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<gbruno> [github] jackoat29 edited issue #5268 (GSoC 2024 - OpenSCAD Library Manager) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5268
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<J24k8> imagine the customizer profile name would be added to the default export name.   Design-customizedSet1.3mf
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<Scopeuk> I guess we could look towards something like the slicers do with a defined export name in the settings using a bunch of substitutable strings to define the final names
<stealth_> darn it, openscad just crashed.
<Scopeuk> stealth_ if it's crashing randomly and works after a reboot I have a slight concern your machine is experiencing a ram issue
<Scopeuk> If you can repeat the crash of course let use know and raise a GitHub issue so we can chase it down
<stealth_> it just crashed as i was coding, nothing different then what i been doing normally
<stealth_> system has over 16GB of ram
<Scopeuk> I don't mean out of ram I mean there may be an area of ram which is malfunctioning.
<stealth_> thats too much of stretch! lol
<Scopeuk> A stretch perhaps but it tends to be the most common cause of random crashes. As I say if you can find a way to reliably trigger it we want to know
<stealth_> will keep that in mind.
<stealth_> Scopeuk, by any chance you know of a tool to find out if its actually the ram?
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<Scopeuk> The usual tool is memtest64. That runs off a bootable usb stick and it will just sit there in a loop testing the ram, it will flag up any errors it finds
<Scopeuk> It's not a purchased tool, there is a scam out there, most Linux distros/installers come with them
<stealth_> ya i know what you are talking about, if i get some time to do that i might run it, way too busy to let system do that atm.
<Scopeuk> Yeh, generally recommend just leaving it running overnight whilst the machine would otherwise be idle
<stealth_> Scopeuk, true, thanks for your input :)
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<teepee> stealth_: I tried AntiMicroX, it seems to only map from gamepad -> mouse/keyboard
<stealth_> teepee, o i c, you didn't have to do that... i was just curious, like it would have been nice but its not a big deal. thanks though.
<teepee> I'm searching for some tool too, mostly for other reasons
<stealth_> i was using sublimetext so i am used to it, now i am trying out the editor that comes with openscad since the renderprocess is faster for multiple files...
<stealth_> aww
<teepee> there is input-mapper which can map mouse buttons to keyboard input but it does not work as well as I'd like
<teepee> it seems to be confused by 2 mice of the same make (I have 2 logitech trackballs mx-ergo) and it often only maps one :(
<stealth_> well it seem overkill to have to use such feature, editor should just add mouse click detection
<stealth_> for normal mouse
<teepee> yes, agreed, unifying the input handling would be nice
<stealth_> mhmm
<teepee> in other news, I'm not going to accept "c++ compiler errors are a mess" anymore
<teepee> look at that beauty: https://pastebin.com/LhxSwYEH
<teepee> lol, said that and got another of those 10 page errors :-D
<stealth_> if openscad used python for ui/management like blender, there would be way less issues to deal with, and used c/c++ for low level functions
<teepee> and would make it useless for a number of exiting use cases
<teepee> also I don't think at all it's a matter of the language
<stealth_> i am not saying do it overnight like maybe future implementation
<t4nk_fn> lol, never at all plz ;)
<t4nk_fn> I was already holding my breath over this library manager thing or what was it
<teepee> optional python integration, yes, that already exists, but integration is a bit time consuming
<teepee> requiring python for the core - not happening
<teepee> that would break all server side uses of openscad, like most of the customizer implementations
<teepee> version 0.0.1 of the library manager coming up :-)
<t4nk_fn> yeah, I'm kinda curious about that
<teepee> but it's a separate tool, and not required, it just is supposed to help discover and install libraries
<teepee> snap install olman
<stealth_> python is good as a glue language you know, just normal task/management for UI
<teepee> not really ready for actual use as there are some snap packaging issues to resolve, but the general basic functionality works
<t4nk_fn> mmm I can't/won't go about installing stuff on my system if it aint tracked by my... *shudder* manager, written in, *shudder* pyt..
<teepee> including the serverside framework for allowing people to register their libraries
<teepee> but python is crazy unsafe for running on a server
<t4nk_fn> (portage that is)
<stealth_> ? thats the first i am hearing that
<teepee> I'm not talking server written in python
<teepee> we are also talking designs written in python
<teepee> if you download an scad design, that is not going to download a bitcoin library and starts mining
<stealth_> hmm...
