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<raiinyzen> Hi! im zen and I WILL work at Jane Street in 5 years
<raiinyzen> when im legal
<raiinyzen> Hi! im zen and I WILL work at Jane Street in 4 years
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<raiinyzen> I already have a ton of experience with Haskell, Rust and a few others (Py/TS + a little C) and ive heard OCaml is like Haskell + Rust types
<functionalprogramming> for better or for worse, jane street does not care if you have prior ocaml experience
<raiinyzen> yes ik, its more for fun
<raiinyzen> tbh i just finished the MIT parallel programing in compiled language course with Haskell and Lambda calc and im VERY interested in functional programing
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<gooby_diatonic> Don't let you ego get the better of you