cs being 0x800 shouldn't matter, I never use cs until I reload it
to the gdt I stole via copypaste
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i would load 0 into all segment registers to eliminate all sorts of segment-related confusion
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was getting crazy issues earlier like the garbage code that sometimes runs because eip was being naughty (still don't know why that was happening) overwriting 0x8000 between AP bringups etc
so.. mov es, ax
(including cs)
writing to cs is what jmp 8: does
how do I write to it otherwise
well im saying you should longjmp before the lgdt
for no particular reason other than to get rid of segmentation awfulness
rafb.ath.cx: Pasted code - No description
works fine unless I remove 8022
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oh I pasted it bad cus reloadcs
8007: ea 0c 80 00 00 ljmp $0x0,$0x800c
oh wait im stupid, the lgdt works
yea it's in the qemu logs
as 8022
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ok so the ljmp is fucking up? or is it anything after it?
who knows
I get 0x6 spam if I put the jmp . in the pmode:
so it's already gone to the moon
you need to toggle bit 0 in cr0
that would
yea now it works
8033: eb fc jmp 8031 <pmode>
ty Mutabah for 'cs is set you idiot', then heat for reminding me I never actually got far enough to think about the code properly csu I was TOO DISTRACTED BY FUCKY TOOLS
now I just need to remember how to turn on EFER LM and crap, can steal that from long.asm in boros though :P
all of this early code is so fucky, good luck
Yeah, x86 AP setup is jank
if only someone documented step by step what you need to do
so you don't need to care that it's jank :)
what you need to do depends on what you're doing
or how you're doing it
what you're doing: onlining the cpus
I mean, the docs weren't terrible in the end
i need to grab the load bias in case it exists, the thread stack (in two halves!) both inline in the middle of the stub, switch segments, switch to protected mode, jump to a proper physical address in my kernel (this Just Works because my kernel is always loaded under 4G even with KASLR), fetch one of the 2 page tables in the process (to bootstrap myself, can't really grab the proper one), enable paging (with LA57 if needed), enable long mode, switch
GDT AGAIN, jump to a 64-bit code segment, then switch GDTs AGAIN!!, jump to higher half, load paging structures AGAIN, load an idt, switch stacks, handle GS_BASE, more early ass init
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and then the rest is completely kernel specific in C while stepping on eggshells
like half-initialized structures per-cpu data and all that lovely stuff
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I might jmp to real kernel code
so that I can use C to do asm("mov rsp, $0")
cus I don't fancy navigating externs from asm :P
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test onyx operating system!!
you do it, it has an encrypted keyboard for me
i've been tracking down weird problems with irssi (that were bottoming out in glib)
finally seems to be fixed
some openssl configuration issues + a tcp stack bug
+ terrible error reporting
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oh yay
grats heat
yeah that's what i get when i rebuild random packages, poorly
also found a fun issue: int3 was generating a SIGSEGV. turns out i didn't have the proper flag/CPL thing set in the IDT for int3
i also tried to use the DEBUGCTL msr, seems like it's not implemented in VMs though (or at least PEBKAC)
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Something very cyberpunk about it to me
it's both cyberpunk and high fantasy if you ask me
Still holding on to Shilling Monero
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haha rest assured the fuchsia hn article is now a shitshow
what this time?
even this morning there was bickering about whether fuchsia was secretly meant to replace linux and/or android
yep pretty much
with both sides claiming to be from inside google and to know the real truth
i didn't see anyone claiming to be "inside google" and saying it is false
I at least saw someone saying they "knew several people from google" who said the goal was replacement
i see people with anon nicks saying they were googlers and it is true, and people with non-anon nicks not saying shit because that's obviously legally problematic
And at least one person who said they worked on it
yes you are right as the text says it
and honestly fuchsia intending to replace linux and/or android was pretty clear from the start
it comes largely from the anti-GPL crowd
i am pretty sure they were quite open about it in the begging
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i dont think they were ever open, at least i dont remember it
it was always a mysterious "ooooh no one knows what this generalist new operating system that's completely the opposite of linux kernel-wise will ever be"
the good news is that GPL STRONK and will always be stronk
the way to avoid co-opting from big companies is to never write any useful software
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google insider whistleblowers are not talking about their R&D arm
>we use too much C++, "It was made to replace!" like Golang! >we use too much C++ and golang
I mean...
firstly it even would be a technical feat in the first place
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zid: guess what
seems like he's not guessing
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well, GPL assumes there are laws/courts/etc. to each their own :D
i am not against it, just don't think those things exist
i'm not against santa claus either, this is a horrible misunderstanding
you don't think laws and courts exist?