<Scopeuk> ok, I now want someone to wite a bitcoin minder in pure scad
<Scopeuk> s/minder/miner
<stealth_> designs written in python? what does that mean
<Scopeuk> there is an experimental feature which lets you define geometry in python within openscad
<teepee> yes, and I think that's a great option to have
<stealth_> link?
<stealth_> o, i have visited that site, thought it was neat, not sure if it was maintained
<teepee> maintained by guso78
<teepee> some small parts are merged, but the big stuff is still pending
<teepee> I wish I had like 2 month vacation or something ;-)
<stealth_> aww... well i wonder if they could have improved the interface where it didn't need to manage the `c = cube(...)` and just had it output the function ast into a temp file and render it, that way it would be close to how openscad code is.
<teepee> yes, he said it's possible but required some python hack IIRC
<teepee> but maybe someone else has some more ideas how to do it
<stealth_> another approach would have been to create a custom system that was closed to python TAB style... i hate the {;} usage.
<teepee> it's still the best way of integrating things I've seen over the years
<teepee> all the other ones are ugly wrappers needing a huge amount of boiler plate code
<stealth_> custom syntax*
<stealth_> well such features needs to be implemented at the start of the project.
<teepee> not really, it's just a matter of what that language/library provides
<teepee> but yes, it *might* be quite a bit more complicated later on
<stealth_> teepee, https://bpa.st/A6GA comparing
<teepee> all of the big languages have added huge features late in the game
<teepee> most impressive of all it's in c++
<t4nk_fn> the other day I was using the openscad workbench in freecad..
<t4nk_fn> I really liked the way the 'placement tool' orsth works, where you can shift an object around by clicking
<teepee> I belive you can write something like: output(cube() + sphere)
<t4nk_fn> got me thinking on some kind of way to get a foot in the door how to write such a thing for openscad
<teepee> that exists, waiting for the person to get in contact
<t4nk_fn> not necessarily to get the functionality merged, but rather some hacking
<stealth_> teepee, you missed the union part. that would be `with union(): cube() cylinder()`
<teepee> I should probably send a mail again
<teepee> stealth_: no, I think there at least was a version that supported + as union
<stealth_> teepee, ya it can be done using operator class.
<othx> teepee linked to YouTube video "SUI23 - Introducing Bidirectional Programming in Constructive Solid Geometry-Based CAD" => 1 IRC mentions
<stealth_> teepee, i am saying you can do it like this https://bpa.st/44TA look at all the way bottom.
<teepee> no, I'm saying that I believe I saw code similar to what I have written above
<teepee> but guso78 can give more insight when he's around
<stealth_> teepee, i get what you are saying and i agree it can be done.
<teepee> I believe it *has* been done, as in actually working
<stealth_> i am just saying if planned right the project can be done the way i mentioned all the way at the bottom as well, but it needs being very creative.
<teepee> as in "a different language" just with different syntax?
<teepee> I suppose that's possible but does not seem very realistic
<stealth_> teepee, no, should be able to do it in python
<teepee> in the end it's a matter of someone doing the work
<stealth_> why i said it needs to be planned from the start
<teepee> if it's possible with "normal" python, poke guso78, I think he loves experimenting with stuff
<teepee> so he just might try implementing it :)
<teepee> as there is no official integration yet, anything is still open for grabs
<stealth_> ya, that might be cool
<teepee> only as soon as things are officially released, backward compatibility becomes a big topic
<stealth_> since it kind of maintains the openscad code style and it would be easy for anyone to migrate for either or
<teepee> a number of strange openscad behaviors are not really "fixable" as that would cause existing stuff to break
<teepee> and we don't really want to break all existing designs on thingiverse
<stealth_> true, true
<t4nk_fn> teepee, that 'Bidirectional Programming' stuff was directed at me I guess?
<teepee> yes
<t4nk_fn> I'll need to have another look and listen later on, couldn't realy follow along here just now.. but it's interesting and I'll definitely have a look!
