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<discocaml> <cemerick> Is there a writeup anywhere talking about why jsoo-generated code uses the runtime representations it does? I'm surprised to see records represented with arrays of values — as opposed to objects with named properties — which (last I knew) were privileged in various ways by e.g. v8 JIT, etc. I'm sure there's some good rationales though, and would love to read up
<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> I'm sure someone can give a more complete answer, but I believe the short version is that records (and modules) are both compiled into tuples, which JSOO represents as arrays.
<discocaml> <yawaramin> JSOO is compiling OCaml bytecode to JavaScript. bytecode represents record values as arrays. hence, the so does the JS output
<discocaml> <yawaramin> i mean heterogeneous arrays ie tuples of course
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<discocaml> <cemerick> ah, sure, that makes sense
<discocaml> <cemerick> ah, sure, that makes sense, thanks
<discocaml> <cemerick> ah, sure, that makes sense, thanks
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<discocaml> <.sabine.> Have you read the OCaml Platform Newsletter, the OCaml Changelog, or other communications from the OCaml Platform?
<discocaml> <.sabine.>
<discocaml> <.sabine.> I'm looking for feedback on how to make the updates and content we put out more useful to you!
<discocaml> <.sabine.>
<discocaml> <.sabine.> Here's a survey:
<discocaml> <.sabine.>
<discocaml> <.sabine.>
<discocaml> <.sabine.> Thanks for your help! 🧡
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<discocaml> <undu> Does somebody know if the ocaml team intends to release another 4.14 release in the next few months?
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<discocaml> <mbacarella> as a theoretical matter, do you know why the approach is to transpile the byte code and not OCaml?
<discocaml> <mbacarella>
<discocaml> <mbacarella> ocaml-compiler-libs exists. might bear more fruit to read code into ASTs and produce JavaScript directly
<discocaml> <mbacarella> oh wait maybe the loaded ASTs are not checked or inferred
<discocaml> <octachron> The original argument was that the bytecode was a very stable IR
<discocaml> <mbacarella> ppxlib exists now though?
<discocaml> <octachron> ppxlib is very maintenance-heavy
<discocaml> <octachron> And, the parsetree is not a suitable starting point for compilation. The earliest somewhat convenient IR would be the Lambda IR.
<discocaml> <octachron> The typedtree would be another option, but with a heavy maintenance burden (a full-time developer familiar with the OCaml typechecker? maybe 50% ?)
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<companion_cube> Where does mélange start ?
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<discocaml> <octachron> Same as rescript from the Lambda IR (after one simplification pass)
<companion_cube> Right. Starting at the typedtree means redoing all the module work
<companion_cube> Easier to come in later for sure
<octachron> More than modules, all the constructs with complex semantics are still there in the typedtree (pattern matching, classes, recursive modules)
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<companion_cube> Oh right, classes
<olle> :O
<companion_cube> It's a bit sad that types are lost after these are removed though
<olle> We were just talking about that over in #proglangdesign
<olle> Classes and compiler design and long-ass match-clauses
<olle> What's worst - a match-clause spanning 500+ lines, or splitting the eval() method into different classes?
<olle> The AST eval function, that is.
<companion_cube> There's no hard rule imho
<olle> Maybe not even a choice, since the programming language you use will decide for you.
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<companion_cube> I assumed we were talking about ocaml
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<discocaml> <Joe> Melange does transpilation on the AST level
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<discocaml> <anmonteiro> nah, it's at the Lambda IR like Florian said
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