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<lf94> InPhase: yikes :D
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<guso78k> In the compilation scripts I see indications that  MAC Installation DMG's should be universal binaries(intel+silicon) whereas on the homepage there are just labelled intel. Will the downloaded DMG files also work in Apple Silicon ?
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<teepee> guso78k: release is not universal, nightly builds are and should run on intel+m1+m2
<teepee> InPhase: nice crystals, although just 2 parts sounds like only a start ;)
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<J24k> getting a thumbnail into a 3mf is quite easy - can't we automate this if saving a 3mf ?
<teepee> I would assume so, ideally with a preview that can be overridden
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<J24k> just the default "reset view" ↦ "view all"  export png
<J24k> or customizable " take photo "
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<Guest61> Question: Is there a configuration option switch from 'preview on file change' to 'render on file change'?   I'm using 'OpenSCAD version 2024.03.18' on osx.  I know there's the F6 hotkey to render, but I edit my scad files with VS Code and not directly in openscad so I'd have to switch apps then hotkey.  Thank you.
<teepee> no
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<teepee> you can get a partial effect with "render() design();" at top level
<Guest61> Lovely. Thank you so much teepee!
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<JJTechPrints> Thanks again for the quick help teepee. Decided to register a nick and hang out for awhile.
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<J24k> now the first time i get EXPORT-ERROR: Can't add triangle to 3MF model.  without lazy union and with manifold
<J24k> (but roof is used - maybe this causing it)
<teepee> quite possible, it's known for some geometry issues. I think there is still an open patch that would need some review and decision
<J24k> maybe the issues with offset (float) and then into roof .. the strange thing there were 4 objects that are far apart and using roof on all 4 caused the error but using roof on one and the copy into the 4 places works
<J24k> but as the objects not together there shouldn't be any influence ( and i tried  to change distance, which doesn't helped)
<teepee> yeah, that is very strange
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<ferdna> i cant compile openscad. It complaints about MCAD not installed.
<teepee> do recursive checkout
<ferdna> teepee, i would like to do MCAD as a separate install if possible
<ferdna> i have it installed to: /usr/share/openscad/libraries/MCAD/
<teepee> mcad is still used in the build folder for testing, if you don't care about that, you can skip it with -DENABLE_TESTS=OFF
<ferdna> awesome. thank you.
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<ferdna> if i add the -DENABLE_TEST=OFF it throws this error: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1413 (add_sanitizers): Unknown CMake command "add_sanitizers".
<ferdna> :(
<teepee> hmm, I don't think that's intentional, but the sanitizers can probbly disabled too
<teepee> right, it's also a submodule
<teepee> you can't ignore submodules when cloing
<teepee> *cloning
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<ferdna> ohhh ok
<ferdna> teepee, do you think something like this will work:
<ferdna> set(INTLIB_DIR "${CSD}/libraries") set(GLOLIB_DIR "/usr/share/openscad/libraries") set(LIBRARIES_DIR "${INTLIB_DIR};${GLOLIB_DIR}")
<teepee> what for, what is the problem with the submodule except some minor additional size
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<ferdna> teepee, i would like my libraries in a global directory where users cant touch them.
<ferdna> but being able to install their own
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<teepee> and how does that conflict with just doing a recursive checkout for building?
<teepee> openscad already supports a global /usr/share and user $home/..local folder
<ferdna> teepee, i got to go to work... bbl
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<gbruno> [github] 01miaom opened issue #53 (Coordinate System Mismatch Between OpenSCAD and Model-Viewer) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-playground/issues/53