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<tankf33der> Hi all
<tankf33der> abu[7]
<tankf33der> Is script up to date on wiki?
<abu[7]> No, but the current version is
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<tankf33der> Ok
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<pablo_escoberg> I find myself doing (split (chop foo) " ") a lot, so I created a method, sc, that combines the two.  It's totally trivial but will save me a ton of headaches.  Should something like that be in the standard distro, or am I the only one that ends up doing this a lot?
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<aw-> pablo_escoberg: not really, in the lisp world those are called 'utility' functions, best kept outside the main distribution because they're very specific to each person. You can create something like utils.l and just add (load "utils.l") in your projects
<aw-> i have a whole bunch which I also load in all/most of my projects, it's much better to keep the actual language small and let people build their own utils/helpers/DSLs to suit their needs
<aw-> and for the record, i have one similar to your 'sc', but mine looks like this:
<aw-> (de tc-split-value (Value Separator)
<aw-> (mapcar pack
<aw-> (split (chop Value) Separator) ) )