yah it may be bar(), then just a plain foo pointer?
it just feels wrong though
> The left operand of a comma operator is evaluated as a void expression; there is a
sequence point after its evaluation.
clang takes it but warns that the left side of the comma operator has no effect
the syntax for the comma operator says it's expression, assignment-expression
i guess that makes sense. (x, y, z) -> z from an expression point of view
yeah I learned about this by looking at a macro in OpenSSL and going "WTF" for a full 5 minutes
so (x, y, z) is, z(); x; y;
or something
it's like if you don't explicitly prevent something from being valid, it'll be abused in the most creative way possible
assignment-expression is defined as: conditional-expression, or unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression. okay, didn't know about the first one
i'll have to riddle roland at work tomorrow and see if he gets it on the first time
he knows a lot of eccentric stuff in the language
and conditional-expression is literally just a daisy chain of definitions for OR and AND expressions
so they've somehow defined the comma operator to be basically everything by passing the buck along to another expression type
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but yeah, (foo, bar()) seems right
which of course actually does also work
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and i feel like the way expressions are daisy-chain defined in C is kind of an abuse of ebnf
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just my opinion though
expression ought to be defined top down heirarchically
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eh, it makes sense. (foo, bar, baz) it gets a pointer, the end result is baz in this case, then baz() is invoked. x = ( foo(), bar(), baz() ); x = ( foo, bar, baz )(); by making foo()/bar()/baz() output you can see the former calls them just fine, return value is of baz(), while the latter only calls baz()
(foo, bar, baz)() of course. it just does the left () first
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if , were the composition operator it'd look kinda mathy
(f * g)(x) == f(g(x))
not that I want my C to try to look like math
i have seen some compiler be picky about *fp fp() (*fp)() whatever but do not recall
had to fix code or make an ifdef
yeah you're right. i basically never use comma operators so i always have to look it up every time
don't listen to me, just i think that is what is going on........
"you only *think* you know" i only *think* i know
but anyway about the short identifiers bit
that's 5 chars
> <kof673> did they purposely use short names to be cute, or was there a real reason? i don't know
i'm not defending it lol
> The implementation
may further restrict the sipniticance
of an
and uppercase letters are different.
euernal name (an identifier ,that has external linkape) to six characters and may ignore
These limitations
on identifiers
are all
of alphabetical
case for such names.”
ok didn't mean to paste all those \ns
that's even worse lol
the limit says 6! 6! and creat uses 5 only
I believe one of dennis ritche's famous last words before he died were "I regret not spelling creat with an e". Literally
i got the 8 and 7 from filenames then...there was some filesystem that was 7.3 i believe
not c-related
probably not a real concern for that, just cat everything into one giant file or whatever and name it x.c
woah, my pdf reader really butchered that line of text
sip niti cance
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but anyway, kof, look at UNIX System III, src/uts/pdp11/os/main.c - it has identifiers like "firstaddr" (9 chars) so clearly they can make names legible if they want to (and there's no external linkage requirement)
gimme a link :D i think local vars, structure names, limit is much longer........it is global variables, function names, the limit IIRC
or, it is really a linker somewhere why the limit was made maybe..........
i was thinking there was some sort of issue/etc with 12 and 18 bit machines that were using 6 bit alphanumerics, and the desire to fit them in a word
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that would make sense too........except how much C ran there?
i know pdp-8 had 12 bit numbers so it tries to generally fit two per, though unix never ran there
but i think pdp7 or so was one of the first, and it may have been an 18 bit machine
in that case two words gets you 6 characters
if using upper case only, etc
maybe not a C thing but may have affected the design of B and then held over
or something like 5 chars and a null (creat, open, close, etc) would fit in 2 words
you have to talk to DMR himself before using the --o flag for ld
i do 7 or 8 sometimes, but .....probably only thing i will ever actually meet is whatever the pdp10 gcc toolchain uses to assemble on the tops-20 side............or there is emulator for multics now, but not exactly high priority........
unix version 1 has identifiers longer than 8 definitely
unfortunately it doesn't look like the source for v1's ld is available
i am speculating, i mean not sure i can even get my hands on a toolchain where that is an issue.....
it would be interesting to see where that comes from
AFAI am concerned, it is just getting enough to write a virtual machine/scripting language/etc. and that it does not matter
*and then it does not matter. but a place like that, how much ram do you even have?
interesting to note that C99 removes the specific verbiage specifying limitations on identifier lengths
just deferring to "some implementations may be more restrictive"
the 6 character limit is only a C90 thing, something i'd interpret as a lower bound in any implementation.
oh actually im wrong, they just redirect you to in C99, the 6 char hard lower bound is still there. interestingly though, it says this: "each universal character name specifying a short identifier of 0000FFFF or less is considered 6 characters" note that 0xFFFF is 0177777
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