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<ali1234> i just read all the way through the roof and o_e issues and i think i'm going to put a note on the wiki that o_e is not actually available but roof does mostly the same sort of thing
<J1A84961> at least with a difference and scale
<ali1234> done
<ali1234> now i need to figure out how to use it
<dalias> will there be a tagged version anytime soon?
<dalias> my distro still doesn't have a version with roof packaged and i pestered them about being outdated a while back, but it turns out there actually isn't any tagged version to update to
<ali1234> tagged versions seem to be pretty rare
<dalias> :/
<ali1234> there is both flatpak and snap though, and i think an appimage too
<ali1234> huh... roof and offset can produce some pretty wild things, this is cool
<dalias> yes, i really want roof :)
<dalias> most dead simple stupid deficiency it fills: chamfers
<dalias> no manually defining complex 3d geometry because you want to chamfer an extruded 2d profile
<dalias> also various kinds of raised and inset lettering, molds, ..
<dalias> and yes if you use some steps with offset you also get arbitrary-step-division fillets too
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<J1A84961> there are still some issues with roof when you use  offsets ($fn=>40).
<J1A84961> it is like finding the magic number for every design and as soon you change a bit in size you need a different magic №
<ali1234> hmm... a bit janky but it seems to work in render
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<ali1234> just what i wanted
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<gbruno> [github] thehans pushed 1 modifications (Fix regression of "IgnoreWheelWhenNotFocused" behavior on customizer comboboxes.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/f83d415e6b35071ce60928b14bee448fe87c06da
<gbruno> [github] thehans opened pull request #4326 (Fix attempt for Edit->Copy menu action, and cmd-c across Editor|Console) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4326
<peepsalot> bleh, just realized my changes seffault upon undocking console. i was wondering if that would work correctly... need a good way to get the appropriate MainWindow object from within Console class
<peepsalot> segfault
<teepee> peepsalot: it should be fine to just pass that to the constructor
<teepee> actually mainwindow is the parent anyway I would think
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<teepee> ah, no, the ConsoleDoch has it as parent
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<peepsalot> yeah passing into constructor sounds like the most sensible thing
<peepsalot> or... how do you do that through .ui ?
<peepsalot> Qt confounds me again
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<teepee> I think that was somehow possible in the designer, worst case a setter in setupUI should work too. IIRC that's always called by the generated UI stuff
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<InPhase> peepsalot: Perhaps if you're having a lifetime issue, add some custom slots and signals and connect them up in whatever function constructs both. Those will auto clean-up.
<InPhase> One can architect around them otherwise, but this can be a minimum change approach.
<peepsalot> not sure i would call it a lifetime issue. i was using QWidget::window() to get the window and dynamic_cast that to MainWindow, but i guess the window for the widget changes when its undocked.
<InPhase> I see.
<InPhase> Well then it would also keep the slot connection on a reparent, if you can stuff it into that paradigm.
<peepsalot> i wonder if the parent widget hierarchy stays intact during undocking? i could loop over widget->parent until i find one that can be cast to MainWindow
<peepsalot> InPhase: for the case of Console, i'm overriding virtual focusInEvent from QPlainTextEdit, so its not really a signal/slot connection
<peepsalot> i don't really know how events relate to signals/slots
<teepee> we already track the active main window, but I don't remember the details, maybe there's a way to hook into that
<peepsalot> teepee: I think setupUi is the generated function from .ui files. so i don't know how to call a setter there.
<peepsalot> TabManager tracks which editor is active on its own, but that's wholly separate from Console
<peepsalot> its crazy to me that initializing a widget with an extra parameter is nearly impossible if creator is used.
<peepsalot> or designer/whatever its called
<teepee> yeah, maybe they expect properties to be used
<peepsalot> i am trying repeated parent checks until I get to a MainWindow, seems to work ok when undocking
<peepsalot> clicking the menu Edit->Copy doesn't work when undocked, since the focus goes to the main window, and apparently automatically to the editor from there
<peepsalot> but trying that is a stretch anyways
<peepsalot> shortcuts work fine in docked or undocked, and the menu action works across both as long as Console is docked
<gbruno> [github] thehans pushed 1 modifications (Fix for segfault when undocking Console.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/def7f9ded2bc23a7b9dbcf3bf4aabc70ca2b79c9
<gbruno> [github] thehans synchronize pull request #4326 (Fix attempt for Edit->Copy menu action, and cmd-c across Editor|Console) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4326
<peepsalot> teepee: oh, don't i need to put macos or something in the branch name to generate a build for people to test?
<peepsalot> i can't remember what the exact trick was
<peepsalot> or can we still create binaries through github based services?
<peepsalot> (for mac)
<teepee> yeah, to get the macos builds the branch needs to be called *-macos
<teepee> right now there's only the tests running for macos
<teepee> on github
<peepsalot> cool, thank you
<gbruno> [github] thehans pushed 1 modifications (Fix for segfault when undocking Console.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/def7f9ded2bc23a7b9dbcf3bf4aabc70ca2b79c9
<teepee> I wonder if there's a way to manually trigger branch based actions
<teepee> for main branch that's easy, but I've not tried for PR or branch
<gbruno> [github] thehans opened pull request #4327 (Issue4060 macos) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4327
<InPhase> peepsalot: Yeah, I had meant that, e.g., inside of your override of focusInEvent, you would emit a custom signal added to the derived class, which you pre-connect to a custom slot at the recipient, thus eliminating the need to hunt for it dynamically.
<InPhase> peepsalot: So not replacing that virtual function, but altering how it behaves. (If I was understanding your architecture. I didn't check the PR yet.)
<InPhase> peepsalot: Although working is working if you got it. You can decide if your working solution is solid enough. :)
<peepsalot> InPhase: what do you mean pre-connect? doesn't the sender have to exist in order to connect it?
<InPhase> When it's constructed.
<InPhase> The console always exists, right?
<InPhase> I assume it has a single construction path.
<peepsalot> InPhase: Console is constructed in generated ui_ code
<peepsalot> but also multiple MainWindows with their own Console can exist
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