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<gbruno> [github] Knochi opened issue #5255 (Set center of rotation has an Offset) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5255
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<Scopeuk> In macOS Sequoia, users will no longer be able to Control-click to override Gatekeeper when opening software that isn’t signed correctly or notarized. They’ll need to visit
<Scopeuk> System Settings > Privacy & Security to review security information for software before allowing it to run.
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<J24k92> in case someone knows thingyverse customizer and it quirks https://www.reddit.com/r/openscad/comments/1en19sg/script_compiles_in_openscad_but_not_in/
<Scopeuk> I think step one is "ancient version of openscad" if memory serves
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<InPhase> J24k92: Responded.
<J24k92> InPhase great, I found out that parts of my library is also not compatible with 2021 anymore - so many bug fixes and new features.
<InPhase> J24k92: I notice the poster of that question is not only using my threads, but copied my text for releasing as CC0. I think CC0 is a good approach to scad code, so I'm happy to see that. :)
<J24k92> that is why we have the CC0 template to insert/use
<InPhase> Yep. It was actually to the detriment of the community I think that thingiverse defaulted to that NC license.
<InPhase> I think they were trying to protect their own interests rather than those of the uploaders.
<InPhase> We don't really need NC or even copyleft in the modeling community. There are no entrenched corporate powers releasing large proprietary models that we're fighting against.
<InPhase> Only really large proprietary gui-based modeling programs. And the easy sharing and combining of scad code is the weapon against that.
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<lf94> sup gang gang
<lf94> InPhase: what happens when proporietary competitors make easy sharing and combining of their own code cad files?
<InPhase> Then we need to make sure our systems are better. :)
<InPhase> That wouldn't impact the model license choices though.
<InPhase> There's no game theory impact there.