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<kintel> pca006132 If/when you're around: I'm still struggling with the triangulation issue (and https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5260) and could need some discussion :)
<pca006132> I'm here :)
<kintel> w00t
<kintel> Do you remember what you try to achieve with this?
<kintel> It kind of looks like you merge newly created vertices with some random other vertex
<pca006132> iirc it was not random, the newly created vertices are duplicates of the vertex immediately before it
<pca006132> at least for the cases I tested
<pca006132> but yeah, I am trying to merge the newly created vertices with existing vertices
<kintel> right, so the assumption is that CGAL inserts new vertices in a location immediately after an existing vertex in a constraint
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<kintel> ..and hopefully after the _nearest_ vertex ;)
<kintel> But since this is about intersecting constraints, what about the other intersection constraint? Would CGAL just create another vertex with the same position?
<pca006132> yeah hopefully, I can't find documentation for this and I am a bit too lazy to dig into the source code...
<kintel> okok, gotcha, we should probably verify this assumption as if we're wrong, pretty weird stuff will happen :)
<pca006132> true
<kintel> ..but to rewind a bit: My understanding of constrained triangulation in general is that we have roughly 3 ways of dealing with intersecting constraints:
<kintel> a) Disallow intersections and bail
<kintel> b) Allow intersections and create new vertices
<kintel> c) Ignore intersections and possibly product flipped triangles
<kintel> whereas CGAL implements a) and b) while Manifold implements c)
<kintel> Does that sounds reasonable?
<pca006132> yes
<kintel> ..but OpenSCAD kind of assumes c) at the moment, which causes some problems
<kintel> ..but c) is only necessary (IIUC) if we need to maintain correct connectivity in scenarios where the polygon in question is part of a larger mesh
<kintel> ..which is only really important when using Manifold as a backend
<kintel> (I think)
<kintel> If that's the case...
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<kintel> Perhaps we should just try not to mess with the CGAL triangulation and rather use Manifold triangulation for Manifold and CGAL triangulation for CGAL
<kintel> i.e. not cross the beams
<pca006132> sounds good
<pca006132> btw forgot when will this triangulation be invoked when we use manifold as the backend
<pca006132> only when we try to make something 2D?
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<pca006132> manifold only produce triangular mesh anyway
<kintel> e.g. linear_extrude, when connecting end caps to the sides
<kintel> important to get right, especially for the corner cases when we scale one of the axes to (near) zero
<pca006132> hmmm, feel like it is fine to have extra vertices in the triangulation in that case?
<kintel> right but in that case, we'd need to fit the new vertices into the polygon2d, as that's used to build inner/outer walls
<kintel> think linear_extrude of a polygon with holes/islands
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<pca006132> yes
<kintel> but if we could triangulate in two steps, that would work: 1) evaluate constraints (polygon2d) and insert vertices where they intersect to produce a new polygon2d 2) triangulate with intersections disallowed
<kintel> However, we already do 1) using Clipper, but it uses a different vertex format than CGAL (int64 vs. float)
<kintel> ..and unfortunately, CGAL doesn't have a concept of epsilon-valid : (
<kintel> I wonder how we did this before Manifold. I guess we sometimes failed to produce manifold results...
<kintel> Wait: We quantized everything to a grid
<pca006132> not entirely sure how vertex format is a problem, we can always convert it back?
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<kintel> It's only a problem because non-intersections in int64 may turn into intersections in float
<kintel> ..so our nice way of avoiding intersections works in Clipper but causes CGAL issues
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<pca006132> I see
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<gbruno> [github] Parkinbot closed issue #5266 (issue with difference() with for loop with variable unused in body?) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5266
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed pull request #5232 (Update About dialog.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5232
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Merge pull request #5232 from openscad/update-about-text Update About dialog.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/cca5006be66917f233b62d808ec958c0a9eb8e7d
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 2 modifications (Merge pull request #5193 from cjmayo/debian-dependencies Simplify Debian dependencies) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/ce759cd504d3b18c9c5bd1580b98780487f52c91
<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed pull request #5193 (Simplify Debian dependencies) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5193
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<J24k59> color(alpha=.5)  is not overwriting the alpha
<J24k59> color(alpha=.1)color(alpha=.8)cube(50);   //so  you can set alpha without color but not overwrite it without color
<stealth_> J24k59, you have to give it color?
<stealth_> J24k59, color("red", alpha=.5)
<J24k59> color(alpha=.5)cube(50); // works fine
<stealth_> are you talking about preview of rendering?
