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<discocaml> <joohnym> Have been out of the loop for a while, what's the consensus on ReasonML vs ReScript nowadays? Which one do you recommend most for frontend work?
<discocaml> <joohnym> Have been out of the loop for a while, what's the consensus on ReasonML vs ReScript these days? Which one do you recommend most for frontend work?
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<slondr> What are people using for TLS connections in OCaml these days
<discocaml> <chrisarmstrong> This sort of depends on whether you're using lwt, async or one of the new 5.0 effects-based libraries for concurrency, as their support kind of differs (based on what I understand of the ecosystem)
<slondr> are there any decent tls libraries for multicore?
<slondr> google shows me ocaml-tls which doesn't seem to have any documentation, and not much else
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<discocaml> <chrisarmstrong> has bindings for eio:
<discocaml> <chrisarmstrong> piaf has some good example code on how to leverage it with eio; my own library smaws-lib does as well
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<slondr> cool, I'll look into that, thanks!
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<za3k> contificate: I can't, because I need to handle an exception from either of two long-running tasks (whichever throws first)
<za3k> And you have to join domains in a set order
<za3k> The linked code actually works to exit early, it's just failing to print the error on the way out
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<discocaml> <yawaramin> za3k: you need to run with `OCAMLRUNPARAM=b`, otherwise exception backtraces are just not captured at all, hence nothing is printed
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<discocaml> <gooby_diatonic> Reason + Mélange probably
<discocaml> <gooby_diatonic> ReScript doesn't keep up with OCaml afaik
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<za3k> what am I doing wrong in this error handling code? It prints nothing
<za3k> Oh crap sorry for spamming, that was not on purpose. I was middle-clicking to paste and I guess I was scrolled up, trying to figure out why it wasn't working
<octachron> This is probably nothing to print.
<octachron> *There is
<za3k> I'm trying to print the error along with a backtrace. Is that not what I'm doing?
<discocaml> <yawaramin> za3k: read my earlier message
<octachron> And your code does print a backtrace with OCAMLRUNPARAM=b
<za3k> yawaramin: shoot, I missed that. thanks both
<za3k> I'll have to filter out join/part messages, I'm clearly not set up for big rooms
<discocaml> <yawaramin> if you were in the Discord i would have @-mentioned you and you'd get a notification
<za3k> I probably got one from za3k: in my client too actually
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<za3k> how do you know about OCAMLRUNPARAM? It's not mentioned in Printexc docs, I'm curious how I ought to have learnt it
<za3k> "when an uncaught exception aborts the program" -- this does not sound like an explicit call to Printexc.print_backtrace; I *still* would not have learnt this
<octachron> or "man ocamlrunparam"
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<za3k> OTOH "If the call is not inside an exception handler, the returned backtrace is unspecified." and I'm not sure what an "exception handler" is, is that just the part after -> in the when clause, or something else?
<za3k> ahh record_backtrace is a good answer, yeah
<octachron> any right hand side of `->` in a "try with" clause
<za3k> thanks for your help
<octachron> But I agree that the module lacks a short introduction and usage guide.
<za3k> i'm sure a documentation patch would be easy, maybe i'll add it to my TODO list
<za3k> yeah mentioning -g would be good too maybe
<discocaml> <yawaramin> could add a one-liner to the top of the module documentation for `Printexc`, eg 'Note that recording the call stack must be explicitly enabled. See record_backtrace'
<za3k> yep! (though converting an exception to a string works). And link to debug info in -g too
<za3k> The HTML docs are very link-free which is an interesting stylistic choice
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<za3k> Fun fact, apparently Printexc.record_backtrace is a per-domain setting
<discocaml> <yawaramin> that's weird. last night i ran your code with `OCAMLRUNPARAM=b` and it printed the backtrace so clearly it took effect on multiple domains
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<za3k> Yeah, the option applies to all domains!
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<za3k> Err sorry, I mean to say, the ENV variable applies to all domains
<za3k> But Printexc.record_backtrace apparently doesn't
<discocaml> <yawaramin> seems like this should be documented then
<za3k> let me double-check that it's true
<za3k> I'm using the alternate screen buffer so I was having a little trouble telling if it's true
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<za3k> Yep, double-checked now that I have that working, it's true
<za3k> (also sorry realize I'm not making any sense, that's what you get today I'm afraid)
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