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<stealth_> is it common for preview to not produce correct color? when i render the color is correct
<stealth_> here is what i am playing around with https://bpa.st/PSKQ
<stealth_> main reason i am doing two section is for different color! not sure if there is a way to do 2 color in 1 sphere
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<kintel_> stealth_ Look like an instance of https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/1000
<stealth_> kintel_, looks like it, weird its been so long and still not fixed?
<kintel_> It's a weakness in a 3rd party library and it's an inherent issue with their algorithm. I don't expect it to ever be fixed.
<kintel_> ..but we support color in rendering now, so previews are less important
<stealth_> that sucks, well atleast by using `reader()` it seems to fix the issue, even in preview.
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<InPhase> stealth_: Behold, the hackery: https://bpa.st/PQFA
<stealth_> InPhase, that seems to render without having to use the render() function?
<InPhase> stealth_: Nope. I just avoided the "next to each other" condition of the problem.
<stealth_> is it to with intersection and difference together?
<InPhase> The problem arises because the preview engine produces both the positive AND the negative elements, and then gets all stupidly confused about the colors leaking in from the negative objects.
<InPhase> The render pathway doesn't do that.
<InPhase> In my hackery approach, I bypass the problem by having the red hemisphere not have colliding faces with the negative blue object.
<InPhase> They are all displaced just enough that you don't notice.
<stealth_> hmm..
<InPhase> I guess in this case, not negative object as positive object which is then masked from display.
<InPhase> But the core proble is just how much longer those objects are retained in the preview path.
<InPhase> You can see a little bit of the underlying weirdness with Design, Display CSG Products, and scroll down in that window.
<stealth_> you mean how there is a red line over blue? or other way around?
<InPhase> And you can go back to your original design, and swap the order of your two hemispheres, and see those CSG products rearrange as your sphere color flips around to red.
<stealth_> i see with `translate([0,0,-0.1])`
<InPhase> And the scale.
<InPhase> That's partly to put the top back. But you can't put the top exactly back, or that causes issues again.
<stealth_> with scale its better
<InPhase> 10/9.9 instead of 10.1/10 to see those issues.
<InPhase> It's really just a weird system. Using render is cleaner, and more recommendable for this issue. I just think it highlights the problem to look at what it takes the avoid it.
<InPhase> s/the avoid/to avoid/
<InPhase> Going forward, the best solution is to purge preview and go all manifold, once we get all the color stuff working right. :)
<stealth_> i already have "manifold" enabled
<InPhase> The color in manifold is not fully ready.
<stealth_> aww i see, true there was some difference in how CSG rendered vs CGAL
<stealth_> i also noticed there was issues with "show scale marker" as well, like some of the scale info was missing in only xy view
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<stealth_> InPhase, this was a easy fix https://bpa.st/YPXQ just adding render()
<InPhase> That preserved color for you?
<stealth_> ya
<InPhase> If so, you must be benefitting from the recent manifold color work. I haven't gotten around to pulling and rebuilding since June.
<InPhase> And it does not preserve color in that. :)
<stealth_> aww
<InPhase> You can do it with render in the old versions, but you have to move the color outside of the render.
<InPhase> Like, color(...) render() intersection() ...
<stealth_> hmm no clue
<stealth_> how long has OpenSCAD been around for ?
<InPhase> 2009
<stealth_> i see, its an awesome tool, bit of getting used to creating by coding but once you get the hang of it things get easy
<InPhase> Yeah. Aside from a few gotchas that appear, like the weird one you just hit, and the overlap rule that newbies always stumble into the hard way, things end up going much smoother once you get used to scaling out with code structure.
<stealth_> creating module to manage seems to be the key, that way you are not lost how where its positioned. in Blender its easy to manager large amount of object since you just group/layer it.
