If someone wants to take me up, feel free to either /msg me high-level feedback, or I can create a github PR where you can comment on specific lines more easily
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<contificate> it's a neat first project in OCaml
<contificate> I'd prefer patterns over `fst`, `snd`, etc. usage (unless in the higher order context), that way you can document other components, e.g. `let (x, _foo) = ...`
<contificate> style wise, I never really approve of `@@¬
<contificate> style wise, I never really approve of `@@`
<contificate> anyway, I'll avoid posting walls of text - nothing jumps out as me as outrageous
do you prefer |> or parens?
i'm freely using a mix of all three
<contificate> depends on context, I almost never care for `|>` on a single line, but others do
<contificate> the nicest case of `|>` is definitely when it's over lines and you can independently comment some line out, like with an emacs shortcut
Say more about unix prefixes?
<contificate> you can probably avoid prefixing every field of the record, usually it suffices to do something like `let x = Foo.{ x = ..; ... }` or `let x = { Foo.x = ...; ... }`
I don't know .{ and .(, I'll have to learn them
I didn't understand the second method at all
Yeah I tend to agree. Is there a way to introduce a record without having a named type for it?
<contificate> in ADTs, yes
<contificate> `Foo of { x: int; ... }`
<contificate> there's no anonymous record types in OCaml, but I think there's a Jane Street proposal to add labelled tuples or something
is this an ADT?
<contificate> yeah, `receive_action` is an algebraic datatype
<contificate> with ReplaceText as one of its constructors/alternatives/variants/...
<contificate> I'm a bit of a sinner, but things like `Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSADRAIN termio ` would be `Unix.(tcsetattr stdin TCSADRAIN termio)` if I did it, but that can really bite you in some cases
is that shorthand for "let open Unix in ( ... )" ?
<contificate> yes
I thought I had tried an anonymous record and gotten a compilation error
if I move process_actions inside of server_main, I get a syntax error
and I have no idea why
yeah there are much more pressing efficiency concerns, I need to rewrite text.ml generally
<contificate> it should be fine to nest that function under that, it should be do-able: I'd avoid it here, I try to avoid huge functions with lots of nested dependencies
it does something like iterate over the entire document for every character displayed, which is one per character typed
yeah i wasn't going to tear up about having to take it out, but I wasn't sure why I was getting the error
I am especially proud of input.ml and output.ml
<contificate> https://github.com/za3k/text-multiedit/blob/master/types.ml#L52C1-L53C22 fun fact, `ref` is really a function that embeds a value into a single element record whose lone field is marked as `mutable`, so this is one extra indirection, it can just be `mutable state: state;`, then update with `<-`
<contificate> e.g. `type 'a ref = { mutable contents: 'a; }`
oh yeah i forgot about mutable records
<._null._> Mutable record fields*
<contificate> it's interesting that you didn't use `dune` and your makefile invokes the bytecode compiler, I tend to default to `ocamlopt` on everything
<contificate> oh wait you do invoke it
i need to run on another machine which has an older libc
and yes, ocamlopt :)
which is a TERRIBLE name, it sounds optional or like it generates options
i assume it's "optimized" or something
<contificate> yeah, the compiler that targets native
so my next step is that my files are sort of split up in an awkward way because of dependency ordering
<contificate> it gets better, there's also ocamlc.opt which is the bytecode-targeting compiler compiled with ocamlopt
i assume if I make some .mli files i can fix that
<._null._> Probably "optimizing", since the compiler itself isn't particularly more optimised
but i'm not sure how to generate them with ocaml tooling
when I tried -i naively i got lots of dependency errors where it failed to compile
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for example a lot of stuff depends on 'debug.ml' and it depends on a lot of types from other files
it's just all the pretty-printers in a separate file
hmm i'd suggest we should go to DM to avoid annoying other people with extended discussion, but that's hard when you're on discord and i'm on IRC
so i feel like you've mentioned a lot of small-scale stylistic stuff
big-picture is there restruturing needed, or whole areas I should learn about?
also i've sort of just made up my own style with no reference to existing code
in terms of line breaks and indents and so on
<contificate> I'd get familiar with dune anyway
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yeah if/when I do another project i will
it seemed... heavyweight
and then when I wanted static binary compilation it seemed like it was a huge pain in dune and I didn't want to switch at that point
<._null._> If your project works with a single folder containing everything, it's just two files of 1 and 3-5 lines
i want to learn it whether i decide to use it
so for example I had no idea how to include the same files in tests and a binary
i'm sure this is easy stuff
<contificate> probably factor the shared bit into a library of its own
also i was getting fed up with all these cryptic commands like "dune init" that ended up making a one-line file i could have #($ written myself
<contificate> yeah, I've never used dune init
yeah well i looked for a dune tutorial
uh yeah so any advice to generate an .mli file
<contificate> they're a bit sparse, I think there's insights into dune that are simply key to using it effectively
<contificate> there's cmitomli
i think that's about my only specific question
<contificate> and merlin can do it as well
well appreciate the review
<contificate> yeah, sorry it's only surface level/feature stuff, lots of effort to sit down and do a semantic review at scale
no that's totally valid, i wasn't expecting someone to sit down for an hour or more
stuff like "hey you're not using dune" or "wow, there's a lot of Unix." is fine :)
i learned at *least* three things
i'm at the phase where my response to "maybe you should use X" is usually "wait, what's X?"
learning lots of new tools
<._null._> On that subject, are you using the LSP or merlin ?
