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<pablo_escoberg> Skyjuice: If the above doesn't work, try ctrl-shift-delete.  Works in every graphical browser I know of.  Uncheck everything but "cache" and delete everything.
<pablo_escoberg> Abu:  It seems I can't access my Matrix account until I get back home on Saturday, so I'll be checking in here.
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<skyjuice> @abu[7] Is it possible to call these hard reload commands with penti? I've tried both suggestions but no joy.
<abu[7]> skyjuice: It works here on Firefox. You'll remember the Penti->xdotool I gave you. There e have a line:
<abu[7]> ("r" (xkey "ctrl+shift+R")) # Reload
<abu[7]> So Ctrl-K plus R causes a reload including a cache clear
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<tankf33der> hi all
<tankf33der> abu[7]
<tankf33der> i have symbols from grid from @lib/simul.l
<tankf33der> question: how is correctly destroy symbols a1,a2,a3 and so on from grid to create another grid ?
<tankf33der> is this concept is correct?
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<tankf33der> maybe just wipe is ok :/
<abu[7]> Later, I'm on a bicycle
<tankf33der> no hurry
<abu[7]> Now in a Cafe ;)
<abu[7]> The right symbols call is (symbols 'simul 'pico)
<abu[7]> To unintern the symbols, just 'zap' is enough
<abu[7]> Another way would be to use separate namespaces
<abu[7]> (symbols 'x 'simul 'pico) (grid ...)
<abu[7]> (symbols 'y 'simul 'pico) (grid ...)
<abu[7]> 'wipe' is not useful here, as it clears val and properties, but not the interned state
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<tankf33der> Artice in wiki tells (symbols ‘pico ‘simul) is ok call
<tankf33der> I will change
<tankf33der> call order
<abu[7]> Great, thanks!
<abu[7]> Yes, the optimal namespace policy was not clear initially
<tankf33der> I am implementing hard task on grids — A* algorithm
<abu[7]> Interesting
<abu[7]> Sorry, we must drive on :)
<abu[7]> bbl
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<skyjuice> <abu[7]> "The rest like numbers, lists, I..." <- Sorry, I don't recall.
<skyjuice> <abu[7]> "("r" (xkey "ctrl+shift+R..." <- Is this keybinding set out of the box?
<skyjuice> If so how are you executing it in the browser? I've tried tapping the url bar to initiate Penti followed by CTRL + SHIFT + R
<skyjuice> I end up with "R" being input in the url bar but no reload
<abu[7]> Yes, "ctrl+shift+R" seems standard Firefox
<abu[7]> The xdotools prefix is Ctrl-K
<abu[7]> So ^K and r do the job
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<skyjuice> I tried ^K + r" in a few different browsers including firefox. No page reload in any of them.
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