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<subnut> hi
<subnut> i've been trying to compile ocaml
<subnut> but it keeps failing at OCAMLOPT camlinternalFormatBasics.cmx
<subnut> the command that's failing is this - ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -function-sections -nopervasives -c
<subnut> one of the errors is "ld: error: undefined symbol: main"
<subnut> which leads me to believe ocamlopt is mistakenly trying to build an executable instead of an object?
<subnut> any idea? i can put the whole error on if anybody wants/
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<discocaml_> <otini_> yes, please do, along with your OS, hardware config and the commands you used to build
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