<._null._> You should set it up, there's an opam package for easy setups
why should it be fun?
<contificate> it's an irrefutble pattern
<._null._> (user-setup)
<contificate> irrefutable*
won't they be equivalent?
<contificate> they will
i'm missing the bit where irrefutable pattern = use fun
also, can you do pattern matching inside function arguments, like unpack a tuple or record?
<contificate> yes
game changer
<._null._> You can do `let f (x, y) = x + y`, so you have no reason to write `let f = function (x, y) -> x + y`
sorry i mean inside let-defined functions
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<contificate> `function` is an anonymous function that's defined by cases you provide, `e.g. function None -> 1 | Some c -> c`
yeah i knew 'function' i just didn't know i could do it the other way
<contificate> `fun <pat>+ -> <expr>` is the other case, which is typically used with irrefutable patterns
i swear i tried this, must have messed it up
<._null._> You can even do `let f { x; _ } = x`
also i need to learn how to do "don't care" for records on the left hand side
^ and that's how, thanks null
<contificate> side doesn't matter, you can list them in any order
<._null._> Well, my previous message
LHS as in A = B sides
it's a compiler term of art, maybe
LVal sometimes
<contificate> another thing you may dislike (as I'm not fond of) is that you can actually do like `x.Foo.y` when `x : Foo.some_record_type`
<contificate> which you don't need if it's annotated or local or whatever
<._null._> (aka field names are as namespaces as values or types)
<contificate> I'm not the most fond of doing that, but it's interesting to know
<._null._> namespaced*
yes, i've been having to annotate functions to get patterns to match, I would appreciate being able to move that outside the function signature
I agree that syntax is not great
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Is there a name for the function that given X, does X.a
or do i just have to write a little fun
<._null._> There's no builtin accessor function
ok, that's fine, it's still pretty brief
<contificate> you can generate such things with ppx derivers, but that's another topic
yeah i tried to keep it simple for this one
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<contificate> do you happen to be Scheme programmer
i was, once upon a time
i would say these days mostly python and JS
<contificate> I trust you are enjoying OCaml's `match` more than Python's `match` 😏
Python has a match?
I'd say yes but not as much as Erlang's match
Erlang has single static assignment
which means you can do things like match 'x' (where x is a constant already defined)
or (a, a), meaning a tuple where both values are the same
it's pretty wild
<contificate> that's a good practice, things shadow in OCaml for a similar reason
that said i've yet to code a single line of erlang
yeah you can't have both that and shadowing
<contificate> thing about Python's `match` is that it actually corrupts the environment even if the match fails
<contificate> so you can have no handler executed, but now your environment is broken
<._null._> As in, the pattern pipes are indented 0-1 times (I'd say 0 iff it makes them aligned with the m of match) and the branches are indented 1-2 times more
<gooby_diatonic> You've moved on, but wanted to say that I used to be against dune before as well but it just makes everything so much easier, while it's not really heavyweight, a few project files and dune files in directories, pretty speedy too
<contificate> I hated dune until I learned more about it for some tricks at work
so far I have seen no reason to adopt dune for my own things
like a lot of build tools it's intended for doing simple things automatically, which means it's too canned to handle complex projects
and I think we last had this discussion not more than a couple weeks ago ;-)
It's the opposite, it's designed to scale
One of the things I'm appreciating more and more is how well vendoring works
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the last big project had a dozen or so interconnected repositories, including multiple tools written in different languages and then a large body of C code (some of it emitted from the tools, some not) that had to be crosscompiled for multiple targets
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I think writing the whole of something like that in dune is a nonstarter, and using dune for just the ocaml tools just adds requirements and complexity
<gooby_diatonic> I thinka good thing to keep in mind for perspective is that dune is developed by a huge company which has huge projects and they use and develop dune to handle those projects
<gooby_diatonic> think
null, i was indeed asking about the level of indentation of the pipes in pattern match
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If you need to cross compile, I can't speak from experience
But for large ocaml projects it's really good
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<contificate> dune is great, can't imagine building the stuff at my work with some other setup
<contificate> cross compilation is an OCaml problem overall, no? like the compiler, once built, is tied to a specific folder and, the `asmcomp` folder just includes arch-specific files during the build, so it's not like you can just say "alright emit me AArch64 now"
Oh yeah it's a nightmare
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for that project the ocaml stuff was a tool, so it needed to be retargetable but wasn't crosscompiled
crosscompiling the C was a shitshow even without trying to do it with not-really-appropriate build tools
multiple notions of what a target is and an embedded-world tendency to compile in board-specific stuff on the assumption there's only one board, except that there wasn't
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