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<companion_cube> another day, another flash of anger at Buffer.t
<companion_cube> I should keep a count somewhere
<discocaml> <coolccat> Hi, is there any way I can wrap a string/buffer in an in_channel for unit testing?
<discocaml> <coolccat> I have a function that reads from an in_channel I want to test
<discocaml> <coolccat> Does a temporary file work maybe? Just create a temp file which contains the string and read from that + delete?
<discocaml> <coolccat> Hoping for an easier way though
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<discocaml> <hockletock>
<discocaml> <hockletock> that's what I used for that purpose in advent of code
<discocaml> <coolccat> thx!
<companion_cube> ahaha no you can't
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<reynir> @hockletock I think you're in trouble if the write to the pipe blocks...
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<discocaml> <ada2k> are there any proposals for an exn_bt type in stdlib?
<discocaml> <ada2k> i know picos has one, but stdlib domains also encounter the need for one: having a shared type (even if it's just an alias for a tuple) would be good
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<discocaml> <lukstafi> Somehow I missed the immutable arrays PR till it's been brought up on Discuss just now: . A bit strange that it doesn't mention the option to call them "tuples"? "immutable array" is a mouthful compared to "tuple".
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<discocaml> <sim642> Tuple would be way more confusing, because existing tuples in OCaml have statically known length, but immutable arrays would not
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<discocaml> <lukstafi> But the tuple family of types exist only in the metalanguage, not in OCaml 😉
<discocaml> <lukstafi> In OCaml there are only pairs, triples, quadruples...
<discocaml> <lukstafi> In fact it's more about the pragmatic choice allowing freezing of arrays into immutable arrays. Instead, you could have the option of no-copy injecting pairs, triples, quadruples... into the new types.
<discocaml> <lukstafi> *into the new (parametric) type
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<discocaml> <drupyog> @lukstafi Good luck explaining to beginners (and not beginners) that a "triple" is not a "tuple" 😄
<discocaml> <drupyog> @lukstafi Good luck explaining to beginners (and not beginners) that a "triple" is not a "tuple" (with your definition) 😄
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<companion_cube> But tuples are heterogeneous
<companion_cube> No relation to immutable arrays at all
<discocaml> <lukstafi> Right, homogeneous tuples.
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<octachron> If tuple types were a true type familly, an immutable array could be written as "'elt immutable_array = ('elt * 'all) as 'all"
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<companion_cube> Really i wish people would focus on more important stuff than immutable arrays
<discocaml> <lukstafi> Because lists are good enough?
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<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> Personally, I think user-implemented immutable arrays are good enough for the times when they're useful
<companion_cube> Arrays are good enough
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