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<bomb> OpenSCAD is so much fun, and I don't even have a 3D printer :)
<InPhase> It is definitely one of the most enjoyable languages just for the sheer fun of things. It carries with it certain structural challenges, and a bunch of neat tricks, and then you get to immediately see the result of things in a very visual manner.
<InPhase> It goes up quite a bit when an hour later you can also hold what you made. :)
<bomb> hehe, I guess so. maybe one day :)
<bomb> I wish there was something similar to OpenSCAD for polygon modeling, so I make game assets using it
<InPhase> My project last night... My 5 year old loves riding around on this: https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/a1857496-0abd-4057-9773-801ae4b0a5db_1.c25d41a1254fea9bed53d6265cfb377b.jpeg But if you look at the back axle, you'll see two plastic round pieces on either side of that red metal cylinder, and one of those plastic pieces snapped where the thin part joins to the thick part, causing the whole back
<bomb> I learned yesterday Blender now has "geometry nodes" that kinda mimics the algorithmicity of OpenSCAD
<InPhase> wheel assembly to turn into a wobbly mess.
<InPhase> https://bpa.st/2XVQ So I reinforced it with a rotate_extrude style chamfer.
<InPhase> I got it to a perfect fit on the first print of that. :)
<bomb> ah, you reproduced those parts?
<InPhase> Yes, but better.
<InPhase> If you preview that you'll see it's rounded to distribute the forces.
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<bomb> looks cool already. let me snatch OpenSCAD; I'm on a fresh install
<InPhase> Paw Patrol needed to hire someone who understood load bearing stress points.
<InPhase> The weight of the child ends up strained on that part's junction, with a leverage action every time a child goes around a corner. It was an obvious breakage point.
<InPhase> If the other side with the original piece still on it snaps I'll print up a second one.
<InPhase> My children have grown up thinking it's normal that people just print replacement parts for stuff.
<bomb> hehe, I wish we had this technology when I was a kid. many toys became a plastic waste due to some important part broken/missing
<InPhase> Yep.
<InPhase> Fortunately I had some red filament on hand, so I even made it color matched.
<bomb> what kind of 3D printers you have?
<InPhase> An old Hictop from 2016 that I modified a bit to stabilize it.
<InPhase> I bought some Monoprice Minis at work that were really nice, but then I resigned from that job so I don't have them anymore. :)
<bomb> OpenSCAD's preview rendering is much faster on Linux than Windows for some reason
<bomb> and I even use Nouveau drivers on Linux
<InPhase> Almost everything is faster on Linux than Windows for some reason.
<InPhase> Although make sure to compare equivalent designs for that test. The method of design for that one is a much faster preview than it looks from the smoothness. rotate_extrude is super fast.
<bomb> yep, good revolving is fun
<bomb> so, you export STL from OpenSCAD to the printer?
<InPhase> STL into cura, cura slices into gcode, I save the gcode on an SD card, and I walk the SD card over to my printer.
<InPhase> I intentionally shopped for one with an SD workflow for my first one so I would never had to worry about driver support.
<bomb> hmm, is Cura expensive?
<InPhase> You basically have to walk up to a printer for each print anyway, since you often have to change filaments, and you have to manually remove each print. So it's not like I wasn't going to walk there.
<InPhase> It's GPL
<InPhase> Oh, LGPL
<bomb> oh, neat
<InPhase> I stick to an all-open-source workflow for pretty much everything I do, unless forced otherwise by work or something.
<InPhase> I'm looking at you with the evil eye, Zoom and Bluejeans.
<InPhase> Gcode itself is kind of a neat text-based language, with just little op codes for what the various motors and temperature controls should do: https://reprap.org/wiki/G-code
<InPhase> There are some clever manual Gcode hacks that do things like cause the stepper motors to produce music instead of print.
<bomb> ha, it's straight CNC programming
<InPhase> Yep, pretty much. X, Y, Z, and extrude motors, plus a bed temperature and a nozzle temperature.
<InPhase> Everything else is clever software processing.
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Disable test branch). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/35147261aa3bd4af45fa0458be03e4aaf2d68895
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 additions 2 modifications 1 removals (Merge pull request #3968 from openscad/macos-release-github
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Build uuid before fontconfig as fontconfig wants to link to uuid). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/e9574f284c5de935ccf4e3f5445d0ba91fc0ed8a
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<Jack21> What nippleBLOX  could look for 3D-printing  (LEGO™ compatible) https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/86564-skeleton-kbs
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Build uuid before fontconfig as fontconfig wants to link to uuid). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/a862f2c0c20388014e7cda576527e05dfc6a1bd3
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<teepee> bomb: do you mean polygon design like discussed in this https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/3632#issuecomment-767648396 and the following post?
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<Jack21> this is interesting you can have 1D Objects (line)
<Jack21> hull(){
<Jack21>  polyhedron([[0,5],[0,-5],[0,0]],[[0,1,2]]);
<Jack21>  polyhedron([[5,0],[-5,0],[0,0]],[[0,1,2]]);
<Jack21>  polyhedron([[0,-0.01,5],[0,0.01,5],[0,0,5]],[[0,1,2]]);
<Jack21> }
<teepee> lets call it an edge case, not a supported feature ;-)
<Jack21> edge LOL
<teepee> or line case
<Jack21> sad that 0D points are not possible
<teepee> basically I think we need to both support those cases officially but also give more warnings for broken polyhedrons
<teepee> to stay withing the puns...
