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<Zauberfisch> good dayu
<Zauberfisch> day*
<Zauberfisch> I'm drawing a big polygon and want to ensure some points have specific angles
<Zauberfisch> is there some way to check/see what angle a shape has in openscad?
<Zauberfisch> (I know I could sove this problem with math. but I'd much rather have a GUI that let's me click and just see the angle)
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<Zauberfisch> also, how do I export to PDF larger than A4?
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<Scopeuk> Zauberfisch not within openscad. I use https://www.3d-tool.com/en-cad-viewer-download.htm (free viewer) to check angles/measurements on exported stl's
<Scopeuk> setting the angles is unfortunately a maths job
<peepsalot> Zauberfisch: no, openscad is all math, you specify the angles. it's not really built for inspection or point and click like that.
<Alicia> the question inspired me to write a polygonangles module which (using math of course) prints angles at each point of a polygon. https://ion.nu/tmp/polygonangles.scad.txt
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<Zauberfisch> Alicia: oh, that's amazing
<Zauberfisch> thank you so much
<Zauberfisch> that is exactly what I need
<Zauberfisch> Scopeuk: thanks for that tipp though, sounds useful for more in detail inspections
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<Jack21> Alicia that is cool, if you raise the Text .1 in z it isn't Z-fighting
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<InPhase> Alicia: That will combine well with the new points = render() PR. :)
<InPhase> (Which reminds me, I forgot to inspect that PR...)
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<Alicia> InPhase: I'm not familiar with that but it sounds like it could be useful :)
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<Zauberfisch> Ah, about my other question:
<Zauberfisch> How can I create PDFs larger than A4?
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<InPhase> Zauberfisch: Save as svg and convert at your leisure.
<InPhase> Zauberfisch: The pdf export seems to target a specific printable form.
<Zauberfisch> that makes scaling a pain
<Zauberfisch> the PDF export seems perfect for what I need. except that it seems to be limited to A4
<InPhase> The svg has natural units in it.
<Zauberfisch> oh, it does?
<InPhase> It does. They're mm
<Zauberfisch> do you ahve a recommendation what client I could print the svg with?
<InPhase> Or well, mm if you used mm for your design.
<Zauberfisch> inkscape didn't seem to respect the format
<InPhase> This does: rsvg-convert -f pdf -o out.pdf in.svg
<Zauberfisch> or maybe I did something wrong
<Zauberfisch> one moment
<InPhase> rsvg-convert also has a lot of options.
<Zauberfisch> lovely
<Zauberfisch> thanks
<Zauberfisch> rsvg-convert is wonderful
<InPhase> The latest version appears to support margins as well. My repository version does not yet, but I don't usually need them for what I do, so I'll wait for the new one to roll out.
<Zauberfisch> I found --left and --top
<InPhase> Usually I'm busy removing margins from pdfs, because I typically embed things in LaTeX documents and such anyway.
<InPhase> Yeah, my version is still missing those on 20.04
<InPhase> Ubuntu 22.04 will probably pick that up in a few months. :)
<Zauberfisch> hate to be that guy, but I am using arch linux :P
<InPhase> Shame, scorn and mockery! But it worked for you today. :)
<Zauberfisch> have to resit the urge telling everyone how superiour arch is
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<InPhase> Yes, compulsive disorders can in fact be difficult to deal with.
<InPhase> More seriously, there was a time in my life when I felt the need to stay cutting edge. Now I ride patiently on stable versions with high selectivity in when I go to the cutting edge, for the sake of time management.
<InPhase> But it can be both educational and offer some benefits that I understand from my past to opt for the other strategy. :)
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<Zauberfisch> InPhase: are you sure that rsvg-convert keeps the scale correctly?
<Zauberfisch> or maybe it does
<Zauberfisch> and my model is wrong
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<InPhase> Sure? Not really. But there are fancy options for dpi and such so you should be able to control it if it doesn't.
