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<kof673> the pig story is good but it is too polite. corporations only have privileges, should be DPM. a man or woman might have rights, but "the body of a freeman does not admit of valuation" once you have human capital all bets are off. same thing happens with "money"
<kof673> you end up with the "right" to own another person lol
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<ring0_starr> corporations are like the human variant of technology; at its core, it's all about intent multiplication
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<ring0_starr> corporations leveraging multiple people to do things that the at the helm wants, as tech leverages mechanical efficiencies to do things the user wants
<ring0_starr> corporations don't have feelings just like how tech doesn't have feelings. the individual people have feelings, and the structure of a corporation has the consequence, intentional or not, of exerting great influence over its constituents
<ring0_starr> unlike tech however, each person that makes it up has their own will which may or may not coincide with that of the leader and can pose as opposition, so there needs to be some kind of shared moral guidance or aligned incentives to truly succeed. or take away all alternatives.
<ring0_starr> the pig story, IMO, doesn't say much about rights and privileges of a corporation as much as it does the advantages of tech and this false entitlement that comes with being the first to bump into something that which they did not create
<ring0_starr> by the end of it, the pig actually does create his business, but only after he opened his tech up to others who had come into alignment in interests with the other characters
<ring0_starr> make of that what you will.
<kof673> sure, i just mean like "piracy" for things that don't involve pirates on the high sea... "rights" gets blurred, when many times entirely "privileges"
<ring0_starr> i suppose you could have a darker variant of the same story where the pig retained exclusive control over the box however
<kof673> lol
<kof673> and that is why it is dangerous, if "privileges" become "rights" the message is "you can't change it!"
<kof673> even if it is entirely in the power of people to change lol
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<ring0_starr> things only turned out bright because he shared unlimited access with the rest of the townspeople, and they didn't do anything bad with it either, so tragedy of the commons didn't crap things up like it otherwise would
<ring0_starr> what is the moral of the story here. i don't get it.
<kof673> i think it is mainly just artificial scarcity
<ring0_starr> the only path to utopia is communism + good will of others?
<kof673> i'd say other way around -- if the law is bought, there is no "capitalism"
<kof673> words are words..........anything can be spun any which way :D
<ring0_starr> socialists would argue that the very nature of capitalism leads to corruption
<kof673> yes, and i am probably done with offtopic :D
<heat_> did i accidentally subscribe to gnu plus
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<ring0_starr> you'll be free hackers, you'll be free
<zid> heat_: no you did on purposeful
* ring0_starr strums on banjo
<zid> You did the needful
<ring0_starr> heat, your OS is GPL v2. You didn't upgrade your freedom
<heat_> good, fuck gnu and the fsf
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<ring0_starr> when proprietary software rules the world, you will plead to st. ignucious, stallman-sama, "please save us"
<ring0_starr> and he will whisper from the heavens... "gno"
<kof673> lol an argument can be made maybe that artificial scarcity is self-destructive, and not based on reality, but that is beyond the scope of this chat :D
<zid> also your membership dues are late
<zid> £10 pls
<kof673> i.e. that it is bound to fail........eventually..........
<zid> You can afford it now, with your filthy suse money
<ring0_starr> kof, artificial scarcity only truly functions as a throttle, due to negative consequences of "too much". it's only an issue stemming from lack of self restraint
<kof673> well, can be argued any which way, but if supply and demand are manipulated, where is the free market/"capitalism" ?
<kof673> it is managed
<ring0_starr> capitalism does not automatically imply free markets i don't think
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<ring0_starr> it is supposed to be the function of government to introduce market externalities to brings the economic equilibrium equal to the social equilibrium, i.e. the "best" amount of a thing that maximizes utility for all participants, not just one side
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<kof673> that makes sense, yes. and regardless of whatever "true" "definition" i'd say splitting allows more precision, so agree re: "imply"
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<kof673> is there such a thing as "Windows Subsystem for Linux" ? 20-30 years ago maybe no, but there is nowadays, someone will do it anyways :D
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<the_oz> why is freedom so onerous rms
<the_oz> *watching gnu shadow pantomime*
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<kof673> nikolar lol > Deus comes from the latin "Deuce" meaning "two" and "vult" is short for "vultures"
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<ring0_starr> i'm not rms, i am an understudy perhaps
<ring0_starr> although, admittedly, i didn't even get the opportunity to meet him in person before i moved away.
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<the_oz> you're ring0_starr
<the_oz> all his code is free
<the_oz> the only possibility upon meeting is negative
<the_oz> even his best diatribes are on the net
<ring0_starr> i've considered that
<ring0_starr> i would likely get berated for using nvidia proprietary drivers or something
<ring0_starr> disrespectin' mah freedum
<the_oz> lul
<ring0_starr> i mentally picture him as bravehart when he says that
<the_oz> it by necessity supplants individualistic freedom
<the_oz> ain't no braveheart, it's a collective
<kof673> "individual" means group in legalese as well :D
<kof673> i know what you mean, but lawyers are 2 year olds
<kof673> that is how you can "internally distribute" and not have to release code, an organization is an "individual" that is on fsf website on a faq
<the_oz> *beatings of your (c)Person will continue until definitions improve*
<kof673> lol
<ring0_starr> the judicial system at large is responsible for rot in this respect
<kof673> there are cases even when "must" "shall" means "may" if that is required for "constitutionality". shoot first, ask questions later, let the 2-headed vulture sort them out lol
<kof673> judges try to make things "work" instead of just rejecting garbage legislation
<ring0_starr> they have every right and opportunity to be originalists in interpretation
<the_oz> Bring back death penalty to Persons
<kof673> your "recourse" in u.s. is .....................don't follow things you think are "unconstitional" .......until there is a case, they can write "unconstitional" law all day long. devil's dictionary notes this, lunarian lol until someone challenges it...
<kof673> *tutional
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<kof673> you are supposed to know that "shall" "must" might also mean "may" lol
<the_oz> that depends on what the definition of "is" is
<the_oz> >bizarroworld
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<kof673> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ exactly
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<the_oz> legalese looks like english
<the_oz> but it ain't
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<klys> is[ 7 ] = { equivalence, names_as, reflexive, transitive, likens_as, intuits, measures, invites };
<the_oz> get_out_of_jail_free
<kof673> https://github.com/reinderien/mimic it uses monster-in-a-box logo ala nethack/final fantasy/other rpgs/etc. lol
<bslsk05> ​reinderien/mimic - [ab]using Unicode to create tragedy (102 forks/3744 stargazers/MIT)
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<nikolar> kof673: no it doesn't
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<kof673> https://github.com/reinderien/mimic/wiki it is an ascii logo with angry eyebrows :D
<bslsk05> ​github.com: Home · reinderien/mimic Wiki · GitHub
<kof673> fitting :D
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<kof673> its in the name too :D D&D 5E - What, exactly, does a Mimic look like in its natural state? It's described as "amorphous", but that doesn't help picture it much. Pictures of it as a chest usually give it teeth
<kof673> if you mean the vulture, no, that is accurate, that is the picture version
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