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<J1A845874> scad 3D printing to manifest your coding errors in real life ..
<Friithian> ``ah yes, I cannot do basic math''
<InPhase> J1A845874: I was self-shamed the day I printed a shower drain twice the intended size because I flubbed radius and diameter.
<InPhase> I made it all the way to carrying it up to the shower before the face palm.
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<J1A845874> the size didn't let you wonder?
<InPhase> Yeah, it felt off. But it was such a simple design I wasn't attentive, shrugged it off, and kept auto-piloting forward.
<InPhase> As is the nature of bugs. Just this time, made physical. :)
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<InPhase> After all, I knew I had measured it very reliably!
<InPhase> High quality steel ruler and everything.
<Friithian> wait until we get flesh 3d print and you can print actual, live bugs! :D
<InPhase> Trust the tools!
<J1A845874> i have this with clearance where you add  1×clearance  but it was diameter and you needed 2×
<InPhase> I've done that a few times too, but that's less shameful than autopilot on a monster sized shower drain.
<J1A845874> barley fit on the print bed ..
<InPhase> It wasn't a large drain to begin with, so it was in the end within scope for the size of shower drains in other showers. Just not mine.
<Friithian> what was it printed out of?
<InPhase> But it was also the shower I used everyday at the time, so I should have known.
<J1A845874> i guess it looks smaller when you stand on it  .. Ü
<InPhase> Friithian: PLA.
<InPhase> Friithian: It was a drop-in drain for easy removal and cleaning, and because the screw threads in the drain mount itself had gotten stripped bare by rust over time in that old shower. (Which I don't have anymore.)
<InPhase> Friithian: Which means it was inset, and didn't really need any special strength or anything.
<Friithian> well at least it was only PLA and not some expensive material
<J1A845874> when you worry about 1$ print waste .. but then fill your car at the gas station
<Friithian> I just wasted 12¢ worth of TPC and am mildly annoyed at it :D
<Friithian> but I don thave a car so
<InPhase> Friithian: I went through several designs so this might not have been the one I messed up the size on, but this was the one I ended up actually using: https://bpa.st/JPBA
<InPhase> I think that's one of my never released designs.
<InPhase> deep_drain.scad It worked pretty well for the purpose.
<J1A845874> image?
<Friithian> bah, I cannot stand braces that are not allman style
<J1A845874> stringy test
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<InPhase> Friithian: I opted for vertical compactness sometime back in the 90s over Allman style, and then just stuck with it for a long time. :)
<Friithian> *barf* :D
<J1A845874> the center could work as snorkel  with only one hole on top
<InPhase> J1A845874: Although a lot less fun when you step on it with your toe then.
<InPhase> The print of that did some mild stringing for me, but wasn't too hard to clean up.
* J1A845874 's shower drain has a shield on top
<InPhase> Looks like master branch handles the preview of that design much better than the last release. I remember it was slow at preview when I wrote it, but I plowed ahead.
<InPhase> J1A845874: Yeah, all my showers have step-plug drains now that unscrew out for hair removal.
<InPhase> I've moved up in the world in terms of shower drains at least.
<InPhase> Well, step plug for the shower/tub, wide metal round grating for the regular shower.
<J1A845874> i made a sink drain once that used surface tension of water to close .. so you put a glas marble on a small snorkel and when removed it opens (but you can't close it again until empty)
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<Friithian> whew this TPC is… I knew it could stretch 500% but this still feels weird
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<Robin_Watts> Hi all. I've used OpenSCAD on and off for years, but I've just hit a problem I've not seen before.
<Robin_Watts> This is also the first time I've tried to import an stl file from elsewhere, so that might be related :)
<Robin_Watts> ERROR: CGAL error in CGALUtils::applyUnion3D: CGAL ERROR: assertion violation! Expr: G.mark(v1,0)==G.mark(v2,0)&& G.mark(v1,1)==G.mark(v2,1) File: /mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix/include/CGAL/Nef_S2/SM_overlayer.h Line: 303
<InPhase> Robin_Watts: Your imported stl is probably not properly manifold.
<Robin_Watts> If I import the STL, then I can preview it, and render it with no problems.
<InPhase> Robin_Watts: It's a common problem, as many other tools do not make properly closed and self-consistent stl files.
