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<InPhase> JordanBrown: To summarize my thoughts, I think auto-render on 2D pieces reaching top level is a reasonable solution for preview because I also see fast-csg pushing us closer to the point where we eventually don't even need preview.
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<InPhase> There is just one lurking big problem, and that's color support.
<InPhase> BUT, we need to solve color support anyway, because we're soon going to need some smart solution for models for multimaterial and multicolor 3D printers.
<JordanBrown> Hmm. Yeah, I bet something bad happens to the color of 2D objects when you process them.
<JordanBrown> I did some experimenting (though right now I don't entirely remember how) with a scheme where an "object" would really be a set of multiple objects, one for each material, and where operations on that object would do something right-ish with respect to materials.
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<InPhase> JordanBrown: We already have broken color support for 2D like such: offset(3){color("blue")square(8);color("red")circle(5);}
<JordanBrown> Yeah, and linear_extrude() of a multi-colored object.
<JordanBrown> But breaking color support on offset() doesn't really bug me. Sometimes you do an operation that's radical enough that it's not clear what the separation between colors means.
<InPhase> Even linear_extrude of a single color object fails.
<JordanBrown> Just like I wouldn't ask to preserve colors across hull(), if the children are different colors.
<JordanBrown> Fails in the sense of losing the color?
<InPhase> Yes.
<JordanBrown> For offset and hull, I'd say that it's OK to break colors in multi-color cases, desirable (but not required) to preserve it in single-color cases.
<JordanBrown> But I *think* that linear extrude could do it right even for multi-color cases, and it would be nice to get that right.
<InPhase> So we basically have no way to make colored 3D objects inheriting their color from 2D at present. Hence I pretty much never color a 2D object outside of demos.
<JordanBrown> Yeah, makes sense.
<InPhase> However, if we reason out how to color 3D objects for render, we could probably backport this support to 2D tracking of it.
<JordanBrown> My multi-color theory first started with defining the operations:
<JordanBrown> Union - first (or last) object wins. Being like paint is last-wins.
<JordanBrown> Intersection - only the first object matters
<JordanBrown> Difference - only the first object matters
<InPhase> We currently for preview color the carved out piece by the differenced color.
<InPhase> But I think what you wrote makes more sense when thinking about volumes of material.
<JordanBrown> yes, exactly.
<InPhase> You don't paint with your chisel. :)
<InPhase> Well, usually anyway.
<JordanBrown> having difference paint the cut section is nice in some ways, but doesn't make any sense at all for volumes, and we want to support volumes here.
<InPhase> Yeah. I've used it conveniently for some pretty artwork that would be broken. But that's okay.
<JordanBrown> As have I.
<JordanBrown> So if we have an object defined as a set of individually-colored non-overlapping objects...
<JordanBrown> difference involves taking the original sub-objects, and differencing the later arguments from each of them.
<JordanBrown> intersect is similar.
<JordanBrown> union is the tricky one.
<InPhase> Union is especially tricky because of the surface representation of volumes that we do.
<JordanBrown> union would, for each color in A, keep A, and for each color in B, keep (B-A).
<InPhase> Let's say we have a cube which is half red and half blue. How do we even represent that? How do we save it out?
<JordanBrown> Dispensing with the second question first: however the export format wants it. For STL, we'd need to generate two STLs.
<InPhase> The overlap issue is confusing.
<JordanBrown> Hence my initial definition of the desired result.
<InPhase> No, I mean in the final result, after those decisions.
<InPhase> How do we make clear that these are "one object with two colors".
<JordanBrown> Internally?
<InPhase> Rather than "two objects with two colors"
<JordanBrown> Internally, it would be one "object" with two "sub-objects".
<JordanBrown> The two sub-objects would each be a single color, and would be non-overlapping.
<JordanBrown> Every operation is required to take as input objects like that - sets of single-color sub-objects - and produce such a thing as its output.
<JordanBrown> I found that volumetric color experiment: https://pastebin.com/Tj42wnBs
<JordanBrown> It lets you create cubes of different colors, and then union, intersect, difference, et cetera them.
<JordanBrown> Here's the key part of a union:
<JordanBrown> // Last paint wins, so n1's colors show through
<JordanBrown> union() {
<JordanBrown> // only where it is not in common with n2.
<JordanBrown> eval1(n1);
<JordanBrown> difference() {
<JordanBrown> eval1(n2, $color=undef);
<JordanBrown> }
<JordanBrown> eval1(n2);
<JordanBrown> }
<JordanBrown> and that gets processed for each color in the model.
<JordanBrown> Does that all sort of make sense?
<JordanBrown> Unfortunately, I suspect that it would mean that render times would increase by at least the number of colors, and maybe by the square of the number of colors.
<JordanBrown> Maybe not, if processing an infrequently-used color leads to lots of null intermediate objects.
<JordanBrown> I use "color" here, but really the same logic applies to any kind of "material" distinction.
<JordanBrown> It might even be possible to do entirely downstream of the CSG tree.
<JordanBrown> That is, build a CSG tree as it's built today, and have the volumetric-color work all be in the geometry evaluation.
