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<Friithian> it mildly bothers me that square([10,5]) is a thing
<J1A843536> rect([10,5]) better?
<Friithian> yes
<Friithian> I know I've asked this before but my memory is so bad: how should I do dual extruder prints, how do I export a sketch's parts to different stls
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<J1A843536> you can save them in the same 3mf(stl) with lazy union
<J1A843536> however you need to separate the parts and export like color="green";  if (color=="green")cube(5);
<J1A843536> with lazy union you could run a   for (extruder=[0,1])
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<Friithian> is there documentation on how to correctly use lazy unions?
<J1A843536> not about using .. if you activate it it will just prevent to union objects at top level (and some other)
<Friithian> oh cool there we go
<Scopeuk> Friithian define pedantic.scad, include it and define rect with the same parameter list as square just passed through? square(5) still makes sense
<Friithian> if I care more I'd do that
<Friithian> ah shit I just managed to give myself tech debt in <10 minutes of code
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<J1A843536> cube()? ..
<J1A843536> cuboid  .. ↦   cubid
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<Friithian> is it possible ot have f7 output a format other than stl or is that hard coded?
<J1A843536> at the moment you only can configure the buttons but not F7
<Friithian> heck
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<Friithian> hm, cura isn't able to reload a 3mf with multiple objects in it correctly
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<J1A843536> yeah .. not with the popup but works fine with reload from context menue
<Friithian> aah
<Friithian> I wonder what the underlying issue is there
<J1A843536> you still get issues when multiply an object and then reload
<J1A843536> also orientation (rotate) is messed up when hit reset
<J1A843536> .. an i really should open an change request to calculate bridging flow not via % of flow but as % of nozzle area
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<Friithian> https://i.imgur.com/xn7Ib0B.png multi-material hinge
<teepee> joseph_: did you create a new combined branch? I did not see any notifications
<teepee> joseph_: also, where are you? ;-)
<teepee> (asking in general terms, not gps coordinates)
<teepee> :)
<teepee> not sure about the first one though, space and gps seems a bad match
<teepee> hmm, I wonder if there are xkcd calendars
<teepee> nope, just books
<Friithian> the book are all worth it
<teepee> yeah, I probably should buy one
<teepee> with calendar I'm set for next year already anyway... https://smile.amazon.de/meta-bene-Postkartenkalender-2023-Tischkalender/dp/3830320396/
<Friithian> I bought How To (Although I think my mother has it currently)
<teepee> all in german though
<Friithian> kein spreche doiucthe
<teepee> https://www.metabene.de/2022/06/666/ --- nice number: "I'll never forget you Marcus", ... "Thomas", ... "Thomas" :D
<J1A843536> pretty funny how we got surenames
<teepee> https://www.metabene.de/2021/03/595/ --- I'm following a plan... which one? ... I'll know once I caught it.
<teepee> that's probably about software development ;-)
<teepee> surenames?
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<J1A843536> small villages doesn't needed them but when you try to sell something to the next village .. nobody knows thomas or you sell flour but thomas was the butcher
<teepee> yep, I don't like all of them, but some are just nice word play
<J1A843536> so they added their profession  .. thomas baker  just to create an illusion of knowing you
<teepee> right. till the danish made it a bit questionable going with sven svenson, lars larson and so on :)
<J1A843536> in other tribes it is needed to "fake" know someone just to legitimize not to fight
<J1A843536> i think that is from the heritage of fathers name .. like nippon   Miagi san ..
<J1A843536> lars  was larses son  and  erik was eriks son   ..  we had this with  Jr.   ..  to keep the name
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<J1A843536> that  post wasn't logged Ü
<teepee> sent a mail, lets see if gunnbr is around
<teepee> neat, tpu or something for flexibility?