<stealth_> that being said preview on OpenScad is much faster than Blnder (on my system)
<InPhase> stealth_: https://imgur.com/a/openscad-procedurally-generated-tree-0MgqSkS This was easy to do in OpenSCAD. I've looked up how this equivalent is done in Blender, and apparently people do it with a pine tree add-on. ;)
<InPhase> So... Nice that Blender has that add-on I guess! But not so good for the general principle of natural doability of this category of things.
<stealth_> InPhase, i bet, openscad is using a different rendering engine than blender? i am not sure there sure is a huge difference on how things are done/handled
<InPhase> https://imgur.com/a/openscad-procedurally-generated-wreath-AwGEsIW Like I did this with almost identical code. Do we need... a wreath add-on for Blender?
<InPhase> Oh it's not about the rendering engine. Blender's rendering is lightyears ahead of OpenSCAD in terms of resulting image quality. But the issue is the processes of defining shapes.
<stealth_> not sure, i wasn't a pro in blender, i just did basic designs on it so i can cut out stuff in woodworking.
<stealth_> well i am sure you can export something from openscad and have it import+render in blender.
<stealth_> can't do it other way around since there is no import option to open in openscad. i wounder how that would look to autocode external object created in other software.
<InPhase> There's import()
<InPhase> But then it's an imported geometry, rather than converting to native code.
<stealth_> hmm.. i don't see that option
<InPhase> I have a few times imported geometries and modified them. But it's usually easier to just redo a thing from scratch now that I've gotten fast at that.
<InPhase> https://openscad.org/cheatsheet/ Under 2D and 3D, the "import(...)"
<stealth_> ya, once you learn it then its easy. i have to think about sin/cos, haven't used those math since highschool, lol
<InPhase> :) Yeah, it does help to refresh all of that.
<stealth_> o, Bambu A1 is totally awesome btw, have to get it with the AMS its must have! printed bunch of stuff off their site, np at all.
<InPhase> That does look promising as an option.
<InPhase> I've been looking for a multi-color printer.
<InPhase> But that will be a time investment rabbit hole, probably. There's a bunch of stuff I want to do with multi-color that hasn't been implemented anywhere yet that I've seen, because too few people have them yet.
<stealth_> i screwed up first ordered just the A1 first, and lots of colors and it was a pain to manually load it every time, cut it what no, then i was like f it, and got the AMS and now i don't have to bother with it, just print and it does the rest.
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<stealth_> there are some meterial you can't use the AMS on like TPU (others...)
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<stealth_> i think its totally worth it, and if you order together you can combo discount as well.
<InPhase> Well that's an unfortunate loss, as TPU is a superb material.
<InPhase> Does it work with any other flexible filaments? Or is it nothing flexible?
<stealth_> well i can still print TPU, i am just saying you can use the AMS for it, you can still manually load it and print.
<stealth_> i have dont TPU prints as well.
<stealth_> done*
<InPhase> But have you been able to do multi-color with flexible and non-flexible?
<InPhase> This is one of my main interests.
<InPhase> Structured flexibility.
<stealth_> o, you mean like a mix? you probably can.. but the rinter itself only has 4 input, so you can load TPU in 1 and use ams to load 3 other colors.
<stealth_> makes sense, just a module in PLA you drop it you break it. need some kind of TPU around it to take impact.
<InPhase> Well there are flexible PLAs too.
<stealth_> i see, that might work, if you check out there filament it normally tells you if you can use their AMS or not. if not you have to manually feed it (can be a pain)
<stealth_> so far i have printed using PLA,TPU and PLA-CF
<stealth_> if you scrool down it tells you what it supported under "AMS lite Tech Specs" https://ca.store.bambulab.com/collections/accessories/products/ams-lite
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<InPhase> I have something like $200 worth of filament already, although most of it is in need of some time in a dryer.
<InPhase> And I see their AMS requires extra steps to configure 3rd party filament.
<InPhase> Something for me to look into later.
<stealth_> o right, that too, i haven't used 3rd party filament. the rfid picks up on what what. you can manually tell it what loaded as well (if it doesn't have rfid chip)
<InPhase> Their ecosystem does appear to have some benefits. And it doesn't offend me that they have their ecosystem, because they do the right thing and state how to use other suppliers.
