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<InPhase> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao7dnX8vfrc This was shown to me on ##physics. It's a brilliant innovation on the classic printed hand drill design. All we need now is an OpenSCAD version of this so the supported bit sizes can be adjusted. :)
<othx> InPhase linked to YouTube video "First 3D printed straight one-way manual hand drill in the world" => 1 IRC mentions
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<J1A8410> InPhase there is  something like that in AdventK 2022  (twister)  irc
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<teepee> very cool design
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<gbruno> [github] kwikius edited issue #4336 (Feature request: alias-module) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4336
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<gbruno> [github] nickzoic opened issue #4340 (Removing holes from 2D geometries) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4340
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<J1A8410> is it possible that files only listed in "recents" if  they were opened or exported but not when a .scad is saved ?
<Scopeuk> save in tab manager calls updateRecentFiles
<Scopeuk> so it looks like tehre is intent for save to do it
<Scopeuk> haven't looked at that function yet
<Scopeuk> hmm interesting, it's not there in save as
<Scopeuk> hm ok no save as calls save, so that should also be fine
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<J1A8410> ah  i am always using save as (because starting with a template)
<gbruno> [github] kwikius edited issue #4336 (Feature request: alias-module) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4336
<gbruno> [github] kwikius edited issue #4336 (Feature request: alias-module) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4336
<J1A8410> so  until this is fixed i just hit save after save_as  .. thx Scopeuk
<gbruno> [github] Parkinbot opened issue #4341 (Feature request: Viewport into floating window and fullscreen) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4341
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<InPhase> J1A8410: Going the same direction on both push and pull though? I hadn't seen that before anywhere for something like that.
<InPhase> Although I'll note that I tried to print it as-is, and the design seems to have a defective lack of clearance tolerances on the moving bits. This is why we need everything to be programmatic scad.
<J1A8410> the design vor adventC2022 should be ..  however there is no bit and no cage around the two moving discs
<InPhase> Ok.
<InPhase> So the motion principle, but not the drill.
<InPhase> Regardless, if I want one I will apparently have to redesign in OpenSCAD with a standard clearance parameter. :)
<J1A8410> there is a "clearance" parameter  extra for you  Ü
<InPhase> How was that print-in-place? Were there supports on the outside?
<InPhase> Looks like most of the required need except for the cage, but I usually have had bad luck on the smoothness of print in place mechanical motion parts. They seem to either stick or need a pretty large clearance.
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<teepee> people have odd views on how development is working
<InPhase> teepee: I suppose it's unthinkable to people that open source even works without hierarchical planning. :) Thus they assume that it must have it.
<teepee> yah, I guess
<InPhase> The classic view is that without it, no one would want to take out the garbage. But sure enough, someone wrote a garbage collector.
<teepee> after all it's a strange thing that multiple people can actually work towards a goal, even though it's not that clearly defined
<InPhase> The truth is I did not want to write a garbage collector. Although I was part of the work proving to my sadness that we needed one and then I sighed forlornly. But it just sort of aligns that with time the important things catch someone's interest or motivations.
<J1A8410> InPhase yeas print in place is annoying, or at least you get better results without..
<teepee> that's the cool thing, sometimes people even get motivated to do stuff that does not seem to be that interesting, but luckily interesing is different for everyone
<InPhase> Yeah. Binary stl export was actually somewhat interesting for me because for inexplicable reasons I like fiddling with bits sometimes and binary formats sometimes. There's honestly no good logic to that. :)
<teepee> :)
<teepee> exactly
<InPhase> Which reminds me I have a bit of code hiding somewhere on my hard drive to finish up involving that major use<> optimization. I think I was midway on that and then got sidetracked.
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<InPhase> It's in one of my 26 openscad repository copies.
<teepee> in other news, Models @ MakeWithTech donated $500 so we probably should get a fancy new server sometime ;-)
<InPhase> Oh, that's pretty cool.
<teepee> he also wrote a mail about new features, it seems to grow quite a bit both with users and features
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<InPhase> I guess that leaves the question of, server for what thing?
<teepee> like multi-file support and maybe soon also version support
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<teepee> replace the current one that hosts everything like downloads and other workflow stuff
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<teepee> maybe even supporting a WASM based playground and such stuff
<InPhase> There was talk at one point about a CI server, but I suppose you got all that sorted with the free services in the end.
