companion_cube changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussion about the OCaml programming language | | OCaml 5.2.0 released: | Try OCaml in your browser: | Public channel logs at
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<discocaml> <ankit191_31204> Hello Everybody 🙏 , newbie here
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<discocaml> <sim642> OCaml workshop 2024 will have a talk about ChorCaml, which is an OCaml DSL/library for "choreographic programming", which maybe is related to the worlds thing somehow? Although I don't know if there's any more public information about it yet
<discocaml> <froyo> Tom Murphy mention in chat
<discocaml> <Kali> haha i was thinking that too
<discocaml> <froyo> his yt channel is so peak
<discocaml> <Kali> yeah, suckerpinch
<discocaml> <Kali> it's kinda funny to remember he has actual, serious work
<discocaml> <froyo> very good work at that
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<discocaml> <ada2k> i've found my first actual non-scheduler use for effects, which also feels like a huge hack
<discocaml> <Kali> oh?
<discocaml> <ada2k> batch i/o operations by performing an effect, doing nothing and catching Effect.Unhandled to submit them yourself
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