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<purringhutao> When passing -custom to ocamlmklib, the `libfoo.dylib` file shouldn't be generated, right?
<raiinyzen> Alr, I have 4 years before I apply to Jane Street, time to learn OCaml
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<purringhutao> Does the order of the -cclib options matter? When I inspect the `cma` and `cmxa` files, the "Extra C object files" are given in a different order, and this seems to be the only difference that causes the compilation to succeed or fail.
<regularspatula> do you absolutely need async_unix?
<raiinyzen> how do I switch versions? Im realy new.
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<raiinyzen> no but I dont know what else to use for it tho
<regularspatula> ah yeah, i'm not sure I would try to mess about with the caml header files maybe in that case
<regularspatula> are you followind a guide or just interested in jane street libs?
<regularspatula> lwt is the more commonly used async/promise lib
<raiinyzen> I will be working at Jane Street in 4 years
<raiinyzen> when I am eligable to apply
<raiinyzen> and im already profiecient in Rust, Python, Go and Haskell
<raiinyzen> and im already profiecient in Rust, Python, Go and learning Haskell
<raiinyzen> so i thought it would be cool to start with OCaml now
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<regularspatula> well, you don't need the jane street libraries to learn ocaml -- you can just use the more common alternatives if you want
<regularspatula> unless you're following along with Real World OCaml book
<raiinyzen> good idea, also is there a command to clean all your pkgs?
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<regularspatula> you can remove your switch if you want
<raiinyzen> how
<regularspatula> `opam help`
<raiinyzen> I need to remove all opam pkgs
<regularspatula> for what reason?
<raiinyzen> i broke it i dont know
<raiinyzen> now I have some new error with "core"
<regularspatula> well if ever you get into a really bad state with an opam switch then you can use `opam switch remove ...` to remove the switch and create a new one
<regularspatula> i have never tried to remove all packages from a switch while keeping the switch however
<raiinyzen> what is a swithc
<raiinyzen> is it just a compiler version?
<regularspatula> have you gone through the introductory material here?
<regularspatula> it seems that you may need some basics first
<raiinyzen> nope
<raiinyzen> yep
<regularspatula> sorry for dumping too many terms at you that you weren't familiar with -- I would take a look through that stuff to get a feel for stuff first
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<raiinyzen> no like I know the language
<raiinyzen> like i made a simple todo REPL
<regularspatula> right but you don't know the ecosystem or tooling it seems
<raiinyzen> ```
<raiinyzen> let tasks = ref [] (* Mutable list of tasks *)
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<gooby_diatonic> What's the workflow for changing OCaml switch from within Emacs 🤔
<gooby_diatonic> It pulls the default switch on startup I believe, but sometimes I don't want to restart Emacs just to use a different version temporarily
<gooby_diatonic> Using `opam env` from eshell also isn't really working