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<teepee> othx: tell mohammad1722 libversion packages are available (only tested on Debian/Testing so far): https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:t-paul:libversion/libversion-3 - For Ubuntu 24.04: "deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/t-paul:/libversion/xUbuntu_24.04/ ./"
<othx> teepee: I'll pass that on when mohammad1722 is around.
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<Drizzt321> I'm seeing something really weird, maybe I'm reading the documentation wrong or something. When I try and create a triangle using polygon(), in order to rotate_extrude to create a circular wedge type shape, I'm getting an actual 3D object. Here's the line I'm using `polygon(points=[[0,0],[0,0.5],[1,0]]);`
<Drizzt321> Here's what I"m seeing https://i.imgur.com/IwjxR94.png
<InPhase> Drizzt321: That's just how it previews, with z height 1 by default.
<InPhase> If you hit render, it will flatten.
<Drizzt321> Ohhhh, I see. Make some sense I guess
<InPhase> The preview subsystem only works with actual 3D objects, so 2D objects are handled by giving them a default height.
<Drizzt321> Ah
<InPhase> It only looks weird because you're using such tiny values. ;)
<InPhase> Had you started with 40 and 50 you might not even have noticed.
<Drizzt321> Makes sense
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