<JordanBrown> Don't know, haven't looked at it.
<InPhase> I mean, kind of makes sense in a half-baked manner. I'm sure there are a few dozen complexities that are missed.
<JordanBrown> Absolutely.
<JordanBrown> But the math (in a boolean geometry algebra sense) makes sense, and that's a big first step.
<JordanBrown> The previewer isn't happy because it doesn't like invisible colored cubes that coincide with real cubes.
<JordanBrown> So although red(A) + blue(B) should be red(A-B) + blue(B), but the shapes that go into making A, that get differenced away, are still there for the previewer's processing and give it indigestion.
<JordanBrown> (give or take bad wording from changing how I was going to say it in the middle, and not fixing the beginning...)
<JordanBrown> Dinner time. Later.
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<JordanBrown> Hah, the 2D previewer avoids Z-fighting on the horizontal surfaces by making the negative objects 1.1 tall instead of 1.0 tall.
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<gbruno> [github] jordanbrown0 synchronize pull request #4306 (Add "em" parameter to text functions to set size of an em-square.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4306
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<J1A84> JordanBrown  I had the idea it could do that  -  maybe a reason why scale can scale Z of an 2D object
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<Friithian> hm, openscad segfaults when I quit it
<teepee> sounds likke quitting is not supported ;-)
<Friithian> well it closes perfectly fine so :P
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<InPhase> Friithian: Windows?
<InPhase> Friithian: There was a Windows-only issue for that up there on the list.
<Friithian> linux
<Friithian> kde neon, ubuntu 20.04 based
<InPhase> A nightly or master branch build? Or back at release?
<Friithian> whatever ubuntu 20.04 packages
<Friithian> 2019.05
<InPhase> Oh, that's not even latest release.
<Friithian> it's ubuntu lts whattya expect :P
<InPhase> I think there might have been a crash back then under some circumstances.
<InPhase> But fixed so long ago it has been long since forgotten. :)
<InPhase> 22.04 is solid enough to upgrade to.
<Friithian> kde neon won't rebase to 22.04 until after the point release
<InPhase> But also for OpenSCAD it's worth grabbing a new release or even a nightly build. The AppImage versions work really well.
<Friithian> imma just build from source
<InPhase> I keep my /usr/local/bin/openscad symlinked to the release AppImages as soon as we bump them out. Then I use a separate command to open the master branch version I regularly build.
<InPhase> I don't even install the repository versions anymore for openscad.
<Friithian> on my desktop I have an r9 5900x so I just build stuff
<InPhase> Although I can confirm that 22.04 carries 2021.01
<InPhase> I need to keep both around to track regressions in behavior, but the current master branch has some really important improvements that make it worthwhile. fast-csg is an extremely important speed boost, for example. We also had a number of other major boosts.
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<JordanBrown> J1A84: The previewer turns 2D objects into 3D objects, and then the transform happens in the underlying OpenGL.
<JordanBrown> turns the 2D objects into 3D objects
<JordanBrown> pushes the transformation matrix down into OpenGL.
<J1A84> so 2D can't be handled?
<JordanBrown> Not at that level.
<JordanBrown> I tried changing it to just put out a 2D object, an incomplete polyhedron.
<JordanBrown> As I expected, it displayed fine but difference and intersection didn't work.
<JordanBrown> because the previewer's difference and intersection only work on 3D objects.
<JordanBrown> The "do a 2D render first" strategy should work, and allow using a zero-thickness object.
<JordanBrown> But I have not isolated exactly where that should happen or how to do it.
<gbruno> [github] fxeconomist opened issue #4315 (Feature request : show full call path lines on error) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4315
<JordanBrown> I did find the place where linear extrusion appears to do the 2D render on its children:
<J1A84> so a square is 2D that gets 3D and for extrusion (and maybe offset) 2D again to end in 3D ? ..  sounds like a lot extra steps
<JordanBrown> I'm sorry, I don't follow that.
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<J1A84> i just wonder if  multiple offset cause multiple translations from 3D to 2D and back to 3D
<JordanBrown> A square is a 2D object, until it gets to the previewer. Inside the previewer, it gets inflated into a 3D object,and some of the previewer operations need that because they only work on 3D objects.
<JordanBrown> No, for linear extrude, offset, et cetera the square is still a 2D object. It only gets inflated if it makes it to the previewer.
<J1A84> ah ok
<JordanBrown> ... which is why I was surprised that the inflated square scaled in Z; I would have expected that all of the transforms happened before the inflation.
<J1A84> explains why z translations are removed when you put an offset
<J1A84> so scale works after the priviewer?
<JordanBrown> right - through mechanisms that I haven't yet looked at, some or all of the operations that consume 2D objects flatten them back out again before processing.
<JordanBrown> After, or in, depending on your point of view.
<JordanBrown> The previewer does its work by calling OpenGL, and the transforms (including scale) appear to be done there.
<JordanBrown> (Or at least that's how I understand it now. I am far far far from an expert on this area of OpenSCAD's internals.)
