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<germ> rustyne: Tiger ? I thing there are several version
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<discocaml> <drupyog> that webpage is extremely outdated and was partial and misleading even at the start. Please don't propagate it more ...
<discocaml> <polytypic> SML is hardly a subset of OCaml. Please don’t repeat that lie.
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<discocaml> <drupyog> I agree it's a slight exaggeration, but from the point of view of the "Modern Compiler in ML" book, it's not wrong. :p
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<discocaml> <limp.biskit> SML has lots of major differences. if anything ocaml started as caml light removing features like first class record fields to improve performance
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<dh`> the last time I looked into it that page of adam's wasn't wrong, just not written in a very balanced manner
<dh`> it's also missing an important entry, namely "availability of working compiler" :-)
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<companion_cube> it's not "wrong" but it's so incomplete that it makes no sense in 2024
<companion_cube> it just talks about the common subset, which by now is a smallish subset of OCaml
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<dh`> I suppose that's true
<dh`> that reminds me, is anyone thinking about adding concurrent-ml-style channels now that we have real concurrency?
<dh`> that's the only thing I can think of that sml is still "ahead" on
<companion_cube> Polytypic does, in picos
<companion_cube> But it's not in SML is it? It's an extension?
<discocaml> <drupyog> it's definitely an extension. SML's definition doesn't talk about neither concurrency nor parallelism
<discocaml> <drupyog> it's definitely an extension. SML's definition (and most implementation) don't talk about neither concurrency nor parallelism
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