one must LARP in order to partake of fruits therefrom!
quick someone make an scp about courts and laws
it's already a conspiracy, first about postmaster sailing vessels birthing from native waters to the current form free man on the land with babblespeak confusion commie fucked up-ness (on purpose)
strangely enough, this SCP is not about Ohio
> commies
Montana doesn't exist
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Yes it's a genesis from German international commies to twist language itself
not at this time, no. AT LAW. This phrase is used to point out that a thing is to be done according to the course of the common law; it is distinguished from a proceeding in equity.
back on topic
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KERMITE is better
dividing things into pro/anti is only sensical if there are only 2 choices, which is not the case: public domain, bsd, gpl-style, non-commercial only, commercial only, etc.
non-commercial stuff is fine with me
something gpl-like non-commercial i would like
and as i've said before, gpl allows an "individual" to be a group, this i would not favor
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with those 2 things fixed, i would be "pro"
no rust
same thing, what are the hw requirements to bootstrap rust? i am not against, just too rich for my blood :D
no rust
fight fight fight (c) MAGA =)
basically, give me a non-corporate gpl, and individuals can trade or whatever :D
that's not KERNAL
*actual individuals, not groups
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A change in setup code makes the core interpreter loop way faster even though it should have no effect
God I hate branch alignment
it shouldn't matter?
what cpu do you have
I'm pretty sure it has to be branch alignment
I've seen and heard about such weirdness before
it should definitely matter
Actually, my setup code comes after the interpreter core loop in the same section
So I don't think it has anything to do with alignment either
It could maybe be because of an extra GC collection, but I don't think a single collection should save a whopping 50ms
GC is called 597 times in the old version, 473 times in the new version
So definitely GC, but I fail to understand the difference
Any objects from the setup code should be gone after the first collection
branch alignment super matters
also tag collisions and shit can super matter
nikolar: guess what -> You finally invaded albania?
> A side effect of having no speculative execution is invulnerability against Meltdown and Spectre.
Kek let's switch to atoma
all i know is that we're all running slightly newer pentium 6's since
<heat> puck, bslsk is no longer with us <- o7
netburst was P6-adjacement but I'm not sure they bothered to give netburst its own little P code?
thanks intel
I think they stopped with p codes thereabouts
wasn't netburst quite different from p6
like, trace cache and such
yea but it has all the same errata in the manuals
nortti: p codes don't mean anything
Like, intel manuals are "If you're on P6, do this instead"
which includes p4, not excludes it
The only thing it means is different number is a different CPU (probably)
Xeon gets its own blocks too
But it means the *original* xeon
before they made it a sky name
"Superpipelining, which increased from Pentium's 5-stage pipeline to 14 of the Pentium Pro and early model of the Pentium III (Coppermine), and eventually morphed into less than 10-stage pipeline of the Pentium M for embedded and mobile market due to energy inefficiency and higher voltage issues that encountered in the predecessor, and then again lengthening the 10- to 12-stage pipeline back to the Core 2
due to facing difficulty increasing clock speed while improving fabrication process can somehow negate some negative impact of higher power consumption on the deeper pipeline design."
yeah i'm still running a pentium 6 and a 1970's operating system with various 70's and 80's physical terminals being emulated
my chipset? PC-AT
You just have a shitload of extended memory
That's a name I haven't heard in a while
Main difference between now and the 70s is honestly just pci-e
and ddr1
"bus that doesn't suck" took surprisingly a long time?
looks like my eeepc's running a pentium m (i.e. the continuation of the p6 line) derived celeron
pci sucked so graphics cards made their own, different bus, agp, whcih also sucked <3
More like Intel made it
And tried using it
Only to fail at gpu
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo [...] model name: Pentium III (Coppermine) [...]
agp was significantly better than pci
for gpu
pci *sucked*
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But Intel was significantly bad at gpu
So they didn't get a chance to use it themselves kek
I should check what cpu was in that shitbook later
you should put secret OS on a usb and boot it
kof673: what system is that?
an old dell desktop
I will!
