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<tankf33der> morning all
<tankf33der> garbage appears if function expects a struct, not pointer to struct in argument.
<tankf33der> is it possible to pass a struct? not a pointer to it
<abu[7]> Morning tankf33der!
<abu[7]> I see, did not notice that the function needs a structure, not a pointer!
<abu[7]> This is indeed not possible in pil native. We had this discussion here iirc, with hunar
<tankf33der> Then i will skipp this function, thanks a lot.
<abu[7]> Passing a struct in C means to copy it in total on the stack
<abu[7]> You could write a C glue function
<tankf33der> O
<tankf33der> how it will look like?
<abu[7]> int myMono(crypto_argon2_config *config) {return mono(crypto_argon2_config config);}
<tankf33der> this way, ok.
<abu[7]> Disadvantage is that it needs a separate C lib, not just direct native calls
<tankf33der> So i will have around
<abu[7]> yeah
<abu[7]> not so nice
<tankf33der> Thanks a lot, i will play
<abu[7]> I wonder why some APIs do that, passing structs as a copy on tne stack
<abu[7]> It is very inefficient
<abu[7]> Standard POSIX libs never do that, AFAIK
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<abu[7]> Oops, my glue function above was wrong
<abu[7]> int myMono(crypto_argon2_config *config) {return mono(crypto_argon2_config *config);}
<abu[7]> you probably noticed
<tankf33der> my glue function:
<abu[7]> No need to copy. This would copy twice
<tankf33der> ok
<abu[7]> The problem *is* already that passing structs by value copies them on the stack
<abu[7]> ... *config);} dereferences the pointer, so I think this would work
<tankf33der> much better, thanks a lot.
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<aw-> rick49: ;)
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<tankf33der> I have successfully binded several functions from monocypher library.
<tankf33der> abu[7]: thanks for support, i learnt new things.
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<abu[7]> Great tankf33der!
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