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are there any tricks for making utop able to replace types / function definitions after theyve been declared instead of shadowing it or would that just be breaking the fundamental way ocaml is supposed to work
i miss how in scheme i can redefine a procedure and have all previously declared functions referencing it start calling the new function..
<vladd9556> Maybe if you have some sort of way to find all functions / type defs etc referencing your "replacement", a solution would be to reload them in utop in the correct order. I'm not sure if a similar functionality already exists
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<lukstafi> The UI solution that would appeal to me more is one that surfaces both the toplevel and the backing code history: basically, a Proof General mode for OCaml.
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<Kali> you could do it by putting the function in a reference and modifying it each time you wanted the program to use a new version
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<holmdunc> Clojure is very serious about that and considers definitions as one of its first-class Reference types
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