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<stealth_> InPhase, have you used Blender to code scad ?
<InPhase> No. How would that work?
<stealth_> i seen a video about it, i didn't book mark it, let me see if i can find it
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<othx> stealth_ linked to YouTube video "Blender Geometry As Code First Iteration" => 1 IRC mentions
<stealth_> Blenders editor is really badass compared to one that comes with openscad. Not sure how far the scad in blender has gotten, it would be cool if you can select objects in blender/editor and it highlights code of that object!
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<stealth_> trying to export 3mf to 3d printer i get "loading of a model file failed." any ideas?
<stealth_> and also get "the file does not contatin any geometry data."
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<J24k2> would be great to get a bounding box of SVG via import  (like textmetrics) .. could only find something like this for STL on https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4303
<J24k2> stealth_ did you check the 3mf?  sometimes the export can generate 0byte 3mf (with an error msg: "can't add triangles")  - there are also like bambu 3mf that are up to spec but no other software can read them because they are not up to spec
<stealth_> J24k2, it looks like its issues with mount drive (again) but bambu studio is install using flatpak
<stealth_> if i move the .3mf to desktop dir for example, i can open it (though size is all messed up but its a start)
<J24k2> Just imported a bambu.3mf and while openSCAD CAN read it - all models are now centered and overlapping - so no position information are imported if multiple objects exist in a file.
<stealth_> i see, i will have to figure out a good way to export only what i need to print.
<J24k2> and the import of 3mf is quite slow
<J24k2> taking minutes for 1MB file
<stealth_> its fast enough for me now the object is tiny
<J24k2> even parts of a model are centered and become useless ( also multiple build plates are ignored)
<InPhase> stealth_: Looks like that blender thing is a wrapper for command line calls to openscad.
<InPhase> stealth_: So basically, the experience of using OpenSCAD except for a lot of clicking overhead to get there. :)
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<gbruno> [github] timgblack synchronize pull request #5127 (Show save dialog when exiting via shortcut or menu item) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5127
<stealth_> l its neat none the less since you can take advantage of Blender features as well.
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<J24k2> hmm seems manifold color render  color(undef) is black while in preview it is no change
<J24k2> (i like to make a part red under certain condition - else it should keep the colors assigned)
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<teepee> yes, undef = do not change color seems like a useful feature
<teepee> undef + transparency = change only transparency value?
<J24k2> in render it is now pitch black ..
<J24k2> maybe it is not black but no color ..
<J24k2> ok seems to be the same - "black" also get no light changes in preview - it is like Vantablack
<J24k2> oh nice makerworld now auto generate thumbnails for the scad files (but not for the 3mf that are not BS profiles)
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<J24k2> kintel thanks .. glad i didn't open an issue for that
<kintel> The color support is still WIP, but please mention it if something is off
<J24k2> will do as always
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<stealth_> i am having same issue with bambu studio i was having with openscad that i used snap to install can't find/use drive/dir from other location/mount
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<teepee> stealth_: but that's an AppImage?
<stealth_> teepee, bambu studio is not, installed using flatpak
<teepee> ah, flatpak is also a container based system
<teepee> if the appimage works, that's not a container so it should not have those issues
<stealth_> teepee, i am using manjaro(arch) so there isn't supported install for that
<stealth_> with the appimage there is some kind of SSL issue and it doesn't launch
<stealth_> what is this 3D print option in openscad? i wonder if i can send print job directly to software/3d printer using that!
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<teepee> yes, right now it supports 2 targets, PrintAThing if that still exists and OctoPrint
<teepee> but requires a slicer in OctoPrint
<teepee> if the manjaro is up-to-date, the fedora AppImage might work
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<stealth_> well its rolling release..
<teepee> rolling release only means there's no version numbers, not the systems are always fresh and updated ;-)
<teepee> I assume most people do update though, as that would totally make sense when using such a distro
<stealth_> fedora appimage same issue
<stealth_> https://bpa.st/LQOA i say "Yes" and it doesn't do anything.
<teepee> :(
<InPhase> stealth_: Snap has settings for granting additional access, but appimages should not by default be blocking anything like that off.
<InPhase> stealth_: Unless you have some wild apparmor settings guarding against appimages.
<stealth_> InPhase, i can't get appimage to work with bambu studio, its giving me that ssl issue
<stealth_> bambu studio is install though flatpak since there isn't snap/default install option for it.
<teepee> problem with appimage is that there are some problematic libraries that cause trouble regardless of being included in the appimage or not
<InPhase> stealth_: And does that file actually exist?
<InPhase> stealth_: Can you see it as your user?
<stealth_> yes, i use it all the time. its just a partition "/data" i don't want to use the default "/" to store because sometimes linux can mess up and if you need to reinstall you just format the / and reinstall linux and it doesn't effect your work files on differnet partition
<teepee> you could add an extra bind mount to make the data share also available inside the home directory
<teepee> I guess InPhase meant the cert file though
<stealth_> o, hmm.. the root has access it to cert file
<stealth_> o, so i can open the bambu studio appimage in root
<stealth_> wich is probably not a good idea, but atleast found the problem :)
<InPhase> There we go. ;)
<InPhase> That's file is user-accessible on my distro.
<InPhase> Probably bambu assumed this for the others.
<teepee> and it should be
<InPhase> Seems logical that it would be.
<stealth_> well i can read that cart file as user.
<teepee> then maybe the appimage is doing something else strang
<teepee> or there is some user configuration causing the issue
<stealth_> could be
<teepee> easy to test by creating a new user and running it as that user
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<stealth_> InPhase, ya, looks like the issues isn't fixed
<InPhase> stealth_: But resolvable by clicking on the creepy black box if you can find it on your window.
<stealth_> InPhase, ya tried that doesn't do anything for me.
<InPhase> Does it make that pop-up not appear?
<InPhase> On the next start?
<stealth_> it shows up again
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<teepee> in totally different news, I just learned there's a new python package manager called uv
<teepee> for extra fun, it's written in Rust
<teepee> and the claim is: 🚀 A single tool to replace pip, pip-tools, pipx, poetry, pyenv, virtualenv, and more.
<teepee> standards!
<othx> standards is https://xkcd.com/927/
<InPhase> Wasn't that the pipx claim, minus the pipx?
* InPhase ponders.
<stealth_> being able to manage dependency is a major issue and installing compiled code
<stealth_> like pkg-version-1, pkg-version-2 (this might be required by another install)
<stealth_> getting pip to use multithread to compile was a pain to deal with.
<teepee> yep, that gets complicated fast
<stealth_> finally! i got bambu studio appimage working...
<stealth_> well the ssl error was saying it couldn't add "en_GB" into locale settings, so i just went and manually added that and its worked :D
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<teepee> aha, yes, strange stuff :-)
<teepee> but good it's working
<stealth_> YEP :)
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