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<cemerick> Is there a writeup anywhere talking about why jsoo-generated code uses the runtime representations it does? I'm surprised to see records represented with arrays of values — as opposed to objects with named properties — which (last I knew) were privileged in various ways by e.g. v8 JIT, etc. I'm sure there's some good rationales though, and would love to read up
<deepspacejohn> I'm sure someone can give a more complete answer, but I believe the short version is that records (and modules) are both compiled into tuples, which JSOO represents as arrays.
<yawaramin> JSOO is compiling OCaml bytecode to JavaScript. bytecode represents record values as arrays. hence, the so does the JS output
<yawaramin> i mean heterogeneous arrays ie tuples of course
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<cemerick> ah, sure, that makes sense
<cemerick> ah, sure, that makes sense, thanks
<cemerick> ah, sure, that makes sense, thanks
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<.sabine.> Have you read the OCaml Platform Newsletter, the OCaml Changelog, or other communications from the OCaml Platform?
<.sabine.> I'm looking for feedback on how to make the updates and content we put out more useful to you!
<undu> Does somebody know if the ocaml team intends to release another 4.14 release in the next few months?
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<mbacarella> as a theoretical matter, do you know why the approach is to transpile the byte code and not OCaml?
<mbacarella> ocaml-compiler-libs exists. might bear more fruit to read code into ASTs and produce JavaScript directly
<mbacarella> oh wait maybe the loaded ASTs are not checked or inferred
<octachron> The original argument was that the bytecode was a very stable IR
<mbacarella> ppxlib exists now though?
<octachron> ppxlib is very maintenance-heavy
<octachron> And, the parsetree is not a suitable starting point for compilation. The earliest somewhat convenient IR would be the Lambda IR.
<octachron> The typedtree would be another option, but with a heavy maintenance burden (a full-time developer familiar with the OCaml typechecker? maybe 50% ?)
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Where does mélange start ?
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<octachron> Same as rescript from the Lambda IR (after one simplification pass)
Right. Starting at the typedtree means redoing all the module work
Easier to come in later for sure
More than modules, all the constructs with complex semantics are still there in the typedtree (pattern matching, classes, recursive modules)
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Oh right, classes
It's a bit sad that types are lost after these are removed though
We were just talking about that over in #proglangdesign
Classes and compiler design and long-ass match-clauses
What's worst - a match-clause spanning 500+ lines, or splitting the eval() method into different classes?
The AST eval function, that is.
There's no hard rule imho
Maybe not even a choice, since the programming language you use will decide for you.
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I assumed we were talking about ocaml
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<Joe> Melange does transpilation on the AST level