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<discocaml> <jo.blade> Hello, I need some help about how to do network caching in a purely functional manner. In my case I have a function that does network request (using cohttp), but these requests can fail. So to handle errors my function output something of type:
<discocaml> <jo.blade> ```ocaml
<discocaml> <jo.blade> type 'a request_finished =
<discocaml> <jo.blade> [ `Ok of 'a (** Successfuly run operation with result *)
<discocaml> <jo.blade> | `Need_Authentication of Uri.t (** Authentication failed when run request *)
<discocaml> <jo.blade> | `Error of Uri.t
<discocaml> <jo.blade> (** There was an error with the operation
<discocaml> <jo.blade> but we do not precise the type of error *)
<discocaml> <jo.blade> ]
<discocaml> <jo.blade> (** A type to get status of a finished request *)
<discocaml> <jo.blade>
<discocaml> <jo.blade> (** not the actual function signature but an example *)
<discocaml> <jo.blade> val do_request : unit -> 'a request_finished
<discocaml> <jo.blade> ```
<discocaml> <jo.blade>
<discocaml> <jo.blade> I want to implement some caching or memoization (I don't know if the concept memoization apply here ?) to save the output of "do_request" for future calls only if the result was "`Ok \_". So I can't use the keyword Lazy as if I encounter an error I want to be able to retry later…
<discocaml> <jo.blade>
<discocaml> <jo.blade> So I don't know how to do this kind of thing correctly, or maybe if I do this in a completely different way…
<discocaml> <jo.blade> Hello, I need some help about how to do network caching in a purely functional manner. In my case I have a function that does network request (using cohttp), but these requests can fail. So to handle errors my function output something of type:
<discocaml> <jo.blade> ```ocaml
<discocaml> <jo.blade> type 'a request_finished =
<discocaml> <jo.blade> [ `Ok of 'a (** Successfuly run operation with result *)
<discocaml> <jo.blade> | `Need_Authentication of Uri.t (** Authentication failed when run request *)
<discocaml> <jo.blade> | `Error of Uri.t
<discocaml> <jo.blade> (** There was an error with the operation
<discocaml> <jo.blade> but we do not precise the type of error *)
<discocaml> <jo.blade> ]
<discocaml> <jo.blade> (** A type to get status of a finished request *)
<discocaml> <jo.blade>
<discocaml> <jo.blade> (** not the actual function signature but an example *)
<discocaml> <jo.blade> val do_request : Uri.t -> 'a request_finished
<discocaml> <jo.blade> ```
<discocaml> <jo.blade>
<discocaml> <jo.blade> I want to implement some caching or memoization (I don't know if the concept memoization apply here ?) to save the output of "do_request" for future calls only if the result was "`Ok \_". So I can't use the keyword Lazy as if I encounter an error I want to be able to retry later…
<discocaml> <jo.blade>
<discocaml> <jo.blade> So I don't know how to do this kind of thing correctly, or maybe if I do this in a completely different way…
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<discocaml> <gdiazlo> May be this can help you to design your function
<discocaml> <jo.blade> Ok so if I understand well, I must use mutable/imperatives structures in my code. Isn't it against the functionnal phylosophy ?
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<discocaml> <otini_> The functional philosophy is that purely functional interfaces tend to compose better, but you can implement them however you wish
<discocaml> <otini_> and sometimes a mutable API can be the practical choice
<discocaml> <otini_> even languages that enforce pure interfaces, like Haskell, use mutation under the hood for performance, and it can have disadvantages
<discocaml> <otini_> like having a more complex performance behaviour, or leaking any kind of mutation into the interface types
<discocaml> <otini_> I would say it’s a spectrum to choose from
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<discocaml> <gdiazlo> I would say ocaml is practical in that sense. You can use an inmutable data structure, but for memoization you will create a new structure every time you want to add something. The overall design would be similar to what the example of the link i think.
<olle> Only thing missing is manual memory pools or stack allocs ^^
<olle> But Janestreet did that already or?
<discocaml> <jo.blade> In all cases, the function was not pure from the beginning (if I understand well) because the output depends of the network state and not only of the arguments ?
