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<discocaml> <wayneyam> Seems like more people use Emacs than vim for OCaml, is it worth learning Emacs, and how did you learn Emacs
<discocaml> <if_els> I think learning any keyboard-based editor is a pretty nice skill to have
<discocaml> <if_els> (vim, btw)
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<discocaml> <Kali> i've only ever used vim, but i've heard the integration for emacs is better
<discocaml> <Kali> i don't use any integration on vim or otherwise so i wouldn't know
<burley> I've used emacs and vim for OCaml. Emacs has a few more goodies, but (neo)vim with slime is a pretty solid experience
<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> I’m probably a minority who likes a minimal setup, but I think ocaml is great with Vim and mainly just using :make. I also use a few LSP features like go-to-definition but I think running the LSP constantly is distracting.
<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> The compiler is so fast that running :make to bring up errors is very responsive.
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<dh`> I learned emacs by sitting in the same room with another summer intern who was an emacs user, back in 1991
<dh`> but I have also been using it for ocaml for the past N years without any integration at all (not even autoindent) and I haven't missed any of those toys
<dh`> then again, I'm also provably weird :-)
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<discocaml> <contificate> @wayneyam the trick with learning emacs is to avoid starting with some bloat nonsense distribution of emacs, but instead carefully craft a small config yourself
<dh`> I use an ancient version of emacs (that I more or less maintain for my own use at this point) because two major versions in a row came out with extremely annoying UI blockers and then the one after that was a horrifying bloatmonster even by emacs standards, and then I gave up on updating
<discocaml> <contificate> I started with emacs because my friend wanted me to learn Coq and they were using the proof general mode, so I moved from vim to emacs (I still use evil-mode) - but it was literally like an overnight switch, I only use vim for quick edits now, emacs for about 7-8 years
<discocaml> <contificate> you sound like Linus going on about microemacs and his utf-8 patch
<dh`> it is not really a desirable situation to be in
<discocaml> <contificate> y'know, what pains me is that there's no reasonable emacs kit to drop an arbitrary programming language into
<discocaml> <contificate> there's this "Zile" program, but they ported it from C to Vala and undermined it
<dh`> sometimes I think I should punt the ancient emacs and write a new editor, then I remember how oversubscribed I already am
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<dh`> it won't run proof-general and using coqide for coq has definitely undermined the editor fluency I used to have
<discocaml> <contificate> I enjoy the jscoq scratch pad for playing around, in the browser
<discocaml> <wayneyam> yeah I'm reading the tutorial now
<discocaml> <wayneyam> true neovim's pretty solid
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<dh`> meanwhile I seem to have a problem: I installed graphics and site-lib/graphics/dune-package contains references to a "" that doesn't exist
<dh`> this is then breaking other stuff
<dh`> which seems to be because it's site-lib/stublibs/ but the dune-package file expects it to be site-lib/
<dh`> or something wrong anyway
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<discocaml> <purringhutao> How does passing `-custom` to `ocamlmklib` change the compilation process? I tried reading the documentation, but it was not clear enough.
<discocaml> <purringhutao> I am trying to use `-custom`, but I am getting an error from `/usr/bin/ld` about `-l<ocaml_module_name>` not being found. However, `<ocaml_module_name>.a` is installed in the same directory as the OCaml `.cma`, etc. files.
<discocaml> <purringhutao> When I don't pass `-custom`, a different process happens and I don't get this error
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<dh`> ocamlmklib's usage message says -custom Disable dynamic loading
<dh`> not obvious what that means
<dh`> meanwhile, my problem is actually that $PREFIX/lib/ocaml/ld.conf contains $PREFIX/lib/ocaml/stublibs but not $PREFIX/lib/ocaml/site-lib/stublibs
<dh`> I assume that's incorrect
<dh`> what maintains that file?
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<dh`> findlib?
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<discocaml> <purringhutao> Oh sorry, I wasn't talking to you
<discocaml> <purringhutao> I was posting my own question
<dh`> what I said about -custom was in response to your question
<dh`> I guess the problems are similar enough it isn't obvious
<discocaml> <purringhutao> When I pass `-custom` to `ocamlmklib`, the stublibs files shouldn't be generated at all
<discocaml> <purringhutao> Right?
<dh`> I don't know what -custom is supposed to do
<discocaml> <purringhutao> Ugh, I thought you were answering my question, but you don't know
<Inline> hmmm, ppxlib fails here
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<dh`> no, I have my own problem :-(
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<discocaml> <purringhutao> It seems OCaml does not pass any extra flags to tell the linker where to search for files
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<dh`> I figured out my problem, it seems to be our packaging infrastructure
<dh`> the problem was that lib/ocaml/ld.conf was missing the stublibs dir
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<dh`> and your problem is quite possibly also that something is missing from that file
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<discocaml> <purringhutao> No, it shouldn't have anything to do with stublibs
<discocaml> <purringhutao> The purpose of -custom is to *not* install stublibs
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<dh`> no, not stublibs, whether the thing you need is on the link search path
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<discocaml> <purringhutao> Okay, I have a problem. When I compile an OCaml package with -custom, then client programs don't compile because OCaml doesn't know where to find the archive (.a) files, even though they are installed in the standard places
<discocaml> <purringhutao> For example, I have `.opam/4.14.1/lib/ctypes/libctypes_stubs.a`, but when I try to compile a program that uses a package that uses ctypes in -custom mode, I get `/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lctypes_stubs: No such file or directory`
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