<J1A84> so aslong we hale nothing that can do boolean operation on 2D there is not much that can be done
<J1A84> have nothing
<JordanBrown> We *do* have that processing available. linear extrude and presumably other 2D consumers do it. It just doesn't get done if the 2D object makes it all the way to the previewer.
<J1A84> so why is difference using 3D objects then
<J1A84> (for the preview)
<JordanBrown> difference is *not* one of the things that fully evaluates its 2D children. Rather, it just passes them through (like it passes through 3D children), and the previewer does the actual differencing.
<JordanBrown> And the previewer's differencing only works on 3D objects.
<JordanBrown> Similarly for intersection.
<J1A84> hmm also in 2D objects there shouldn't be any z-fighting
<JordanBrown> One would hope, but because the 2D objects get inflated into 3D for preview, all of the same Z-fighting issues apply.
<JordanBrown> The only thing that hides a lot of them is the fact that the previewer makes the negative object be 1.1 tall, where the positive object is 1.0 tall.
<JordanBrown> But if you scale a 2D object, that scales the inflated-to-3D representation of it and louses up that relationship.
<J1A84> should use 100×   Ü
<JordanBrown> We really need some more terminology, because we have OpenSCAD 2D objects (squares) that get inflated in the previewer to 1-unit-thick 3D object, and we have OpenSCAD 3D objects (coplanar incomplete polyhedra) that are geometrically 2D.
<J1A84> you even could have 1D objects
<JordanBrown> OpenSCAD doesn't have 1D objects, though it would be useful if it did.
<JordanBrown> Not for 3D printing, but for laser cutting.
<J1A84> you can make them with polyhedra
<JordanBrown> Well, yeah, kind of, with degenerate faces.
<JordanBrown> It would be good to have line segments and polylines as first-class citizens.
<J1A84> works if using 1D with hull  to construct  3D objects
<JordanBrown> yes, kind of, sort of.
<JordanBrown> (Note: if you're doing that, you're probably working with a point cloud, and points are zero-D.)
<J1A84> but even more  a point would be nice to have .. but  that is not possible with a polyhedra
<JordanBrown> You could build a polyhedra with a single degenerate face, all three vertexes in the same place. But that would be a hack.
<JordanBrown> And yes, first-class support for points would be good.
<JordanBrown> But, sorry, right now I need to pretend to do real work, and get some lunch.
<J1A84> i have a Line module that can have 0 diameter
<J1A84> allowing sharp edges
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<lauraaa> heyo, good morning/afternoon, evening :)
<lauraaa> how to use --export-format arg?
<InPhase> lauraaa: Did you run openscad --help
<InPhase> You put the extension of any supported file format, or for stl you can clarify as asciistl or binstl
<lauraaa> yeah, i tried reading it but i still sadly dont get what it does and whats its relation with -o [ --o ] arg
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<lauraaa> teepee long time no see
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<teepee> :)
<teepee> and I'm going to see my bed very soon
<lauraaa> ohhh
<teepee> the export format is mostly for cases where -o can't help with selecting the format
<teepee> e.g. output to STDOUT is " -o - "
<lauraaa> you can read past messages?
<teepee> yes, it was just reconnecting
<lauraaa> ohhh
<lauraaa> im just back to trying to convert to stl files in a faster way
<lauraaa> without changing the code
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<lauraaa> i still dont understand why it takes longer using the command line
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<teepee> compared to GUI?
<lauraaa> yeah
<linext> maybe use 2>&1 at the end of the command
<linext> it'll dump stderr to stdout
<teepee> there's 2 things I can think of. 1) GUI has a cache so if you run once, next time it will be faster or even instant in most cases
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<teepee> 2) if you run a dev snapshot hand have some of the experimental features enabled in preferences, those are not active on command line
<teepee> ... unless enabled via --enable=feature1,feature2,...
<lauraaa> linext what do you mean by that?
<lauraaa> im not very familiar with this
<linext> are you running from a terminal or command prompt?
<linext> sometimes stderr (one of the three input/output streams) gets hidden
<lauraaa> im running it as subprocess using python
<linext> stdin is 0, stdout is 1, stderr is 2
<linext> it's the way C programs are defined, and other languages use it too, including a return code
<lauraaa> i still dont get the point (please be patient, im new to this still)
<linext> for example, "ping -n 10 2>&1" will take any data sent to stderr and move it to stdout so you can actually see it
<linext> sometimes stderr is hidden from where you run the program via command line
<linext> whenever you see text from a command-line program, it's being sent to a stream called stdout
<lauraaa> i think im starting to get it
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<linext> whenever you type something in, it gets sent to stdin
<linext> stdin can be the keyboard, or a file
<lauraaa> okok
<linext> you can chain programs together so that stdout can feed into stdin of another program
<linext> in my opinion, hackerrank.com has some good tutorials to learn about it
<lauraaa> pardon if my question is dumb but, how is that related to -o [ --o ] arg
<linext> let me take a look at some of my old openscad code
<linext> mylabyrinthlab.com runs on openscad and pymesh
<linext> i think i noticed the slowness too
<linext> the argument --export-format=binstl was necessary to make it faster