teepee changed the topic of #openscad to: OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller | This channel is logged! | Website: http://www.openscad.org/ | FAQ: https://goo.gl/pcT7y3 | Request features / report bugs: https://goo.gl/lj0JRI | Tutorial: https://bit.ly/37P6z0B | Books: https://bit.ly/3xlLcQq | FOSDEM 2020: https://bit.ly/35xZGy6 | Logs: https://bit.ly/32MfbH5
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 2 additions 2 modifications (Improve readability of axis numbering; use Hershey font. (#5247) The axes labels were always hard to read due to their
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed pull request #5247 (Improve readability of axis numbering; use Hershey font.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5247
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<gbruno> [github] thehans opened issue #5261 (Axis numbering improvement suggestions) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5261
<gbruno> [github] thehans edited issue #5261 (Axis numbering improvement suggestions) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5261
<gbruno> [github] thehans edited issue #5261 (Axis numbering improvement suggestions) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5261
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<pca006132> kintel: use a triangulator that is robust against these issues :)
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<J24k53> Why is the details for rot/trans view not actualized when hitting the view buttons?
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<teepee> J24k53: what do you mean? the values in the status bar?
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<J24k53> teepee that tab for where you can change it - the view port control ..  great now i changed the size of it and openSCAD froze
<J24k53> while the status bar show the actual - the control only change after moving the view - so if i click top view and then like to use the controls to rotate or move - it jumps back to the last view
<J24k53> I can't make sense of that behavior  -  so maybe i miss something here
<J24k53> teepee should i open an issue for that?
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<teepee> J24k53: I saw the freeze issue, I think that's some circular dependencies with GUI updates or so. I though I had that fixed when changing the UI stuff some time aog
<teepee> *ago
<teepee> I agree that the viewport control should also update from the buttons, I assume that was just missed so far
<InPhase> A cute UI behavior. :)
<InPhase> The bottom videos show the ambiguity resolution functionality, so it probably also works practically.
<buZz> oh i hate this with a passion, lol
<buZz> hands and eyes, wtf man :D
<buZz> next update they add eyelashes
<teepee> maybe there could be a more stylized display, but the "I already preselected the potential target of the wire" seems like it might actually help
<Scopeuk> Ui style {"cute","formal"}
<Scopeuk> Could do ball, socket and filler socket/port colour highlight to get the same info without all the cute
<Scopeuk> But the cute is fun
<InPhase> It would alleviate some of the drudgery involved with making connections in such a tool. If you ever built something complicated with one of those manual connect systems, you will know how painful it can be at scale to do something that should really be automated.
<InPhase> That at least provides some automation for the last third of the task, and then symbolizes the computer helping you out with the cartoonish behavior. :)
<InPhase> I'd call that clippy done right.
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<J24k53> if you have 20 possible connection nodes this probably becomes a bit creepy
<teepee> true, but that many identically weighted inputs on a single node are probably already an issue in itself
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<Guest59> When I try to import an STL file into openscad and do any add anything on top of the model, I get the following error when I render the model:"ERROR: The given mesh is not closed! Unable to convert to CGAL_Nef_Polyhedron.".  If I render the individual components separately, it is fine, but the error ocurs when I render them together. I was not
<Guest59> able to find much info online about how to debug this. Does anyone know what could be going on here?
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<J24k53> maybe manifold can fix something of it? .. else use hull() Ü  ..  Guest59 if your stl is not sound you can use some repair program to check (there are even online tools)
<J24k53> What can help if you move any part slightly - this can solve some errors
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<Guest59> Thanks, teepee and J24k53 ! I am giving MeshLab a try to fix the STL files. Hull() does not work for me in general since the the object gets changed. APpreciate the help!
<J24k53> analyze in mesh mixer should show were the issue is
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<Scopeuk> Guest59 if you are on windows I have also had good fortune with mesh repairs in 3d builder. I think prusa slicer can also do it these days but not played with that as much
<kintel> pca006132 Yeah, switching to Manifold's triangulator is on the radar, but it would be nice to have a working alternative in case we run into more issues (as well as being able to maintain an option to build without manifold for the time being)
<gbruno> [github] hzeller opened pull request #5262 (manifold.h is a library outside openscad, use canonical include path.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5262
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<gbruno> [github] hzeller synchronize pull request #5262 (manifold.h is a library outside openscad, use canonical include path.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5262
<gbruno> [github] hzeller closed pull request #5262 (manifold.h is a library outside openscad, use canonical include path.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5262
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