It's already on a USB
might wanna add a memset to mem_phys_alloc though
Kek we didn't?
no it's a todo
I forgor to bug you
mjg was going to have me test some code once, but vanished :D
I was waiting until we added the stdlib.c
i have since acquired 5 or so "thin clients" but they are p4 i think
We have memset though
I added it when I added stdlib.c
cus I knew todo was waiting for it
Guess we should properly carve out the lowmem from our allocator too
i thought that would be fun for akin to avoiding "bad areas" ^^^
i assume linux still supports that...
as in bad ram...........just avoid the known bad spots lol
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* geist
so sleepy
The gas canisters are working, 3 minutes until we raid the property
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geist was replaced by an exact replica
zid: how has the raid gone
We couldn't find anything worth taking, just half a ton of PDPs
presumably, with it being windows, that means if it wants to it can't
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heat: it has the ability to ctrl-z and put something in the background, etc
so i guess so, needs sigstop for that right?
you just need a shell withthat capability (tcsh vs csh or sh, for example)
it turns out unix traditionally handles signals much differently from linux
when you're using a single terminal over a serial port, ctrl-z and job control becomes far more useful and mandatory basically
especialyl when it takes some amount of time to start an editor or man something
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#defineSIGSTOP17/* sendable stop signal not from tty */
#defineSIGTSTP18/* stop signal from tty */
wrt stopping, basically there's this issig or issignal(nowadays, on the BSDs) and it not only handles "do we have a signal pending" but also dequeues and handles stopping and continuing
zid: oh duh youright
*you're right
which i do find really bizarre
heat: how does Linux do it differently
but i guess it's UNIX HERITAGE
linux just checks if a signal is pending and if so aborts the sleep and fully unwinds the stack
which leads to other problems when doing syscall restarting
nikolar: What's a good res that fits in 16MB/3
Erm good question
That's how much vram bochs vbe has
and I want triple buffering
720p is around 4M a framebuffer
hmm yea 1280x720x32bpp is 3686400
Yeah 720p
so I guess secret OS is 720p?
I guess
Perfect for the shittop though
shitbook doesn't have bochs vbe
it has INTEL GMA
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but designing around 720p means we won't have to change anything once we add a DRIVER though
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you know, one day i'll go on who wants to be a millionaire, and they'll ask me arcane UNIX implementation questions, and i'll win
You'll have to go on mastermind
and tell them your specialize subject is "unix, but pls don't be too obscure"
Yes because that's the kind of questions they ask
you'll misspell KERNAL and get penalized :(
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cus they'll ask you things like "For what feature did Bill Hinkies add demand paging for in 1972?"
it's the only way signal implementation details will ever be useful
rather than actual questions about code
heat hey those details will be useful for implementing signals too
heat can buy us all a copy with his SUSE money
no hablo ingles perdon
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helo I am brasil gib moni pls
or i report u
heat bot
report 4 bott
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found a new target :D > Note that the size of integral variables is different with c4x-gcc than with gcc for UNIX targets. Usually, the size of a char is 8 bits, short int 16 bits, int 16 or 32 (more often 32), long int 32 bits. The smallest amount of memory the C3x/C4x can handle is 32 bits, therefore all of the above types are 32 bits in size. This is the same as with the TI tools.
presumably the predecessor to SHARC?
those are nifty cpus, i like them
it is not that strange, just mainly, there is a simulator :D
super low interrupt latency, dedicated i/o core, configurations where multiple cores run in lockstep
and even if it lacks stdin/stdout (no libc that i see) ....i'm sure you can patch a memory hole or some such like bochs lol
all kinds of interesting configurations
and then a lot of boring ones too
you ever write anything for tandem NonStop?
i'm that that old j/k heard of it only...
mips based, multi-proc running in lockstep kinda thing going on
iirc the NYSE were running those for a long time
the whole high assurance computing market seems to have shifted to ibm mainframes
there are other ti dsps i believe are 16-bit (as smallest addressable unit at least)...just a q what has gcc/binutils support and a simulator in particular .......i assume ti sdks even if "free" are probably not on their website anymore, need to signup, etc.
and that might be a big "if"
from what i've read, it's really difficult to port stuff because it does wacky platform-specific things at the language level
dont know exactly what it was all about though
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16 bit dsps have to be really old, 32 bit dsps were around since late 80s at least
realistically, the q is how much ram does the simulator give you...
writing software for an obscure platform feels blah when you only have a simulator
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it's just adding extra rules or changing definitions on top of what you usually do
it only feels rewarding when you have the big hunk of metal next to you
dsps i think it is all asm for real work...c is not good in the first place...except as a "wrapper" around asm routines maybe
TI put a lot of effort into their C toolchain for their most recent DSPs. i was watching a presentation on it not too long ago
although im gonna be honest i tend to agree with you
i just don't see the point of C on dsps
i am just a lowly hobbyist, my understanding is they are for crunching data, not "general-purpose programs", audio, video, ......crypto maybe....
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