file to buffer
<skyjuice> *write buffer to file
<abu[m]> How about using a function key?
<skyjuice> sure, that would work
<abu[m]> If I recorded it correctly, the keys which are still free in Vip are:
<abu[m]> ( ) @ F H L T U V Y ^G ^H ^K ^L ^N ^O ^P ^U ^V ^Y [ ] ^ _
<abu[m]> So you could map one of these
<abu[m]> I usually use @ when I need a quick mapping
<abu[m]> And, in Penti, you have of course also all the Alt-Keys
<abu[m]> ĥíñĉ§ etc.
<abu[m]> Not only in Vip. In bash for example I use ± to clear the history
<abu[m]> You probably know that in Penti you can redefine all Alt-Keys with Func-D
<skyjuice> thx, are there sample viprc's documented anywhere?
<abu[m]> Yes, in the Pil distro in @doc/viprc.sample
<skyjuice> <abu[m]> "I *really* would like to put..." <- Have you looked into Izzyondroid (fdroid style repo & client), I've heard its easier than fdroid WRT to publishing apps.
<abu[m]> Cool! Did not know. I will investigate that, thanks!
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<pablo_escoberg> Another newbie question:  What is the difference between (get This 'x) and (: 'x)?  I expected them to be identical, but it seems there are times when the former works and the latter doesn't and I can't figure out what the commonality is.
<abu[m]> Note that (: 'x) is wrong. ':' does not evaluate the arguments
<abu[m]> Otherwise they are equivalent
<pablo_escoberg> right, should have said (: x).  Still getting used to it.
<pablo_escoberg> ah, ok, guess that's probably what happened.  TY.
<abu[m]> Then it should give the same result as (get This 'x)
<abu[m]> good :)
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<pablo_escoberg> So I'm calling the following:  (call (fill '(echo " \"" .output " " @from_proc "^" " " @to_proc "\"" "|" sqlite3 &))) and getting a "Can't exec" error.  I've cut and pasted the filled command into the command line and it works, so I assume it's complaining about spaces in the list to be called.  Is there an easy workaround?
<pablo_escoberg> NVM, I think I can figure it out.  If not, I'll ask again.  TY anyway.
<abu[m]> ok :)
<abu[m]> Hint: (call "echo" "arg1" "arg2")
<abu[m]> NOT a list
<pablo_escoberg> yup, got that part.  Now I am stuck again.  (call 'echo "\".output" "/home/evronm/.pil/tmp/176225/out59283052116470" "^" "/home/evronm/.pil/tmp/176225/in59283052116470" "\"" "|" 'sqlite3 '&) .  For some reason, "echo" does not go through.
<pablo_escoberg> It's like the thing is determined to prevent me from sending a command with arguments...
<abu[m]> Think about what the args to "echo" are supposed to be. What is "\".output" "/... ?
<abu[m]> Why not simply (call "echo" ".output" ... ?
<abu[m]> I mean, why the double quotes as part of the argument?
<abu[m]> And: You can't pass "&" to echo
<abu[m]> "&" is SHELL syntax
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<abu[m]> Same with "|" etc.
<pablo_escoberg71> These are commands to be piped to sqlite3
<abu[m]> Perhaps you want (call "sh" "-c" "foo | blub &") or so?
<pablo_escoberg71> thing is, if I replace "call" with "pack" and copy/paste, it works.
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<abu[m]> You will find it out :)
<pablo_escoberg71> oh, wait, it doesn't!  It did...
<pablo_escoberg71> OK, I'll keep playing, and try the shell -c thing
<abu[m]> How would you do that on a shell command line?
<abu[m]> Then just do the same in pil ;)
<pablo_escoberg71> thing is, it stips off the first command.  I can't figure out why.
<abu[m]> How would a call in a shell look like?
<pablo_escoberg71> echo ".output /home/evronm/.pil/tmp/176077/out58681491381750
<pablo_escoberg71> .read /home/evronm/.pil/tmp/176077/in58681491381750 " | sqlite3 &
<pablo_escoberg71> so there needs to be a newline, and I'm using "\n",  I tried "^J" with the same result.
<abu[m]> So (out '("sqlite3") (prinl ".output /home/ ..."))
<abu[m]> with the string arg to 'prinl' being the sql command
<pablo_escoberg71> hmmm...  ok, I'll work on that.  TY
<pablo_escoberg71> Can you explain real quick why the echo gets stripped off, though?  I'm quite curious.
<abu[m]> (out '("sqlite3") (prinl ".output" " " (tmp ...) " " (tmp ...]
<abu[m]> What do you mean with stripped off?
<pablo_escoberg71> so when I do (call 'echo "\".output" "/home/evronm/.pil/tmp/176225/out59283052116470" "^" "/home/evronm/.pil/tmp/176225/in59283052116470" "\"" "|" 'sqlite3 '&) the "echo" does not appear in the output.
<pablo_escoberg71> I guess a different way of asking the question:  why doesn't the above work as well?
<pablo_escoberg71> I'll do it the other way, but I'd like to know why this doesn't work if possible.
<abu[m]> I don't know what you expect. But echo echoes and is of course not echoed by itself
<abu[m]> echo ".output ..." | sqlite3
<abu[m]> right?
<abu[m]> So "echo" is not sent to the pipe
<abu[m]> and in pil the same is (out '("sqlite2") (prinl ".output ..."))
<pablo_escoberg71> Right, but neither is anything else...
<abu[m]> Sorry, I give up
<pablo_escoberg71> OK, cool.  I'll just do it the other way and see if I can figure this out in the process.
<pablo_escoberg71> Thanks for all the help.
<abu[m]> Seems I was not helpful
<abu[m]> Let's talk next time. Good night :)
<pablo_escoberg71> You certainly were.  I still don't understand this one thing.  But at least I have a workaround, and said workaround may help me figure out the thing I don't understand.
<pablo_escoberg71> Good night!
<abu[m]> ☺/