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<zid> heat_: I don't believe in the concept of work
<heat_> god im annoyed
<heat_> i can't track down this heisenbug
<zid> That's because you're trying to do work
<zid> work is bad for you
<heat_> i want to play eu4
<heat_> i'll need to reboot to windows which is a PITA but, yeah, i really want to do it
<zid> I might grab like
<zid> pirate eu4?
<zid> just so I have the dlcs
<zid> that I am missing
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<heat> test
<heat> hey this irccloud thing is kinda neat
<zid> Finally going to stop randomly disconencting?
<heat> possibly
<heat_> heat, test2
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<heat> omfg it doesn't disconnect
<heat> epic win
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<heat> i might just pay for this shit
<zid> I'd just pay the £2/mo for an OVH vps
<zid> and bounce through that with a little C program I wrote
<zid> cus then I'd get a VPS
<heat> hmm i have a google cloud free tier one i could also just use
<heat> my problem is that hexchat is EOL'd so i should probably switch anyway
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<zid> heat do you have all eu4 dlc, host a game
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<heat> i dont
<zid> what good are you then
<heat> i'm good at horsing around
<zid> horses are crap, artillery only
<zid> 100% arty stacks, 2x combat width each
<heat> i'm missing domination, winds of change and 3 immersion packs but who gives a shit about that
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<Ermine> strategic destruction doctrine!
<Ermine> wait, that's another game
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<heat> >air doctrines
<heat> who the hell
<heat> does that
<heat> i haven't played hoi4 in a long fucking while but i'm also missing all of the fun DLCs now
<heat> like spies and the naval designer and all sorts of big ass 10x focus trees
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<zid> Do you know the hoi4 STRATS
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<heat> not really
<zid> be russia, do the trotsky civil war thing, but not before changing all your army templates to be fucking useless, and lend leasing all your weapons away, then roll.. yourself
<heat> oh yes
<zid> then cancel lend lease
<zid> WC in 2 hours
<heat> there was a nice one in the german civil war where you had to put all your divs on boats, and then start the civil war
<zid> then some strat that I can't remember the details of where you put all your troops into other countries, then declare war and have them join as defenders later, and it stops it ejecting your guys
<heat> and boom, you kept your whole army
<zid> and you just have one guy on every tile already
<zid> and you win
<heat> yes
<heat> there was a YT guy that did that one to death
<heat> taureor?
<zid> idk, I watched the any% WC WR
<zid> and those were the two strats
<zid> <2 hour run
<heat> what's a 100% WC supposed to be
<zid> WC as every country
<zid> in a row
<zid> with every achievement
<heat> lol
<heat> the gang plays central american countries
<zid> bolivia best country
<heat> i once did a soviet tanks only playthrough, before oil was a thing. that was super satisfying
<heat> just rolled the germans over
<heat> ck3 would also be an idea since all of the DLCs suck anyway
<zid> if I can get an achievement emulator working on pirate eu4
<zid> I will probably put another few hundred hour sin
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<kof673> [holds up his fingers, which are misshapen] I got it from space invaders in 1977. Chief Wiggum: Oh yeah, that was a pretty addictive video game. Groundskeeper Willie: video game?
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<zid> heat
<heat> what
<zid> it doesn't work :(
<heat> rip
<zid> I need a steam api key
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<zid> oh nice, there's actually a working mobile auth client for windows now
<zid> and linux
<zid> ./steamguard confirm
<zid> done
<zid> *donwloading achievement icons*
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<nikolar> heat: of all games, why do you need to reboot to windows for eu4
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<gorgonical> you do not
<gorgonical> I played nearly 3000 hours of EU4 almost 100% on linux
<zid> I couldn't get any steam emu to work with eu4 properly :(
<zid> I could get in game and earn achievements, but they didn't post anywhere, and they'd be gone again once I restarted
<gorgonical> interesting. I don't think I used anything special. I don't even think I had to select a specific proton runtime. afaict it runs natively
<zid> what
<zid> who proton
<gorgonical> yeah on slackware and opensuse i just install the game and play
<zid> well, yea, I could do that too
<zid> if I didn't want to use emulated steam
<gorgonical> oooh
<gorgonical> I missed that part
<zid> which is the point of me trying to get emulated steam working last night
<gorgonical> why do you want to use emulated steam?
<zid> so I can get achievements on dlc I don't have :P
<gorgonical> cheeky
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