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<kof673> ring0, i used to have one of those, simulators exist though, and catalina (lcc-based) and gcc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax_Propeller The design philosophy of the Propeller is that a hard real-time multi-core architecture negates the need for dedicated interrupt hardware and support in assembly # Unlike a traditional multitasking single-processor interrupt architecture, the signal response timing remains predictable, and indeed using
<kof673> the term interrupt in this context can cause confusion, since this function can be more properly thought of as polling with a zero loop time
<kof673> > all of the Propeller 1 P8X32A hardware and tools as open-source hardware and software under the GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0. This included the Verilog code, top-level hardware description language (HDL) files,
<kof673> not sure what current state is, i believe formerly max configuration was 16M RAM, some of that might be rom though...
<kof673> that is not quite scheduling but, if you have 8 little cores, who needs interrupts lol
<kof673> not sure what current state is :D nor if the p2 hardware is 'open' or not > As of 2014, Parallax is building a new Propeller with cogs that each will run at about 200 MIPS, whereas the current Propeller's cogs each run at around 20 MIPS
<zid> heat_
<heat_> zid
<heat_> woah you translated boros to welsh?
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<mhsdeveloper> Hey!
<mhsdeveloper> The klange that set the topic on here is the same one who manages https://github.com/klange/ToaruOS, right?
<bslsk05> ​klange/toaruos - A completely-from-scratch hobby operating system: bootloader, kernel, drivers, C library, and userspace including a composited graphical UI, dynamic linker, syntax-highlighting text editor, network stack, etc. (505 forks/6269 stargazers/NCSA)
<mhsdeveloper> BTW, I _was_ jcoder but someone took it :-(
<heat_> yes
<mhsdeveloper> It looks pretty nice. I don't fully know how to get it running tho
<mhsdeveloper> I _have_ tried to run image.iso in QEMU, but my laptop is only 1366x768 and I can't run it. Plus, it freezes
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<mhsdeveloper> So, as my previous __konversation__ (get it, konversation is the KDE IRC client) with zid went, I had a problem with meaty skeleton in which "libk.a: error adding symbols: file format not recognized" happend
<mhsdeveloper> *happened
<mhsdeveloper> I figured out why it wasn't working! :-D
<mhsdeveloper> Lemme get on via Konversation (if I can)
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<jcoder> I think this is it...?
<jcoder> Oh yeah!
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<mhsdeveloper> ...
<mhsdeveloper> I fixed it by setting my env variables to the correct ones, I was compiling libk.a __not__ using `build.sh` because for some reason it wasn't freaking cooperating
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<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: linker errors for nova - Pastebin.com
<mhsdeveloper> here's the errors
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<mhsdeveloper> Ok, I'm finally back
<mhsdeveloper> What'd I miss?
<mhsdeveloper> no one is responding :-(
<mhsdeveloper> Also, who prefers the original smileys? (e.g. :-( instead of :()
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<mhsdeveloper> Again, back
<kof673> it means exactly what it says, canont find TerminalInit() (a function surely) and write() functions
<mhsdeveloper> Right. Compiling with the rest of the stuff... don't know why it's erroring then
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<jcoding> hello?
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<kof673> i'm not familiar with the tutorials, are you supposed to write them yourself, or are they included?
<mhsdeveloper> They're included with meaty skeleton...
<kof673> but which file/where? and why isn't such an object or libary getting linked in...
<kof673> IME i believe you can compile all day long to objects with unresolved unreferences.........but when a binary is made, then it needs to find all the symbols so my understanding that is normal that libk.a (putchar() inside of it) builds fine, even if write() cannot be found
<kof673> so it does not manifest until linking a binary
<kof673> meaning, libk may be fine, unless it is supposed to have write()
<mhsdeveloper> It's _clearly_ defined in include/nova/tty.h (it's included in nova/kernel.o [in Makefile it includes include/])
<mhsdeveloper> Libk is supposed to have write...
