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<heat> geist: observability fans rejoice!!
<heat> the virt and res numbers look wrong lol, i'll need to take a look at that
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<zid> I managed to make qemu print
<zid> usb_set_addr dev 100
<zid> usb_set_addr dev 101
<zid> usb_set_addr dev 102
<zid> That is good progress lol
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<geist> heat: omg grats. see how it feels a lot more real right?
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<zid> Ban Hillf Danton from Linux kernel mailing lists for a period of 3 months.
<zid> how do they enforce that, make vger drop it?
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<zid> morning gedder mo
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<GeDaMo> zidly :|
<zid> not happy about it being morning?
<GeDaMo> It's raining
<GeDaMo> Also, it got colder again
<zid> Well you could always die in your sleep
<zid> you're old enough
<zid> we won't hold it against you
<GeDaMo> Well, that's always the dream :P
<zid> fingers crossed!
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<heat> zid: yep, they're making vget drop it and (as far as i've heard) hve been doing so since the original drama
<heat> geist: haha yes
<heat> i also took a look at htop and it seems quite feasible to have it
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<zid> you were supposed to grats me for getting qemu to say usb_set addr
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<heat> grats you for getting qemu to say usb_set_addr
<heat> i never got to that part
<zid> usb proto is being weird on me
<zid> it doesn't help that the docs aren't from like, anybody useful's perspective
<zid> it's very compartmentalized
<zid> ehci docs different to usb docs different to hcd docs diffe..
<zid> so the hardest part is actually figuring out why the fuck any of it exists
<heat> design by committee
<zid> "This control the toggle bit in the qTD descriptor" great, now why do I care?
<zid> oh, in 4 pdfs over, there's a one liner in a 1000 page document that says toggle has to change between data packets
<zid> but then you're like, what counts as a data packet?
<zid> does an empty OUT packet count? etc
<zid> so yea, the entire experience is like that
<zid> I ended up mostly just reading the qemu source
<zid> also my code is a literal list of mmio writes and structure fills so far, might need to write a function or two :p
<heat> you should read linux so you get equally confused but in C
<zid> ?
<zid> qemu is in C
<zid> for now
<heat> >you should read linux
<zid> (I also found several bugs in qemu)
<heat> did you get this part of the message?
<zid> BUT
<zid> did you type this part of the message?
<heat> no i didn't, heat replaced me with an LLM
<gorgonical> but like, llms are just tumblers that turn all the stuff everyone previously typed into new stuff
<zid> I don't get why I have to attach the buffer to the 'wrong' packet to make this work, anyway, but I'm over caring
<nikolar> who's dropping what
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<zid> I'm dropping ur baby on its head
<nikolar> got to have a baby for that
<heat> zid does it every friday afternoon btw
<zid> I keep impregnating him but it isn't helping :(
<heat> it's a good hobby
<heat> cursed.jpeg
<the_oz> it's thursday
<nikolar> what did Hillf Danton do
<zid> was being eastern european
<heat> i think he's chinese
<gorgonical> this chat right now looks like when an llm loses the plot while generating an answer
<nikolar> he was mentioned earlier without any context
<nikolar> so i am asking what that was about
<zid> It's a long running thread
<zid> I think maybe heat brought it up like a month ago, but the thread just got a few bumps
<nikolar> what about
<zid> It's hard to say
<bslsk05> ​lore.kernel.org: Re: [RFC PATCH v12 00/26] LUF(Lazy Unmap Flush) reducing tlb numbers over 90% - Hillf Danton
<zid> it was all garbled, but I think he meant like, is your family exclusively rape babies
<zid> sounded like a very eastern european insult
<zid> in bad english
<nikolar> as an easter european, that's not what eastern european insults sound like
<zid> My favourite is that "No shit" in polish is "There's trouble in the gypsie village"
<gorgonical> what on earth does his reply there even mean
<heat> haha
<nikolar> good question gorgonical
<gorgonical> i have no idea what point he's trying to make with this question
<heat> no one knows
<zid> I think he's just too shit at english to express his insult properly
<heat> but sina.com is a chinese company
<heat> so i assume he's chinese (though his name doesn't quite sound chinese)
<zid> It's not even like, a made up chinese name
<zid> so he's defo cis
<gorgonical> His name sounds like gibberish. Hillf?
<zid> Chinese people are called CHARLES Jiangshouwubaxi
<gorgonical> I saw a meme video once where a woman said, in English, that her name was Box
<zid> It was actually Bochs
<zid> she's named for the emulator
<gorgonical> she's just deep in the os sauce
<zid> My favourite was "ab'cedi'"
<zid> spelled
<zid> ABCD
<zid> because some parents, it turns out, are absolutely insane
<gorgonical> Countries where you in fact cannot just name your child anything are doing the right thing, imo
<heat> that's the case in portugal except if you're in any way shape or form foreign or have foreign citizenship
<heat> in which case, name away
<zid> yea I think we should apply the one drop rule
<zid> if you have one DROP of goose DNA
<zid> you need a porto name
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<zid> Did you see the green flames from the manhole yet
<GeDaMo> Yes
<zid> GeDaMo is internetting correctly
<gorgonical> I saw the headline but haven't seen the video yet
<gorgonical> the flames are so intense the manhole cover is dancing, jesus
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<nikolar> green, copper?
<gorgonical> it would have to be a lot of copper salts of something to produce that much green
<GeDaMo> Electrical cabling perhaps
<nikolar> possibly
<zid> someone suggested ammonia also
<gorgonical> But I don't think it's metallic copper becuase it would be much hotter
<gorgonical> and thermite-type reactions that burn metal don't usually produce so much flame like that
<zid> you'd struggle to get copper flames like that, gas makes more sense
<GeDaMo> Could be a combo, presumably those tunnels could carry gas and electrics
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<zid> Souls of the damned + copper then
<the_oz> what does methane burn as?
<the_oz> blue
<the_oz> primarily
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<the_oz> >campus
<the_oz> >near a lab?
<the_oz> >flush excess barium?
<Mutabah> Copper probably
<zid> copper gas common round your way?
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<Mutabah> Gas burning next to copper, colouring the flames green
<Mutabah> gas leaking over electrical lines
<zid> Not sure that's how flames work
<the_oz> copper piping?
<the_oz> >secret DUMBase has been diosinfected
<nikolar> methane burns invisibly primarly
<the_oz> oh is it additives that make it burn blue?
<zid> that's because
<zid> I meant fucking ammonia, did I really say methane
<the_oz> I questioned what methane burns as
<the_oz> because I was just wondering
<the_oz> because sewer gas is likely to accumulate methane
<nikolar> You did say ammonia
<zid> oh phew
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