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<companion_cube> woah, I got a PR in within 2 weeks!! 🎉
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<Leonidas> companion_cube: new land-speed record camel riding! :)
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<discocaml> <cadetturnip8540> hi
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<discocaml> <sirius06615> I am a skilled full-stack developer with expertise in building scalable web and blockchain applications. On the frontend, I specialize in modern frameworks like React.js and Next.js to deliver seamless user experiences, while on the backend, I excel in Node.js, Express.js, and Python-based frameworks to create robust APIs and server-side logic. My database experience spans PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and cloud-based solutions like Firebase.
<discocaml> <sirius06615>
<discocaml> <sirius06615> In blockchain development, I have extensive experience with Ethereum, Solana, and SUI, using tools like Web3.js, ethers.js, and Hardhat to develop and deploy decentralized applications. I’ve worked on DeFi protocols, secure wallets, and NFT marketplaces, handling everything from smart contract creation to metadata integration. With strong cryptographic knowledge and hands-on experience in DevOps, I ensure secure and efficient application
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<companion_cube> This is not the right place to advertise your blockchain experience, sorry
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<za3k> I want to call some unix syscalls apparently not available in Unix. How do I do that?
<discocaml> <contificate> I'd just write such a stub
<discocaml> <contificate> e.g. a dune library with foreign_stubs stanza that refers to a C impl that just marshals `value`s then releases domain lock around the C syscall wrapper function
<za3k> How do I do this without dune?
<discocaml> <contificate> there's ocamlopt flags I'm sure
<za3k> i.e. using ocamlopt
<discocaml> <contificate> or you just supply the object file
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<discocaml> <contificate> you do something like
<discocaml> <contificate> `gcc -I$(ocamlc -where) stub.c -c`
<discocaml> <contificate> which exposes the include path of `caml/` headers
<discocaml> <contificate> see
<discocaml> <contificate> yeah, you can just pass the object to ocamlopt
<za3k> thanks contificate
<discocaml> <yawaramin> za3k: why without dune?
<za3k> because I have a working makefile without dune (and then I needed static linking which looked like a nightmare in dune, so i'll probably keep it that way)
<discocaml> <contificate> a slight annoyance is that `foreign_stubs` is only valid within `library` stanzas in dune, but the usual design of dune projects mitigates this: so maybe not worth doing for a small thing
<za3k> i couldn't figure out how to set up dune halfway, but perhaps next project
<za3k> this is my first ocaml program
<discocaml> <contificate> well be sure to post here if you need help with it later
<za3k> i'm trying to noticed terminal resizes with signalfd(2)
<discocaml> <contificate> notty (a TUI library) has provisions for handling SIGWINCH
<discocaml> <contificate> but writing a stub will be fun, so do that
<discocaml> <contificate> that said, signals are probably fairly tedious
<discocaml> <contificate> compared to the usual stub that just does slim wrapping of some C function
<za3k> it's okay, i just need to return a file descriptor
<discocaml> <contificate> oh, I see, signalfd mitigates some of the pain
<discocaml> <contificate> I think `file_descr` remains opaque in OCaml's UNIX library
<discocaml> <contificate> but impl wise is just an integer (?)
<za3k> i noticed that Sys is also missing most of the signals, but luckily it's exposed as an int (for masking the signal)
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<discocaml> <gooby_diatonic> We shouldn't doubt the OCaml stdlib designers, if something isn't in the stdlib surely it's harmful and should not be used
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<dh`> yes, file handles in unix are just integers
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<discocaml> <yawaramin> in Unix, sure. on Windows, no
<za3k> actually is that going to be a problem trying to return a Unix.file_descr from C, that it's opaque? (trying to get everything non-C-related working before tackling that so haven't looked yet)
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<za3k> ok i realized i can use the self-pipe trick (make a pair of handlers with Unix.pipe, have the signal handler for SIGWINCH write to one, select on the other) to sidestep needing to write C code
<dh`> yawaramin: is the Unix stdlib module for Windows?
<za3k> There was a request to expose it (and more relevantly, make them printable for debugging):
<za3k> It got auto-closed as inactive
* dh` doesn't approve of auto-closing issues
<discocaml> <yawaramin> dh`: yes, unless noted otherwise in the API docs
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<dh`> and it doesn't use the windows C compiler's numeric file descriptor interfaces, that have been there since the DOS days?
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<za3k> how do I type-annotate an optional argument with a default value?
<discocaml> <._null._> let f ?(a : int = 0) () = 0
<za3k> thanks! that was weirdly missing from
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<za3k> also really want to do let default = ... in let f ?(a : (a->b->c) = default) () = 0 here
<za3k> but no let in let, which is probably for the best error-wise :)
<za3k> i'd shoot myself in the foot
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<discocaml> <yawaramin> dh`: it's numeric, but it's not an `int`. it's a `HANDLE`
<discocaml> <yawaramin> dh: it's numeric, but it's not an `int`. it's a `HANDLE`
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