<teepee> that's the point!
<teepee> :)
<Jack21> remember the isosphere where he just connect each point with 2 arbitrary other and slap a hull around
<teepee> yes, that should not need any hacks
<Jack21> i am in awe for this laziness making convex polyhedra
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<teepee> in some cases it's really all you should need. define the points and hull()
<Jack21> and seems hull is pretty fast  (but slow down for large number of points)
<teepee> yes, it usally is, the delay in some cases can be due to implicit unions
<teepee> like hull() for() cube();
<teepee> will be much slower than hull() { cube(); cube(); ... 0
<Jack21> as lines work one could make a function that taking points and a center .. creating faces and a hull
<teepee> s/0/}/
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<Jack21> module not function though
<Jack21> kind of auto polygon if faces not defined
<Jack21> on the other hand there are not many cases where you want a hull - except the simple objects
<Jack21> but probably fast for platonic objects
<Jack21> p=[[0,5],[5,0],[0,0],[0,0,5]];
<Jack21> f=[for(i=[0:len(p)-3])[i,i+1,i+2]];
<Jack21> hull()polyhedron(p,f);
<teepee> yeah, but it would look so much cleaner with hull() for(p = points) point(p);
<Jack21> p=[for(i=[0:10:360],j=[0:10:360])[sin(i),cos(j),cos(j+i)]];
<Jack21> f=[for(i=[0:len(p)-3])[i,i+1,i+2]];
<Jack21> hull()
<Jack21> polyhedron(p,f);
<teepee> oh, nice
<Jack21> try p=[for(i=[0:10:360],j=[0:10:360])[sin(i),cos(j),sin(j+i)]];
<teepee> haha, puffy pyramid
<teepee> reminds me of the macbook batteries ;-)
<Jack21> point(p) is that imaginary 3D point ?
<Jack21> macbook had issues with them or did they really look like that?
<Jack21> there was some tetra pack look alike (disphenoid)
<teepee> as for the puffy part, yes, but rectangle shape
<teepee> yes, point() could be a 0d primitive and line() a 1d
<teepee> needs some definitions of what can handle which type of child modules, but seems quite "natural"
<Jack21> so now i want a 3D display
<teepee> oof, $3000 for 15" display
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<Jack21> making hires into low 3D res
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<Jack21> reminds me on to the lyto light field cam
<Jack21> s/on to/ of
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<Jack21> p=[for(i=[0:137.5:360*22],j=[0:137.5:360*22])[cos(i )*cos(j ), sin(i )*cos(j ), sin(j -40)]];
<Jack21> f=[for(i=[0:len(p)-3])[i,i+1,i+2]];
<Jack21> hull()
<Jack21> polyhedron(p,f);
<Jack21> irregular smooth ..  not sure (lazy) how to determine the edge radius proper
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Disable build for now; CircleCI is still building snapshots). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/db56662c67e46c78b332a640178f9667c74e72af
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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Share env variables, and introduce a MACOS_CACHE_VERSION CircleCI env variable). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/1ec6b96ac43e1349be3d7c549ce030939f8a4c08
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<erickrdini> hello
<erickrdini> https://bpa.st/KZYA
<teepee> hi
<erickrdini> i wanna put it the letters in handwriting
<erickrdini> and the thing up the A it could be printed together with the letter
<erickrdini> little help here?
<teepee> I'm not yet sure what the question is
<teepee> what about the handwriting? by using a different font?
<erickrdini> yes
<erickrdini> sure
<erickrdini> i wanna do with this code a word that i can put it in my shelf
<teepee> right, so you need to add some sort of scaffold to hold up the dot over the i and the ~ over the a
<erickrdini> yes
<teepee> hmm, not sure there's an easy and automatic solution
<teepee> well, depends on how the model is supposed to look like
<teepee> one option would be like that: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4873441
<othx> teepee linked to "Customizable Text Bow Labeling Tag by ioio72" on thingiverse => 1 IRC mentions
<JakeSays> hey so i need to create picture frame style bevels for an lcd case i'm making. any examples out there?
<JakeSays> Jack21: that's a cool monitor, but i want the 8k version. lol
<teepee> oh, I did not click to check that price :)
<Jack21> leaves you with some svga  resolution in 3D
<JakeSays> teepee: lol it's almost $18k
<JakeSays> the $400 one would be fun though
<erickrdini> teepee it will use a lot of filament
<JakeSays> erickrdini: filament is dirt cheap
<teepee> yeah, more than just the single letters, but it does look cool and should work for any text
<teepee> for a single text, or is it supposed to generate any text on request?
<JakeSays> erickrdini: that'd be easy to do
<JakeSays> if you have the font
<teepee> for single one, it might be easier to do the text in inkscape, convert to path and move things around till they connect
<JakeSays> dont they make script fonts that connect?