<InPhase> I'm certain the svg starts correctly, because you can make trivial models and read the svg values directly in the svg file as text.
<InPhase> My svg files even report mm units, which I approve of. :)
<gbruno> [github] krhackbarth opened issue #3980 (OpenSCAD can't render, upon import(), the STL it created). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/3980
* InPhase bets a quarter that issue is a non-manifold exported stl.
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<Zauberfisch> InPhase: I can see the "page size" in the svg
<Zauberfisch> bu my print is 10mm smaller than it's suppose to be
<Zauberfisch> oh
<Zauberfisch> the --left 10 --top 10 seems to somehow scale down the model by 10
<InPhase> <svg width="500mm" height="500mm" viewBox="0 -500 500 500" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
<Zauberfisch> or n
<Zauberfisch> no
<Zauberfisch> nah, still wrong
<InPhase> For my 500mm x 500mm square with a notch cut out.
<InPhase> And the path: M 500,-500 L 0,-500 L 0,-0 L 200,-0 L 200,-199 L 400,-199 L 400,-0 L 500,-0 z
<Zauberfisch> yeah, I see the svg seems correct
<Zauberfisch> but the print is 10mm to small
<InPhase> I've seen pdf printing programs smash pdf's down if they don't properly detect the margins one attempts to add as margins.
<Zauberfisch> yeah ...
<InPhase> There might be settings in the pdf printer, or other settings you can try while converting it.
<Zauberfisch> that might be the problem
<Zauberfisch> idk
<Zauberfisch> nah, I think I give up
<Zauberfisch> I will just let the 3d printer print a 2mm high plastik sheet
<InPhase> :)
<Zauberfisch> gonna take an hour to ...
<Zauberfisch> which makes debuging my model timeconsuming
<InPhase> It looks like inkscape is nothing short of incompetent at importing svg's. I've really wanted to like inkscape, but they make so many design choices I don't understand that I find it basically unusable in almost every circumstance.
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<Jack21> there was the issue with the pixel conversion in inkscape  causing these issue but that should be solved
<Jack21> https://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Units_In_Inkscape    - maybe something left if updated and not fresh installed
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<Jack21> check if you have 96 or 90 dpi configured
<Jack21> but that would cause 30mm difference at 500mm
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<InPhase> I want 25.4 dpi anyway...
<InPhase> Or some multiple thereof.
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<Jack21> there are no half pixels - Ü
<Jack21> and inkscape used pixel as unit  - something weird like that
<InPhase> Well inkscape doesn't need to be locked to inches... Like I said, weird design decisions. Also, weird for a vector program to be so concerned with pixels.
<Jack21> i never had these issues but i know in our space for some this caused wrong dimensions on the laser cutter
<peepsalot> inkscape is vector program focused on SVG. The supported length unit identifiers in SVG are: em, ex, px, pt, pc, cm, mm, in, and percentages.
<peepsalot> so blame W3C i guess
<peepsalot> also depends on what coordinate space you are referencing. you can maybe argue that there are no fractional *device* pixels, document pixels however...
<peepsalot> although subpixel hinting etc would say that even devices have subpixels
<dalias> inkscape is really bad :/
<dalias> i'd love a program like openscad but for creating svgs (i.e. write your svg in a functional language that's actually text rather than xml pseudo-text)
<dalias> there's probably some decent way to do this actually...
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Merge pull request #3979 from knielsen/appdata_deprecated
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<Scopeuk> dalias i belive openscad can output and svg when working in 2d
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<Jack21> so we only need fill and line colors and styles links and splines and layer …
<dalias> scopeuk, yeah but it doesn't have good primitives to make svg curves from
<Scopeuk> No argument here
<Scopeuk> You can hand code them, svg's are "human readable" but its ugly as a format, there are a couple of python libraries for doing geometry work that might work but the names have slipped my memory
<dalias> yeah. well, individual curve objects are human readable
<dalias> the whole document structure is xml which is *not* human readable :-p
<dalias> because the snr is like <1% :-p
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