<InPhase> Provided that in practice they make this straightforward enough to actually do.
<stealth_> TPU in ams is too flexiable so maybe the feeder need more tweaking! maybe in the future they might find the right solution.
<InPhase> Hmm. Well I want an automatic feeder that supports more flexibility than TPU. :)
<InPhase> TPU is like my minimum threshold for a "flexible" filament.
<J24k80> maybe filament is just not the right medium for that
<InPhase> J24k80: Beads?
<InPhase> I could get behind beads.
<J24k80> or a bowden freezer that allows to get below the softening temp of tpxu
<InPhase> lol
<J24k80> pellets?
<InPhase> Yeah, pellets.
<stealth_> well how would you cut it?
<InPhase> I'm now picturing a bowden tube with liquid nitrogen tubes wrapped around it.
<stealth_> for example in A1 it will print something then cut the filament so it can load other meterial
<J24k80> InPhase professional systems do the other way around - plastic is in a coaxial tube with hot oil around to keep liquid
<J24k80> then you have a valve in the print head - while the plastic is under high pressure from an extruder
<InPhase> J24k80: Yeah. If your filament advancement uses the molten part, you can really lighten the requirements on the input feed.
<InPhase> One can have a hot end with moving parts to pump liquid filament down.
<J24k80> there is a system using brittle filament (metal powder infused) where you have a pre heater so the filament doesn't break
<InPhase> This would really enhance the options for microfluidic mixers for CMYK feeding.
<J24k80> the downside is cleaning and priming to start the system
<J24k80> wait you need to heat for 2h and then flush 150g to make it working?
<stealth_> they mix carbon fiber with pla to get stronger stucture.
<J24k80> plastic and microfluidic is also difficult - a 0.2 nozzle is a bottleneck - compared to the 0.6 nozzle that is pumping 25mm³/s quite amazing and cooling becomes the issue
<J24k80> hmm would be nice if resize([10,10], [true,true] ) wouldn't distorting the image and resizing to max to fit into [10,10] square
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<kintel> pca006132 I looked at your triangulation patch. My understanding so far is that CGAL will handle intersections by sometimes inserting extra vertices to make sure that the triangulation is "delaunay enough". However, OpenSCAD doesn't want extra vertices, so it looks like you worked around that by silently removing those extra vertices (by merging them with the previous neighbor vertex).
<kintel> For certain code paths, we may want to allow insertion of extra vertices. I think that constraint came from having to tesselate polygons which are part of a larger mesh, where adding extra vertices would mess with mesh connectivity.
<kintel> I wonder if, instead, it's possible to ask CGAL to not insert extra vertices and do its best to manage intersections.
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<mohammad1722> Hey teepee are you here?
<othx> mohammad1722: 13 days, 42 minutes, 17 seconds ago teepee tell mohammad1722 libversion packages are available (only tested on Debian/Testing so far): https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:t-paul:libversion/libversion-3 - For Ubuntu 24.04: "deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/t-paul:/libversion/xUbuntu_24.04/ ./"
<teepee> yep
<mohammad1722> Let's go
<teepee> jitsi link is ready :)
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<Garvit> Hello there,
<Garvit> I am Garvit Arora, a student of Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of technology, New Delhi, India. I am a first year student with Computer Science as my major.
<Garvit> I have a very good knowledge of Git and Github and along with it, I have a good command on C++. I am really fascinated by the projects submitted by the BRL-CAD in Gsoc and want ot contribute as much as possible.
<Garvit> I want to know the process to contribute and want the repos for the same to debug all issues (if any).
<Garvit> I hope you understand and will reply as soon as possible so that i can start my journey soon.
<Garvit> Yours sincerely
<Garvit> Garvit Arora
<Garvit> garvit.university@gmail.com
<Garvit> +91 9560849244
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