<teepee> yep, I'll try to get the mails going again, I asked them if we could just talk here on irc
<teepee> but it's been quite for a couple of weeks
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<teepee> lol, I'm bitten by the python virus it seems, starting to forget typing the ; for c++
<t4nk_fn> lol
<dbyy> hello all
<t4nk_fn> I think it's optional for python, right? at least I hope so, the other day I decided to do it anyhow when I *shudder* did something in python
<teepee> yeah, I think it's allowed as statement separator in python, not sure
<teepee> but I'm fighting with some older c++ code failing to build with newer gcc
<teepee> hello dbyy
<dbyy> hey teepee hows going?
<teepee> good, lazy saturday
<dbyy> yeah a rainy lazy Saturday
<dbyy> may I ask a question?
<teepee> sure
<dbyy> I want to start a little project and create a box with some mesh on the side walls. Is there somewhere, something I could look at (libs, models) to get some ideas how to approach it?
<teepee> mesh meaning like a grid structure?
<dbyy> Yes, to reduce the material to be printed, e.g. a mesh made of hexagons
<dbyy> I saw some tutorials for FreeCAD but I'd like to try it in OpenSCAD
<teepee> hmm, not sure if there's any dedicated library for that, but the bigger all-purpose libraries might have something
<teepee> specifically BOSL2 has a huge amount of stuff and very good documentation
<dbyy> I'm just looking at the library list. Maybe I just dive in lol
<teepee> I think I remember seeing some hexagon stuff on Printables some time ago
<teepee> oops, unlimited recursion is bad ;-)
<dbyy> Thanks that looks like a good starting point :-)
<teepee> and I learned a new rule for modern c++
<teepee> if in doubt add some more {}
<teepee> dict.insert({"blah", grabbed_node{{{"test", 3}}}});
<teepee> :)
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<J24k8> dbyy HexGrid(help=1)  will arrange children in a hex pattern  (find in ub.scad)  As it provides a $pos parameter you can conditionally switch on and off
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<J24k8> https://imgur.com/a/tkRaH1E  HexGrid(30,es=6)if(norm($pos)<60)circle($r,$fn=6);
<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed issue #5265 (Build script does not support Linux Mint Virginia) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5265
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<kintel> pca006132: FYI in case you have ideas. Triangulation saga continues: So my theory is that the triangulation issues happen because we have guaranteed non-overlapping polygons in int64 fixed point object space which become overlapping in double world space.
<kintel> One random test dropping the fixed point scale, causes the precision loss and hence aliasing in double to become less likely, which drops the crash rate a bit
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<kintel> teepee I noticed that snapshots are removed after 33 days from the file server using a cron job. I assume this is to avoid runaway disk usage. Do you think we could up that to a year or so? I find it useful for certain regression testing processes to have old binaries available
<teepee> sure, the disk is not very big, but we can see how far it goes, right now there's not much else running
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<kintel> teepee worst case, disk usage for snapshots go from 3GB to 30GB. With 690GB total, it should be fine :)
<kintel> I'm not familiar any longer how the scripts are maintained though :/
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<teepee> kintel: i just need to validate I have no local or remote changes that would overwrite stuff
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<teepee> kintel: also GSoC last day is Monday and we have a first prototype for the library manager
<kintel> Yeah, I've seen some chatting, haven't had the chance to look at it yet. Is there a quickstart doc or smth. yet?
<teepee> not really, it's mostly 2 parts
<teepee> 1) github action for automatically checking and merging new repo links, similar to arduino
<teepee> 2) client which uses that index json for installation
<teepee> currently the client either needs python and some dev knowledge, or using the snap package
<teepee> on ubuntu:
<teepee> sudo snap install olman
<teepee> olman update
<teepee> olman install tp-utils
<teepee> (which is my test repo with a couple of scripts)
<teepee> regarding the backups? are you looking for a specific older version? I have some more local backup but it's probably not 100% complete
<kintel> I found the regression; it was a flaky crash so it confused me for a while :)
<teepee> ah, those kind of bugs are annoying
<teepee> kintel: maintenace container should now run with 360 days as retention time
<kintel> awesome!
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 3 modifications (Fix errors found by running all tests with ASAN enabled) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/33e0161683d0254eefd56e3f0c3e71f898e1850b
<gbruno> [github] kintel opened pull request #5269 (Fix errors found by running all tests with ASAN enabled) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5269
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed pull request #5269 (Fix errors found by running all tests with ASAN enabled) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5269
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 3 modifications (Fix errors found by running all tests with ASAN enabled (#5269)) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/392223e069517a63f794300c91d7aba709cc131a