<J24k59> preview - it seems to work in render
<stealth_> ya
<stealth_> you can add `render() color(alpha=.5) cube(50);`
<J24k59> well sort of - the colors are discarded in render
<J24k59> no it doesn't work with render()
<stealth_> it does for me for preview
<J24k59> it is black
<J24k59> render()color(alpha=1)cube();
<stealth_> well 1 = 100%
<stealth_> so there is no alpha in 100% so .5 = 50% alpha
<J24k59> the color is stripped    color(alpha=.9) color("green") cube(50);
<J24k59> but that is a different issue that undef color are black in render
<J24k59> but alpha should overwrite alpha also in preview!
<stealth_> maybe color() second time overwrites the first color! not sure how openscad handles such things. but color("green", alpha=.9) cube(50); works.
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<stealth_> https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual/Transformations#color "Warning: alpha processing (transparency) is order-sensitive. Transparent objects must be listed after non-transparent objects to display them correctly. Some combinations involving multiple transparent objects cannot be handled correctly. See issue #1390. "
<stealth_> J24k59, ^
<J24k59> it is not about order if all objects are in the same scope
<J24k59> but there are other issues with transparent colors
<stealth_> well that warning links to https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/1390
<J24k59> those are objects with different color
<J24k59> color(alpha=.5)cube(10);  // works
<J24k59> color("red",alpha=.25) color("green",alpha=.5)cube(10);  // works
<J24k59> but color(alpha=.25) color("blue")cube(10); // doesn't
<stealth_> ya i get what you are saying
<stealth_> J24k59, whats the advantage for using 2 color() like that?
<J24k59> conditional coloring - i have a set of parts with multiple color and transparencies and like to make them transparent without loosing the color - so no i have to add a new alpha parameter for all as workaround
<stealth_> J24k59, have you tried the Example-2 ?
<J24k59> this is like using  transform([10,0])transform([0,10])cube(5);  .. but with color
<J24k59> what example 2?
<InPhase> J24k59: An obvious workaround would be passing an $alpha, but the situation you describe of providing alpha separately sure sounds like it would be ideal and desired behavior.
<J24k59> inPhase it is just weird that alpha can be set without color - but not overwriting if a color was set before (or alpha)
<J24k59> !color(alpha=1)
<J24k59> color(alpha=.1)cube(10);
<J24k59> but works in render (well it is black then)
<stealth_> InPhase, is $alpha a special variable?
<stealth_> J24k59, color(undef, alpha=.25) color("green", alpha=.5) cube(10);
<InPhase> stealth_: All $variables are definitionally named "special variables", although the more appropriate term for this would be "dynamic variables" as they go dynamically down the call stack. It is not a built-in, but just a name I chose here for clarity.
<stealth_> InPhase, aww, there wasn't a docs for it was wondering where it came from :p
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<InPhase> stealth_: I will not show the place behind me from which I pulled it.
<J24k59> stealth_ you noticed that the alpha=.25 is ignored or?
<stealth_> InPhase, good, dont wana see it
<stealth_> J24k59, well it shows green in preview but when render its black with alpha
<J24k59> yes  undef color render black - this is a known issue
<stealth_> well .25 is ignored in preview but render() it is used.
<stealth_> so ya there are some weirdness going on
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<J24k59> stealth_ glad we can agree - Ü
<stealth_> J24k59, try this out `cube(5); color(undef, alpha=.9) color("green", alpha=1) cube(10);` in preview and render
<stealth_> think it makes the inner cube alpha as well?!
<stealth_> its more clear is you have other objects
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<J24k59> this is about the order where you place cube(5)
<stealth_> well i had other object i been working on, and i could see it right through cube(5), too weir.d
<J24k59> transparency of multiple objects has problems - sometimes is changes with rendering the object (before color)
<J24k59> preview is some 2D hack
<stealth_> if you disable manifold and flush, before rendering, you see totally different result.
<stealth_> so preview and each of the renderer have different results.
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<J24k59> color and transparency is only working in render with manifold
<J24k59> and only afaik olivier implemeted it last month
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<stealth_> there is something weird going on with "measure distance" once you enable it you can't disable it, and after some times the whole preview/rendering section gets really slow
<stealth_> have to restart software to get back to things being fast again.
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<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 opened issue #5268 (GSoC 2024 - OpenSCAD Library Manager) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5268
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pinned issue #5268 (GSoC 2024 - OpenSCAD Library Manager) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5268
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<J24k59> dbyy hello
<gbruno> [github] atossell91 synchronize pull request #5267 (Added Linux Virginia support for dependencies) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5267
<gbruno> [github] atossell91 closed pull request #5267 (Added Linux Virginia support for dependencies) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5267
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