<Jack21> erickrdini in your last example with the cube you already had extruded text with a font .. just use a font you like
<teepee> probably some of the connections, probably not the dot over the i or ~ over other chars
<JakeSays> teepee: ah yeah that's true
<erickrdini> but it is necessary
<Jack21> take some scipt font and offset a little so they connect ↦ then extrude
<JakeSays> what is a fillet
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<JakeSays> i forgot about google fonts
<Jack21> seems google fonts are blocked - only get a white page
<Jack21> pah cookies
<Jack21> erickrdini  you also can use a cube, move it till it supports the dot or other airy things
<erickrdini> YES
<erickrdini> sorry  about that
<JakeSays> i wish i would've had a 3d printer when i was a kid
<Jack21> i wish i have a STNG replicator when i am older
<JakeSays> stng?
<Jack21> startrecknextgen
<JakeSays> ah
<JakeSays> lol i doubt you'll live that long
<JakeSays> and i think i'm overthinking this bevel thing
<Jack21> what is the issue?
<Jack21> you can bevel with a negative and minkowski - not the fastest solution but nice result
<JakeSays> i'm designing a case for an lcd screen. i want the cover to slope in around the lcd edge
<teepee> create a 2d shape and extrude that around?
<Jack21> what about extruding a trapezoid around (with rotate_extr for the corner)
<Jack21> i have a module in my lib for that - Ü
<Jack21> Rundrum();
<JakeSays> oh hmm. that might work
<Jack21>  Rundrum(110,100)Quad(center=false,grad=150,r=1.0);
<teepee> lcd probably needs boring rectangle
<JakeSays> Jack21: yeah that's it.
<JakeSays> i need your lib:)
<teepee> UB.scad
<Jack21> https://github.com/UBaer21/UB.scad   it's free
<teepee> is there a version for square Rundrum() ?
<JakeSays> excellent. thanks!
<Jack21> and can't deny makes me happy to be on the website
<teepee> like with 45° cuts
<Jack21> use Rundrum with square
<erickrdini> like this https://www.elo7.com.br/palavras-decorativas-gratidao/dp/12E01F2?nav=vip_rp_0_2#wpm=0&drzv=1&cat=1&rcp=1&hpa=0&lpfcm=0&ps2=1&sdps=0&dwhc=1&rch=1&hsv=1&bf=0&pcpe=1&pssb=0&osrlt7=0&ucrq=1&supc=1&psews=0&pnt=1&spsem=1&carf=1&paok=1&droam=0&sgta=1&df=d&rps=0&eesoi=0&srm=1&vpl=1&fsfv=0&sew=0&deac=0&dld=1&wppbm=1&dqs=1&csdm=0&sms=0&spc=1&staa=0
<erickrdini> &smsm=0&usb=0&sseov=1&ses=0&rcpd=1&wppbd=1&sei=0&cscws=0&disc=1&suf=0&uje=0&smps=0&rfn=0&sedk=0&sewb=0&uso=o&wcld=1&smc=1&dcc=1&idfs=1&psedm=0&osrl=0&lvbbob=1&sum=0&sep=1&auto=1&cpr=0&utp=0&accb=0&fnc=0&oppb=0&secpl=0&lvbbpm=1&wsld=1&uar=1&uaa=1&doar=0&inp=0&sed=0
<teepee> ahh, the r = 1 makes the rounding?
<Jack21> or with r=-10  so it will cut 45°
<Jack21> Rundrum has r  and Quad also (Quad can use a r vector for each corner)
<Jack21> when Quad center true half of it will be cut the other half round extruded
<Jack21> Rundrum also can be used for hexagon shapes or trapezoids
<JakeSays> i get warnings about $helpM unknown
<Jack21> did you open the demo?
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<JakeSays> no
<Jack21> .. open the tempUB.scad and put in the line
<JakeSays> suggestion: change tempUB.scad to demo.scad. lol
<Jack21> have you copied the module ?
<JakeSays> oh there's an actual demo
<Jack21> the $helpM variable is set by the lib  -- d
<JakeSays> no. i just downloaded ub.scad
<Jack21> and opening ub.scad give you that warning?
<JakeSays> no, using ub.scad gave me that warning
<JakeSays> but i switched use to include
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<JakeSays> so that warning went away. now i get a warning about fn being undefined
<JakeSays> i also get a large grey square
<JakeSays> Jack21: what am i missing here?
<Jack21> are you using windows?
<Jack21> not sure if other OS handle this differently but fn is also defined in ub.scad
<JakeSays> i'm on linux
<Jack21> i can only assume that on linux including would also give you access to the variables
<JakeSays> i'm also getting this before the fn warning: WARNING: $fn was assigned on line 1 of "libraries" but was overwritten in file libraries/ub.scad, line 280
<JakeSays> ahh
<JakeSays> i see
<JakeSays> yeah i dont want to include. i want to use
<Jack21> is that you existing code interfering
<JakeSays> i set $fn at the top of my source file
<teepee> this could be some difference between release-version and nightly-build
<Jack21> my lib changes fn dynamically  so your preview is faster with low res and render in higher
<JakeSays> if i #include then yeah $fn is already defined