<kof673> .h is declarations, where is the code :D
<kof673> ok, that helps
<mhsdeveloper> In the libk.
<mhsdeveloper> (the code is)
<kof673> *unresolved references
<mhsdeveloper> Oh, it isn't defined in the libk :-P
<kof673> i mean 1) find whatever .c file has write() (and TerminalInit() ) 2) find what .o object files gets compiled for those 3) find why that .o file is not getting linked when building the binary (or e.g. should the .o be put inside libk.a, an archive)
<mhsdeveloper> It's in arch/i386...
<mhsdeveloper> tty.c
<kof673> sure, now how does tty.c get compiled, does it make a tty.o object file?
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<mhsdeveloper> Real quick, in my arch/i386/make.config, I specified tty.h instead of tty.o (AARGH)
<kof673> well, if it goes to a .a file, that should have errored out when not found or, linking directly against non-existent tty.o would have given a different error too.
<mhsdeveloper> It never gets compiled when it runs into the error
<mhsdeveloper> It also isn't in libk
<mhsdeveloper> .a
<kof673> i mean that presumably would've happened before building the kernel binary
<mhsdeveloper> write... (get it?)
<kof673> yes, and i don't know if it is supposed to be in libk, but you can add it there, or some other .a file, or link against the .o files directly. again, not familiar with the tutorials, what is proper
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<mhsdeveloper> Ok
<mhsdeveloper> I don't know how I would do that though...
<mhsdeveloper> It's funny that Emacs has a built-in IRC client ;-D
<mhsdeveloper> Lemme try the libk
<mhsdeveloper> tty.c relies on vga.h which is part of arch/i386
<mhsdeveloper> I don't think this is working...
<kof673> "I don't know how" well it is using makefiles seemingly...so somewhere a makefile rule should be building tty.o perhaps, somewhere else libk.a is made invoking the "ar" command (or i686-ar whatever the toolchain is) ........and then somewhere the kernel binary gets linked against libk, -lk
<kof673> the .a file is just an "archive" with a bunch of .o files inside it, is my understanding
<mhsdeveloper> right.
<mhsdeveloper> In the makefile it just cycles through the c files.
<kof673> sure, so either it is building tty.o from tty.c or not, you should see it flyby when you type "make" or whatever....
<mhsdeveloper> Right. I'm getting errors...
<mhsdeveloper> Pastebin incoming
<bslsk05> ​pastebin.com: make errors tty.o - Pastebin.com
<kof673> also, tauros surely runs inside qemu, bochs, vmware, virtual box, .....
<mhsdeveloper> right... my computer screen is small so qemu makes it WAY too big to use
<mhsdeveloper> did you check the link?
<kof673> int SetColor(char color) void SetColor(int) it means what it says, two functions, with same name, but different function signature (return type and argument(s) type(s) )
<kof673> so it does not know which to use
<mhsdeveloper> :-P for some reason it keeps saying that setcolor's original return is void when i set the .c one to int, and when i set it to void it says that the .h one is int.
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<zid> heat_ I'm like, 95% of the way convinced I am going to write a usb driver against qemu's ich9
<zid> then try to get it working on nikolar's ich7 laptop
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<Ermine> kaboom is guaranteed
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<heat_> zid, cool, i haven't done it yet
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<demindiro> If I understand SetVirtualAddressMap correctly it doesn't actually update the address space, it just changes some pointers?
<demindiro> In which case it's kinda useless because why the hell would I even use any other runtime services after exiting boot services
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<heat> demindiro, correct
<heat> it's usually quite important because efi gives you variable services, shutdown/reboot, time services
<heat> seme of which you want to use
<heat> s/seme/some/
<bslsk05> ​<heat*> some of which you want to use
<demindiro> Guess I'll keep that bit of code then
<heat> now, how to use that without invariably crashing the machine: good luck lol
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