<teepee> yeah, I'm not sure that's helping a lot, yes, it's annoying if they change stuff, but maintaining the whole server takes time too
<teepee> something to run performance tests would be cool though
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<teepee> haha, we are watched
<teepee> just now a new mail came in, subject: CircleCI: Update to setup_remote_docker
<teepee> joseph_: Sean just went ahead changing to 16-week project already - we can still check what makes most sense, list of options: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/help/2022-project-dates
<InPhase> There has also been talk about trying to do some sort of approach to a library repo. One approach to that would involve a custom server.
<teepee> yeah, not sure I want to be responsible for that ;-)
<InPhase> As for maintaining, I can chip in to help keep a server in operating order. Just as long as I don't end up with primary responsibility for webdev or build systems, because those are not very enjoyable. :)
<teepee> I just found my Debian 1.2 CD
<teepee> I wonder if that still works
<InPhase> Setting up and reconfiguring a webserver and such to various needs is not so bad though.
<Scopeuk> teepee for a given definition of "works", I suppose they haven't dropped bios boot support yet
<teepee> well, 1st in the sense the CD is still readable
<Scopeuk> I suppose you have to start somewhere :P
<InPhase> General system administration though is a moderately enjoyable side-task for me.
<Scopeuk> I suppose that burnable discs degrade over time
<teepee> last one that fits to 1 CD including source, the next version 1.3 came as 2 CDs
<teepee> hand labled by the debian boot disk maintainer at the time
<teepee> good old gcc-2.7.2
<InPhase> Raise your hand if you remember the epoch moment which was the start of "Please insert disk 2 to continue installation" for Debian. :)
<teepee> also debian 2.0 on 8 CDs
<InPhase> Gone were the days where you could receive one floppy in the mail and then have Linux.
<teepee> there you go, debian 2.0, 13.12.2000 so I suspect that happened somewhere christmas 2000
<teepee> but yes, slackware floppies came before that
<InPhase> For my first Linux installation I filled out a web form, and then a package arrived with a Slackware, a Redhat, and a Debian floppy.
<InPhase> I tried all three and then became a Debian user.
<InPhase> I don't know who these volunteers were who were mailing out these floppies, but thanks to whoever they were. :)
<InPhase> I've tried to estimate how many actual Linux users there were that year in 1994, but all I can deduce is that it was small. The first UK-wide Linux user group occurred that year, and they obtained "a room" in a computing center for the meeting.
<Scopeuk> I first used Linux much later (granted in 94 I was still in a my early single digits) probably around 2003/4 mucking about with knoppix and debian on old hardware (with webmin of all things) back when I had no idea what I didn't know
<Scopeuk> fun times
<InPhase> I was 14 at the time, and just old enough to make the audacious choice to try it out. :)
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<gbruno> [github] kwikius edited issue #4336 (Feature request: alias-module) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4336
<gbruno> [github] donwade opened issue #4342 (openscad example "roof.scad" fails ver 2022.08.30) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4342
<gbruno> [github] donwade edited issue #4342 (openscad example "roof.scad" fails ver 2022.08.30) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4342
<gbruno> [github] donwade closed issue #4342 (openscad example "roof.scad" fails ver 2022.08.30) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4342
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<J1A8410> version 2022.06.26 seems to have a problem with precision of large numbers . .i place a cube(250000) and it is off by 0.5
<InPhase> Preview or render or both?
<InPhase> And are you sure it's off by 0.5, or might it be off by 0.2384?
<InPhase> There is a const double GRID_FINE = 0.00000095367431640625; and this value times 250000 is 0.2384
<InPhase> Hmm, but maybe that's not the appropriate usage of this.
<InPhase> I think it modulos values by that, which yields a nice even 262144000000
<InPhase> This value is sufficiently small to be held in double without loss.
<J1A8410>  i recognized it because preview was fine but in render  the part was ~ .5 shorter
<InPhase> Well, then it might be grid snap related, but I'm not sure how.
<InPhase> Does it differ with fast-csg off?
<J1A8410> i just tried to replicate with "easy" code .. and now the preview fails but the render is correct
<J1A8410> ok preview fails because of some clipping  when a very big object cuts a  much smaller one
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<linext_> so i figured out how to fix kisslicer to avoid the freeze bug
<linext_> the issue is that is has a popup the first time it runs, and if you run it in Session 0 as SYSTEM user, the popup cannot be seen or clicked
<linext_> the trick was to run it in Session ID 2 as a regular user, click the popup so it doesn't occur again, then run the program in Session ID 0 so it can't be seen
<linext_> always running it as a regular User, not the SYSTEM user
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<J1A8410> these slicer seem to have very different settings ..  2-15$  and  2-15g  and  0.5-5 h  Ü
<linext_> yea, i need to do more testing
<linext_> kisslicer is a little weird because it takes settings from an .ini file
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