<Robin_Watts> If I import the STL, and add a cylinder that doesn't even touch the STL, I can preview, but the render fails with that error.
<Robin_Watts> OK. I am quite prepared to believe that the STL is at fault (though I was confused by the STL working by itself).
<Robin_Watts> Your website suggests using MeshLab to fix the STL, but the instructions on the site don't seem to quite match what I see when I load the STL into meshlab.
<InPhase> Yes, the stl imports only fail when you go to render the stl in combination with some other object, and it has to actually do geometric calculations.
<Robin_Watts> Right.
<InPhase> Otherwise it will just happily pass a garbage stl back out the other end. :)
<Robin_Watts> Is MeshLab still the best tool for fixing STLs ?
<InPhase> Seems to be.
<Friithian> well, it would be better to fix it at whatever source is
<InPhase> It can be tough. Some you can fix, some are very hard to fix. Sometimes meshlab crashes when you go to fix a bad stl.
<InPhase> If you're in the crashing scenario, then it can get easier to just remake the thing from scratch.
<J1A845874> what was that tool  that guy in the issue used ..
<Robin_Watts> Yeah, this is a model from thingiverse of a hedgehog. I am not artistic enough to remake it :)
<InPhase> Yeah. Those are also the most likely sorts of things to be bad.
<Friithian> oh yeah a lot of the stuff on thingiverse aren't that good
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<J1A845874> never tried   »Free Online stl repair by FormWare«
<InPhase> The artistic programs are typically display-focused and not printing focused. You'll sometimes find there are surfaces INSIDE an artistic stl, which is invalid.
<InPhase> Robin_Watts: Hint: Sometimes remeshing in meshlab will solve that category of issues.
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<Robin_Watts> Any hints as to how to do that for someone with about 2 seconds experience of meshlab? :)
<InPhase> Hunt in the menu for remesh, and choose a good enough resolution. I've done it only a couple times years ago. :)
<J1A84> When you drag and move surfaces (sculp) you  easy move to much
<InPhase> It'll probably take a few tries to get a satisfactory result.
<J1A84> if it is a public model just give this a try https://www.formware.co/onlinestlrepair
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<Robin_Watts> ooh, fantastic. I'll give that a spin. Thanks.
<InPhase> Robin_Watts: Report back results for future reference.
<J1A84> let me know if it worked ..
<J1A84> Ü
<Robin_Watts> It reported 0 of every problem. I downloaded the fixed version, and openscad now complains instantly with: ERROR: The given mesh is not closed! Unable to convert to CGAL_Nef_Polyhedron.
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<Robin_Watts> For anyone interested, the stl in question is: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1669159/files  - the Hedgehog_A_hole.stl one.
<Robin_Watts> Being called away. I'll lurk in case anyone has any brilliant ideas, and will check back in later. Thanks!
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<J1A84> if you have windows the 3D builder attempts repairs when loading faulty files (maybe also 3D paint)
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<J1A84> Robin_Watts  checked the A_fill stl .. seems to be ok, however the scad 2022 can report problems with bad alignment .. if moved a little i could render it without errors
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<Robin_Watts> J1A84: Thanks for checking. I am using scad 2021.01.
<Robin_Watts> Trying 2022.06 now.
<Robin_Watts> Still asserts :(
<InPhase> Robin_Watts: Did you try turning on fast-csg?
<InPhase> Robin_Watts: It uses a different calculation approach.
<InPhase> Robin_Watts: Garbage is still garbage, but maybe you get lucky and the garbage sneaks past with the other approach. ;)
<Friithian> GIGO :D
<Robin_Watts> I did not. My current plan is to make 2 stl files, one for the unchanged top of the hedgehog, and one with the openscad made base, and then combine them in a different program and hope the printer accepts it.
<InPhase> Robin_Watts: In fact, it did render for me with my 2022-08 version, with fast-csg turned on. I didn't think that had a very high probability, but there I am looking at a render of it.
<Robin_Watts> Ah, ta, so that gives me another thing to try if this fails. Ta.
<InPhase> Let me try some more aggressive operations. Let's see if I can eat a hole in it with a cylinder.
<InPhase> Robin_Watts: https://i.imgur.com/jpaU1CR.png
<InPhase> Was a cute hedgehog. Now it's a cute hedgehog with a hole in its head, but that's what happens when you mess around with difference operations, Mr. Hedgehog.