tankf33der: how do you determine it's leaking?
You should run two files exactly as paste shows
Load the file in the loop,
If run malloc without load it does not leak
yeah, so each (load) creates a new symbol?
right, size increases
A 'load' without malloc/free does net increase
The 'let' can be omitted:
(%@ "free" NIL (%@ "malloc" 'P 224))
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Interesting, the 'malloc'ed size does not matter. So free() itself works.
Without free it would increase faster, much faster
try (buf …
and try (%@ “strdup” …
buf does not malloc anything
it reserves stack space
It is also not open+close of files, because if instead of (do 99999 (load "mem.l")) I do (do 99999 (in "mem.l" (eval (read)))) it does *not* increase
"mem.l" is a single line (%@ "free" NIL (%@ "malloc" 'P 99))
This makes absolutely no sense to me
How can we find out *which* part of the memory gets bigger?
Ha! It is free() alone too!
Just (%@ "free" NIL 0) already increases
but it increases not so much as with malloc
Is it the native call?
(%@ "getenv" 'S "TERM") also increases
any native call
e.g. (%@ "addu" T '(T . 3) '(T . 4)) -> 7
Oh, I think I know
It must be the library which gets opened repeatedly
Yes! It is the lib!
Change the file to (native *Lib "getenv" 'S "TERM")
and then
: (setq *Lib "@")
(do 99999 (load "mem.l"))
No more increase!
(native *Lib ... re-uses the same transient symbol "@" (which holds the library handle after the first call)
If "@" is used *inside* the file, it is a new transient symbol each time, and so the library gets loaded into memory each time
'load' keeps transient symbols private
But I don't understand why this is also for '%@' ...
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but if its transient symbols, so additional pil-managed-memory usage... then a (gc) should clean it, no?
No, this is not the probleon
Not Lisp heap
The library get loaded each time
But there is still something I don't understand
ah.. kinda loading the shared library for each call into memory
Investigating ...
see ya :)
I'm outside in the rain ;)
Can't type on a wet Penti
Anyway I'm wrong. (%@ "getenv" 'S "TERM") does not specify the lib as a transient, and there is even no lib loading involved because it uses the binary itself, which is already loaded.
Must think more (still walking)
Now I found the true reason
It is not the library, but the ffi structure allocated in the value of the transient symbol
In (%@ "getenv" 'S "TERM") it is "getenv"
It holds a pointer to the prepared C call
Prepare is quite expensive, so the pointer is cached
so (native) itself is causing the leaking, though it might be different depending on what gets allocated?
The alloced size is always the same, one per function
ffi *ffiPrep(char *lib, char *fun, ... in @src/lib.c
OK, the size differs for each function, depending on its arguments
This is done once for each function
eg. "getenv"
Then the symbol "getenv" stores this pointer in its value, and native directly uses it on all following calls
But in 'load' transients are locally scoped
so we get a new one each time
The scoping is needed here for native calls
becaus "getenv" might also be in another library and gets a different structure
So there is not really a solution
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Whe idea with native calls was that they reside in lib files which are loaded just once and then called
this is ok. as is.
One could free it manually, but that's ugly
Should be a warning in the docs
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I'm having a rather funny time trying to figure out how to get a transient symbol containing a single backslash followed by a single quote. which is to say, I need a function that returns "\'" (I'm doing sql sanitization). It's really the single backslash that's giving me agida. How do you do this in picolisp?
Like in most languages like C
The backslash is a markup (also the double quote) in a string, so it must itself be escaped
The caret ^ is also a markup
for Control chars
I think this is all described in @doc/ref.html
ah, ok. I was confused by the way it was displaying. My initial instinct on how to do this was correct, but I kept seeing what looked wrong. TY.
Yeah, read and print are symmetrical in PicoLisp
"\\" is a single char, and it prigts as "\\"
: (char 92) -> "\\"
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oh, ok, that explains it better as well.
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