<Friithian> TPC
<J1A843536> some printer can mix so you can have a flexibility gradient ..  ( was a conundrum how octopodes could have a hard beak on soft tissue without damaging)
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<teepee> yay \o/
<teepee> gunnbr: thanks :)
<J1A843536> Friithian you can try something similar with blend the two material with conical pins
<gunnbr> You're welcome! I still don't know why othx was down. I normally monitor gthx and it was still running.
<teepee> yep, that's new, in previous cases both collaborated in running away
<Friithian> dunno how that'll print at this scale
<J1A843536> you can print 2nozzle wide lines without problem
<Friithian> in the picture I posted, the black middle part is 5mm thick so
<J1A843536> but if the deformation zone is far enough away you may not need this for durability
<Friithian> honestly with the 2 pins printed into it and the natural conenction between TPC and PLA it is fairly strong
<J1A843536> 5 mm  is 10 lines .. or 50 layer
<Friithian> oh wait are you talking interleaving the layer?
<J1A843536> if you have sharp material change the stress is high there .. but if there are pins in it wouldn't matter if the bond get loose
<J1A843536> yes  you can interleave this in 3D
<Friithian> I was thinking vertical interleaving
<J1A843536> both Ü
<Friithian> which is why I was confused
<Friithian> I think cura automatically interleaves the layers on intersecting models
<J1A843536> depends if you have overlapping geometry
<Friithian> I know this because I forgot to difference() the center bit for the PLA part and was wondering why it was all weird
<J1A843536> yeah there are some modes how to solve this
<J1A843536> but those interlacing  will not create a gradient
<gbruno> [github] thehans review_requested pull request #4326 (Fix attempt for Edit->Copy menu action, and cmd-c across Editor|Console) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4326
<gbruno> [github] thehans review_requested pull request #4326 (Fix attempt for Edit->Copy menu action, and cmd-c across Editor|Console) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4326
<peepsalot> is that a new bot feature?
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<teepee> yep, it's now reporting PR related events, looks like there a quite a few
<peepsalot> ah, neat
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<peeps[zen]> is there any particular issue/feature/fix which you think would be particularly impactful in terms of reducing incoming github issues or other complaints/requests for help in the community?
<peeps[zen]> ^ for anyone who feels like answering
<Friithian> turn off issues :D
<InPhase> peeps[zen]: Probably the big one would be stl import validation, so the errors with those are assigned properly right away.
<InPhase> That whole "it worked fine until I added a cube and then rendered" really confuses the users.
<InPhase> It makes it all look like a software bug.
<peeps[zen]> yeah, true
<InPhase> I've seen that repeated so many times as a reported issue that I've lost count. :)
<gbruno> [github] jbinvnt opened pull request #4330 (GSoC 2022: 3D Viewport Graphical Enhancements ) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4330
<gbruno> [github] jbinvnt closed pull request #4305 (Select shader location) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/4305
<joseph_> teepee: I just pushed the consolidated branch. At first I was trying a few different commands locally in an attempt to have merge commits separating each smaller branch I've been working on. But then I realized that my PR probably shouldn't have merge commits of its own, so now it just has a linear history.
<joseph_> To answer your other question, during the semester I'm in Massachusetts for school. Otherwise I'm in Illinois.
<teepee> sorry, misunderstanding. I was wondering if you disappeared
<teepee> the nice history is certainly a bonus, we mostly are not too fuzzed about a strange commit, after all in most cases it's people giving some of their spare time
<teepee> while it would be great to have a perfect history in style of linux kernel, but then users like to see things working in the application without reading git history :)
<teepee> the clean history helps a lot with reviewing changes
<teepee> moving quickly to 2am here, so I'll be out soon-ish, hopefully no incident calls tomorrow at work so I can give the new branch a go
<teepee> I guess we also need to find a way how to handle the test cases as you mentioned earlier, I'm not yet sure what the best strategy is
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<JordanBrown> Frithian: but cube([10,5,5]) doesn't bother you?
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<teepee> cylinder(10, 0, 10);
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