heat_: I don't believe in the concept of work
god im annoyed
i can't track down this heisenbug
That's because you're trying to do work
work is bad for you
i want to play eu4
i'll need to reboot to windows which is a PITA but, yeah, i really want to do it
I might grab like
pirate eu4?
just so I have the dlcs
that I am missing
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hey this irccloud thing is kinda neat
Finally going to stop randomly disconencting?
heat, test2
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omfg it doesn't disconnect
epic win
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i might just pay for this shit
I'd just pay the £2/mo for an OVH vps
and bounce through that with a little C program I wrote
cus then I'd get a VPS
hmm i have a google cloud free tier one i could also just use
my problem is that hexchat is EOL'd so i should probably switch anyway
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heat do you have all eu4 dlc, host a game
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i dont
what good are you then
i'm good at horsing around
horses are crap, artillery only
100% arty stacks, 2x combat width each
i'm missing domination, winds of change and 3 immersion packs but who gives a shit about that
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strategic destruction doctrine!
wait, that's another game
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>air doctrines
who the hell
does that
i haven't played hoi4 in a long fucking while but i'm also missing all of the fun DLCs now
like spies and the naval designer and all sorts of big ass 10x focus trees
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Do you know the hoi4 STRATS
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not really
be russia, do the trotsky civil war thing, but not before changing all your army templates to be fucking useless, and lend leasing all your weapons away, then roll.. yourself
oh yes
then cancel lend lease
WC in 2 hours
there was a nice one in the german civil war where you had to put all your divs on boats, and then start the civil war
then some strat that I can't remember the details of where you put all your troops into other countries, then declare war and have them join as defenders later, and it stops it ejecting your guys
and boom, you kept your whole army
and you just have one guy on every tile already
and you win
there was a YT guy that did that one to death
idk, I watched the any% WC WR
and those were the two strats
<2 hour run
what's a 100% WC supposed to be
WC as every country
in a row
with every achievement
the gang plays central american countries
bolivia best country
i once did a soviet tanks only playthrough, before oil was a thing. that was super satisfying
just rolled the germans over
ck3 would also be an idea since all of the DLCs suck anyway
if I can get an achievement emulator working on pirate eu4
I will probably put another few hundred hour sin
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[holds up his fingers, which are misshapen] I got it from space invaders in 1977. Chief Wiggum: Oh yeah, that was a pretty addictive video game. Groundskeeper Willie: video game?
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it doesn't work :(
I need a steam api key
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oh nice, there's actually a working mobile auth client for windows now
and linux
./steamguard confirm
*donwloading achievement icons*
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