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<Friithian> hmm, wwould it be a horrible idea to print o-rings out of TPC? And if not, how do I make a torus in openscad
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<InPhase> O-rings you would usually want to be super water tight.
<InPhase> Or air tight, depending on purpose.
<InPhase> Friithian: Oh, but I remember a trick that would do that. You take your print, then pack it into fine sand. Then you bake it just above the melting temperature. :)
<InPhase> Except then you have to get the sand out of your o-ring...
<Friithian> this isn't an actual o-ring o-ring, it is a grip for the ifixit kit screwdriver
<Friithian> although I have wanted to do that
<InPhase> Oh, well then it's just a question of how it feels to your hand.
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<Friithian> is it worth making a torus though
<Friithian> oh fuck why does openscad make a sound when it finishes rendering I just noticed that
<teepee> ding ding
<teepee> just switch it off then
<teepee> maybe it will be configurable at some point, so you can make it bark at you when ready ;-)
<Friithian> I just never knew it did that as I always used it on my laptop
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<teepee> it's doing that for a while now, but with the slow release cycle, it's probably still just the latest release
<Friithian> oh fuck I already have a print on that printer I can't start another one
<Friithian> I've never once before used openscad with audio enabled
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<JordanBrown> Friithian: As to how to make a torus: rotate_extrude(...) translate(...) circle(...).
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<Friithian> it took me a hot sec but in my mild altered state I managed to get that… took very hot of a sec
<Friithian> but uh, the printer that has my TPC is already printing something so
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<InPhase> Friithian: Now I know what you're talking about. :) https://guide-images.cdn.ifixit.com/igi/UbuQBWd52JDNELUJ.medium
<InPhase> Looks like a silly design for a screwdriver handle. I see why they changed that for the later versions.
<Friithian> yeah this is the OG design
<Friithian> honestly I don't use the o-rings that much if I need TORQUE I use the TORQUE bar
<Friithian> but I like the look
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<joseph_> teepee InPhase: My solution for rendering cut faces as a different color now appears to work. It's here: https://github.com/jbinvnt/openscad/tree/show-cut-faces. This is a different branch than the one that I originally created a PR for. In retrospect, I should have made a single gsoc-2022 branch in my fork (where my own little feature branches would get progressively merged) and have a standing PR to openscad:master. We may have
<joseph_> decided on this at the beginning of the summer, but if so then I forgot before making the first PR. Should I delete #4305 and create a new one? I would replicate my comment attributing the source of the example shaders
<joseph_> You'll notice that the approach I followed is a bit different than what I originally outlined. It turned out that instead of creating a fully new function that accepts polyhedrons and produces the vertex attributes separately, it made more sense to add new data onto polysets and then I could reuse a greater portion of the existing code. Additionally, the CI tests are still failing because they use fastcsg, while my method
<joseph_> currently requires nef. I know that this isn't ideal long-term
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<teepee> joseph_: maybe the easiest way is to just create that gsoc-2022 branch now and put the current combined state into that
<teepee> if you then create a PR from that branch you can handle the local branches and merge those into your gsoc-2022 branch to appear automatically in the PR too
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<Friithian> oh did I remember to set these rings to be radius or diameter?
<Friithian> did I just pull an InPhase
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<Scopeuk> do we need a #pragma circles_use_radius to trigger a warning if you use dia or vice vs :P
<Friithian> yes
<Friithian> #pragma warn_me_for_being_stupid
<Friithian> sigh… looking at the print it does see a bit too big
<Friithian> oh fuck yup I forgot a /2…
<Friithian> although this was me fucking up a rotate_extrude
<Scopeuk> take this diameter, using that as radius...
<Friithian> exactly
<Friithian> I used the oring's ID to move the circle I was about to rotate_extrude, so I got ID*2 as the actual ID on the model
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<J1A8435> i am often including reference objects %  just to make sure i didn't miss anyting
<Friithian> ah but that would require thinking
<J1A8435> just knowing about the own stupidity
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<Friithian> well that is a good working print, only took two tries
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<Scopeuk> I have 3d tool free from https://www.3d-tool.com/en-update.htm (free viewer) to just look over model dimensions from the stl before a print on a new model
<Scopeuk> not opensource and windows only but it has a very nice interface for measuring/interegating a design
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<tcurdt-> when I do an 2d export it creates some axis and the path to the file ... how I can I disable that?
<teepee> i have no idea what that means
<tcurdt-> clear now?
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<teepee> ah, this is about PDF export. no there's currently no option
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<tcurdt-> hmm. ok :-/
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<InPhase> tcurdt-: pdfcrop is a handy tool.
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