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<discocaml> <aantron> ``` Type [> `Dir ] is not compatible with type
<discocaml> <aantron> [> Eio.Fs.dir_ty ] = [> `Dir ]```
<discocaml> <aantron> What
<discocaml> <aantron> I suppose that's due to the row type variables being different
<discocaml> <leviroth> That looks vaguely familiar. Possibly the compiler is saying something misleading here.
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> eio’s use of polymorphic typing is rather wacky
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<discocaml> <limp.biskit> not sure if it’s better or worse than everything being a class
<companion_cube> Probably way worse
<companion_cube> Since objects were the perfect fit for the particular problem
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<discocaml> <froyo> Jane Street have requested that Eio not use objects
<companion_cube> Yep yep
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<discocaml> <yawaramin> Jane Street objected
<companion_cube> it was a `class` struggle
<discocaml> <yawaramin> they wanted a different method
<dh`> we inherit the mess
<companion_cube> for the Eio team, this order was a late binding
<companion_cube> but they got the message
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> and jane street is on board with capabilities?
<companion_cube> good question :D
<companion_cube> maybe they just don't want any major contender to use features (objects) that they don't like
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> i’ve never understood it. seems like it would be a better choice to improve the perceived shortcomings in objects
<companion_cube> I think it's partly because their devs don't know/use objects
<companion_cube> but perhaps also their fork of OCaml supports them badly? or it's in the way??
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> i didn’t know they forked ocaml?
<companion_cube> well they have their compiler with experimental features
<companion_cube> flambda2, modes, etc.
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> ah
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> i wouldn’t be shocked
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> the object system does seem rather neglected and still has overhead issues that shouldn’t be there in a multi pass compiler
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<discocaml> <leviroth> What's the least painful way to build a specific version of the ocamlformat executable? I want to get a version that matches the one used in someone's GitHub project, but ideally I would not have to change the state of my current switch or install a new one. Basically I would like to temporarily clone the dependencies somewhere and then run a dune build.
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> least painful? probably something like `nix shell nixpkgs#ocamlPackages.ocamlformat_0_23_0` (replace with your version from the ones available here <>)
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> least painful? probably something like `nix shell nixpkgs#ocamlPackages.ocamlformat_0_23_0 -c $SHELL` (replace with your version from the ones available here <>)
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<discocaml> <leviroth> Ah interesting. Never having used nix before, should that generally work out of the box if I install nix from my system package manager?
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> I think so
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> at most you may have to add `extra-experimental-features = nix-command flakes` to your `~/.config/nix/nix.conf`