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Hello There!
Im looking for one help!
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im going to send the problem later!
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InPhase: imho ideally would be to have openscad new built-in function to measure. After all, isn't capability for there already there? How otherwise resize() or textmetrics() can find out real sizes?
technically one cal also use resize to always resize to specific preset size (probably with other dimensions left on auto, not not change relative shape), and then use that .. but still should work on theoretically random/unknown size imported objects
playing around with the slow stl and i reduced it down to "projection() import(...);"
i did this by pre-rotating the STL before exporting it
however, projection() on the openscad code, without exporting, works okay
next i'll try to simplify the STL further while still reproducing the problem
it seems this operation isn't just slow - it never completes
still not segfaulted again though
ali1234: just for any case i'd check in parallel memory consumption of app
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the memory consumption does not seem particularly high
about 700MB according to top
sometimes with too detailed object computing it slowly creeps up for me, and at end of course dies when all memory filled up
oh, 700, sounds reasonable. better then 15-25G in some case for me :D
ali1234: projection() import(...) failing to complete is really wild.
ali1234: But that sure sounds like something to make an issue.
will do, just trying to make the simplest possible stl that reproduces it
A worthwhile result. :)
i have "timeout 3s openscad ..." running in a loop in shell window, while i repeatedly export different STLs, so i can immediately see if it reproduces
lol. Nice.
Are you bisecting the original? Or trying to generate simpler variations with the original script?
trying to generate simpler versions from the original scad
which is quite easy to do
i found that $fa = 1; $fs=1; does not reproduce
but $fa = 1; $fs = 0.2; does
The best insights will probably come from commenting out features, like those holes and such.
oh did i mention, the original uses roof() :)
we can probably parallelize the projection function
currently iirc it is just projecting each triangle into a plane and feed all of them to clipper
clipper may not be too happy about this :)
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i reduced the STL down to 3000 triangles, 1MB ascii
projection() render() { the bad geoms } can reproduce it!
sort of... it takes 14 seconds rather than never finishing at all
teepee: To the point where lots of things are just timing out.
Could anyone help to develop that?
help me*
dinizex: Do you need the rounded edges like shown there?
I think it will be better rounded
what do u suggest?
im going to use a double tape to fix it!
rounded edges best way to make with rounded objects in corners that are hulled together
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if it's large radius bend with rounded edges, then one can consider either with resize() or scale() squished sphere, or rotate_extrude small circle
eg. cube - with rounded all the edges and corners - just 8 small spheres spaced their radius closer to supposed cube dimensions
of course one can also use minkowski, but would advise not to, due it being computing intensive on anything but basic shapes
how are you going to make the part?
With PETG!
it could be geometric?
then make the cross section first and linear extrude
if it's some wallhanger that will be 3d printed, suggest to pay attention to alignment on plate direction. as FMD 3d printed parts strengths greatly differ depending on layer orientation
I got u
but it will be for a device very light
dinizex: I think with I'd do that with it laying down on the side in 2D, linear_extrude, then minkowski with a sphere.
I agreee
dinizex: The dimensions aren't super well marked, so it's not obvious what all the numerical values are, but it should be pretty straightforward to do that way. Working in 2D lets you take advantage of offset with both positive and negative values, which gets you that shape pretty easily. Also hull can be used in parts.
dinizex: There's an alternative option of using the ClosePoints library here, which would give you that entire shape in one module call if you can write down code for the top and bottom paths of that shape.
it could be potted instead of plastered where it goes on the wall
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it will save a lot of material
could be hollow instead of solid where it goes on the wall**
dinizex: When you decide you want it to not break, you should change the design. The most fragile part of that, as a wall shelf bracket will be the bend on the right side of that image.
dinizex: It's fairly thin, and will get broken when someone bumps into the tip hard enough.
dinizex: You could stylishly make that plastic thicker at that point, without making the whole thing any thicker.
but will be to hold a very light device
Yeah. It's when someone bumps the tip that it will snap. Not from what it's holding. It will be stronger for holding.
If anyone wants to troubleshoot or continue slimming down: This is the smallest crash without editing the STL: projection(cut = false) multmatrix([ [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]) import("hingeplate.stl");
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kintel: Crap. Heisenexportbug features. Apply the projection() multmatrix() original freezes. But save stl on multmatrix() original and then projection() savedstl doesn't crash.
I was going to try to reduce the stl down to something inspection sized, but... exporting undoes the bug.
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Hmm... But maybe because the ascii export is less precise now.
ali1234: How did you even make hingeplate.stl? All the versions of OpenSCAD I tested with save 32-bit float based stl files, but your stl is marked with "Solid OpenSCAD Model" while having 64-bit double precision.
ali1234: What version produced this original file?
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so does 'render' (F6) now render in colors other than yellow and green?