imagine the customizer profile name would be added to the default export name. Design-customizedSet1.3mf
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I guess we could look towards something like the slicers do with a defined export name in the settings using a bunch of substitutable strings to define the final names
darn it, openscad just crashed.
stealth_ if it's crashing randomly and works after a reboot I have a slight concern your machine is experiencing a ram issue
If you can repeat the crash of course let use know and raise a GitHub issue so we can chase it down
it just crashed as i was coding, nothing different then what i been doing normally
system has over 16GB of ram
I don't mean out of ram I mean there may be an area of ram which is malfunctioning.
thats too much of stretch! lol
A stretch perhaps but it tends to be the most common cause of random crashes. As I say if you can find a way to reliably trigger it we want to know
will keep that in mind.
Scopeuk, by any chance you know of a tool to find out if its actually the ram?
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The usual tool is memtest64. That runs off a bootable usb stick and it will just sit there in a loop testing the ram, it will flag up any errors it finds
It's not a purchased tool, there is a scam out there, most Linux distros/installers come with them
ya i know what you are talking about, if i get some time to do that i might run it, way too busy to let system do that atm.
Yeh, generally recommend just leaving it running overnight whilst the machine would otherwise be idle
Scopeuk, true, thanks for your input :)
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stealth_: I tried AntiMicroX, it seems to only map from gamepad -> mouse/keyboard
teepee, o i c, you didn't have to do that... i was just curious, like it would have been nice but its not a big deal. thanks though.
I'm searching for some tool too, mostly for other reasons
i was using sublimetext so i am used to it, now i am trying out the editor that comes with openscad since the renderprocess is faster for multiple files...
there is input-mapper which can map mouse buttons to keyboard input but it does not work as well as I'd like
it seems to be confused by 2 mice of the same make (I have 2 logitech trackballs mx-ergo) and it often only maps one :(
well it seem overkill to have to use such feature, editor should just add mouse click detection
for normal mouse
yes, agreed, unifying the input handling would be nice
in other news, I'm not going to accept "c++ compiler errors are a mess" anymore
o, i have visited that site, thought it was neat, not sure if it was maintained
maintained by guso78
some small parts are merged, but the big stuff is still pending
I wish I had like 2 month vacation or something ;-)
aww... well i wonder if they could have improved the interface where it didn't need to manage the `c = cube(...)` and just had it output the function ast into a temp file and render it, that way it would be close to how openscad code is.
yes, he said it's possible but required some python hack IIRC
but maybe someone else has some more ideas how to do it
another approach would have been to create a custom system that was closed to python TAB style... i hate the {;} usage.
it's still the best way of integrating things I've seen over the years
all the other ones are ugly wrappers needing a huge amount of boiler plate code
custom syntax*
well such features needs to be implemented at the start of the project.
not really, it's just a matter of what that language/library provides
but yes, it *might* be quite a bit more complicated later on
teepee linked to YouTube video "SUI23 - Introducing Bidirectional Programming in Constructive Solid Geometry-Based CAD" => 1 IRC mentions
teepee, i am saying you can do it like this https://bpa.st/44TA look at all the way bottom.
no, I'm saying that I believe I saw code similar to what I have written above
but guso78 can give more insight when he's around
teepee, i get what you are saying and i agree it can be done.
I believe it *has* been done, as in actually working
i am just saying if planned right the project can be done the way i mentioned all the way at the bottom as well, but it needs being very creative.
as in "a different language" just with different syntax?
I suppose that's possible but does not seem very realistic
teepee, no, should be able to do it in python
in the end it's a matter of someone doing the work
why i said it needs to be planned from the start
if it's possible with "normal" python, poke guso78, I think he loves experimenting with stuff
so he just might try implementing it :)
as there is no official integration yet, anything is still open for grabs
ya, that might be cool
only as soon as things are officially released, backward compatibility becomes a big topic
since it kind of maintains the openscad code style and it would be easy for anyone to migrate for either or
a number of strange openscad behaviors are not really "fixable" as that would cause existing stuff to break
and we don't really want to break all existing designs on thingiverse
true, true
teepee, that 'Bidirectional Programming' stuff was directed at me I guess?
I'll need to have another look and listen later on, couldn't realy follow along here just now.. but it's interesting and I'll definitely have a look!
yep, I'll try to get the mails going again, I asked them if we could just talk here on irc
but it's been quite for a couple of weeks
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lol, I'm bitten by the python virus it seems, starting to forget typing the ; for c++
hello all
I think it's optional for python, right? at least I hope so, the other day I decided to do it anyhow when I *shudder* did something in python
yeah, I think it's allowed as statement separator in python, not sure
but I'm fighting with some older c++ code failing to build with newer gcc
hello dbyy
hey teepee hows going?
good, lazy saturday
yeah a rainy lazy Saturday
may I ask a question?
I want to start a little project and create a box with some mesh on the side walls. Is there somewhere, something I could look at (libs, models) to get some ideas how to approach it?
mesh meaning like a grid structure?
Yes, to reduce the material to be printed, e.g. a mesh made of hexagons
I saw some tutorials for FreeCAD but I'd like to try it in OpenSCAD
hmm, not sure if there's any dedicated library for that, but the bigger all-purpose libraries might have something
dbyy HexGrid(help=1) will arrange children in a hex pattern (find in ub.scad) As it provides a $pos parameter you can conditionally switch on and off
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pca006132: FYI in case you have ideas. Triangulation saga continues: So my theory is that the triangulation issues happen because we have guaranteed non-overlapping polygons in int64 fixed point object space which become overlapping in double world space.
One random test dropping the fixed point scale, causes the precision loss and hence aliasing in double to become less likely, which drops the crash rate a bit
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teepee I noticed that snapshots are removed after 33 days from the file server using a cron job. I assume this is to avoid runaway disk usage. Do you think we could up that to a year or so? I find it useful for certain regression testing processes to have old binaries available
sure, the disk is not very big, but we can see how far it goes, right now there's not much else running
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teepee worst case, disk usage for snapshots go from 3GB to 30GB. With 690GB total, it should be fine :)
I'm not familiar any longer how the scripts are maintained though :/
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