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We really should improve the performance of typos.
I was testing my BBox on some real world examples. Worked fine except for the one that I ran on pointarras instead of pointarrays, which rather than 1 second of bounding box calculation for 163,172 points, it launched into 100% cpu for like 10 minutes before I killed it.
And unfortunately, this happens a lot.
Drop in some typo, you get undef, you propagate that undef through a bunch of involved calculations, and suddenly the runtime increases by more than a factor of 1000.
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InPhase: stop on first warning?
really instead of a checkbox I think we should just have a number entry "Allow up to __ warnings before halting."
the error log gets increasingly slow after thousands of entries
that was the biggest slowdown I observed anyways
i remember profiling that when I was working on Console optimizations
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afaik if calculating points you always get a list of all points that failed to calc (even with stop on first warning)
peepsalot: Yeah, a numerical entry would probably do it.
One is not enough for me. 100 would be plenty.
I probably had closer to 2 million being generated in that model, which would never be useful for anyone.
is smooth union in openscad yet
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weird i thought i closed it when i marked as duplicate
github is acting strange a bit, I had to reload 3 times to actually comment
teepee InPhase: Yesterday and today I've been focusing on investigating the failing tests. I'll let you know when I have produced some fixes or run into a substantial block that I need advice about. I have not been focusing much more on the WASM build issue yet because I didn't hear whether I'll be able to find the dummy class elsewhere in the codebase already, or if it requires special knowledge from a community member
joseph_: Ok. Feel free to discuss intermediate bits of the work with more detail as well, so that you do not get stuck on confusing parts for long.
joseph_: It's not guaranteed anyone will know the answer to a specific question, but the price of asking is smaller than the price of long confusion.
joseph_: looking at CMakeList.txt it's probably tied to the NULLGL define in code, which I can see in for example
with the dummy stuff at the bottom of that file
from the error message I was guessing that class has a new method and this is not mentioned in that NULLGL case
any recommendations for things to print on a resin printer?
linext can't recommend specific models but anything small and high/ultra high detail is what they excel at, jewelry mock ups, figurines that sort of thing
highly accurate model of a heart
minis, as always
i made the gear cube
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pa sure you just put the function into a translate() command to move your child or use multmatrix()
J1A8479: well i actually meant to, for example, scale a child with such a function
so that y wouldn't be scaled , say, 0.2, but proportionaly to x position of each point
a child(ren) is an object not a point .. you can use scale or multmatrix to independently scale xyz
you would use a loop to move (translate(p[i]) scale([i*.2+1.5, 1,1]) children(); you can also put a function into the scale that gets x of the point as input
pa: You just need to embrace the matrix math.
pa: Oops, that should have been $fn=24; module Foo() { multmatrix([[1,0,0,0],[0.2,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0]]) children(); } Foo() translate([2, 1, 0.5]) sphere(2);
Can't count when writing that compactly.
hope i am not the bad influence that your code become unreadable like mine Ü
pa: I had flushed out that multmatrix section of the manual with some info and examples a while ago, so I think it will give a good explanation of that. Although if you aren't familiar with matrix multiplication on a vector, looking up that might help.
J1A8479: Hahah. Well I knew it was going to be a little long and wanted to one-line it for the paste. ;)
2nd for
can't belive that doesn't exist .. probably *.design are one of these 100k domains ..
<InPhase> is super memorable if you could get it. Can't beat that.
ah 2 letter .. need to be 3 .. exist . .. and about 3 to 6 k per year
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i want to find an unused domain
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Oh, which is taken
ah print
oh already tomorow .. Ü
hmm if i make an app that translate domain names into TOR adresses .. i can sell every domain name Ü
.net or a .org seems applicable if users can allow their PCs to render other jobs
I keep thinking that it should be possible to write a skew() function that is more directly comprehensible than multmatrix(), but I suspect that to be general it would need to take a 3x3 matrix input, at which point it's almost multmatrix().
isn't form3d the name of one of those first sla printers?
and company?
seems length to costs is anti exponential
<J1A8479> ..
ah, no formlabs and form 3 - close :)
JordanBrown i have skew in my lib .. as M(skewxz=1)
I don't know what you mean by M(skewxz=1).
I have at least one skew* function in my library, but I don't remember what its semantics are. I just know it wasn't a general solution.
M(skewxz=1)cube(); skews a cube along xz
you sure can also have skewzx
It seems like having skewx(y,z), skewy(x, z), and skewz(x,y) would be more or less complete. All of them meaning "as you move in X, scale Y and Z", and so on.
the most cases will be Z axis skewed in X or Y .. for the rest you could rotate your object
Well, sure, but that's like saying that you only need scale([x,1,1]), since you can always rotate your object into the right orientation.
you mean like rotate_extrude is always around Z ?
Yeah, true, and linear_extrude is always into Z.
and you sure want to scale in 3D but you rarely skew in 2 or 3 dimensions
Skewing in three dimensions hurts my head.
as said i have all 6 in one module, so you can combine them if wanted
I haven't truly wrapped my head around what skewing deeply *means*, so I'm not sure I'm really covering all of it.
the problem is you need a 3D monitor as all this skewing lead to optical illusions
Yes, I was noticing that simple skewed cubes didn't look right.
would be fun if like skew you could scale along a dimension like a sphere would become an egg
so having a transformation boundingBox that can also twist and bend
* J1A8479
going to sleep mode zzzzzzz
Wearing my "not a mathematician" hat and using terms that I'm not 100% sure of the definition of, I think that's not an "affine" transformation and can't be achieved with a 4x4 matrix multiply.
But yes, it would be nice if you could say
newpoints = [ for (p = points) myfunction(p) ];
and have it apply to geometry.
Well, hmm. 4x4 can do perspective transforms, and I think that's related. But I don't think OpenSCAD does 4x4; I think it only does 3x4.
J1A8479: Honestly I find "skewing" a fuzzy concept, but the matrix math is intuitive to me, so my mental mapping is "skewing is what happens when the number is there in the matrix". :)
I'm not really sure where people would go and pick up an intuitive mental model of skewing without it involving these matrices.