<discocaml> <gdiazlo> Does the function returns something different than a request_finished depending on the network state?
<discocaml> <jo.blade> no, should I ? I'm open to make modifications
<discocaml> <gdiazlo> I suppose if it always the same, then, the return of the function does not depend on the network state and it is pure?
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<neiluj> hey! if I have a function a top level main() function that returns a lwt promise that is executed, and that within it there is an Lwt.async call with a function that loops, will main terminate or hang?
<neiluj> and if main terminates, all the binded promises will terminate?
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<discocaml> <otini_> a question I’ve often asked myself
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<discocaml> <otini_> According to, `async` does register via side effects the promise and schedules it, so I expect the call to `Lwt.main_run` will not terminate while the promise passed to `async` hasn’t been fulfilled. But that’s an easily testable hypothesis
<neiluj> indeed, thanks for chiming in!
<neiluj> looks like it's the case
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<discocaml> <otini_> okay, good to know
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<discocaml> <jo.blade> About Lwt, is it possible to run `` multiple times in parallel or it will cause bugs ?
<reynir> I think maybe the documentation covers that
<discocaml> <jo.blade> My problem is: I want to write a fuse filesystem in ocaml using [ocamlfuse]( But the way the module is coded I have to write callback functions that return `unit` and not `unit Lwt.t`. I don't have all the knowledge of Lwt so I couldn't find another way that doing this:
<discocaml> <jo.blade>
<discocaml> <jo.blade> ```ocaml
<companion_cube> will cause bugs
<discocaml> <jo.blade> let _ =
<discocaml> <jo.blade> Fuse.main Sys.argv
<discocaml> <jo.blade> {
<discocaml> <jo.blade> Fuse.default_operations with
<discocaml> <jo.blade> getattr = do_getattr;
<discocaml> <jo.blade> readdir = (fun a b -> (do_readdir a b));
<discocaml> <jo.blade> }
<discocaml> <jo.blade> ```
<discocaml> <jo.blade>
<discocaml> <jo.blade> But in fact ocamlfuse github page states that readdir can be called in multiple threads so I think that explains some bug I encounter…
<companion_cube> lwt is full of non-thread-safe global state
<discocaml> <jo.blade> Hum… It was what I thought… unfortunately. But I couldn't find a way to make the threads connect to existing Lwt context or anything like this…
<discocaml> <jo.blade> I don't know how threads work in ocaml but maybe can I make a sort of inter-process pipe between the threads created by ocamlfuse and on main Lwt thread that will run every actual functions ?
<discocaml> <jo.blade> (btw, I see that you are not using discord, I didn't know this server was bridged with others platform, which ones are supported ? irc, matrix, xmpp ?)
<discocaml> <Kali> irc
<discocaml> <Kali> as noted by the channel description
<discocaml> <darrenldl> @jo.blade are you stuck in ocaml 4? if not then i think its time to try ocaml 5 concurrency libs, e.g. eio, miou, riot
<discocaml> <sim642> I haven't used ocamlfuse, but I suspect combining it with any additional concurrency will be quite problematic. Whoever is calling the callbacks you provide probably has all the control over how it wants to call them
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<neiluj> okay off topic but I notice that I'm spending a heck of a lot of time rebasing when working on a codebase moving at a fast pace
<neiluj> wouldn't it be nice if an AI tool could do that for me?
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<discocaml> <jo.blade> Ok finally I think I found a solution with `Lwt_preemptive.run_in_main `
<discocaml> <getzapped.> is using modules for dynamic dispatch to simulate something like dyn in rust idiomatic? something like this
<discocaml> <getzapped.> ```ocaml
<discocaml> <getzapped.> module type Show = sig
<discocaml> <getzapped.> type t
<discocaml> <getzapped.> val show : t -> string
<discocaml> <getzapped.> val instance : t
<discocaml> <getzapped.> end
<discocaml> <getzapped.>
<discocaml> <getzapped.> let print_list (lst : (module Show) list) =
<discocaml> <getzapped.> match lst with
<discocaml> <getzapped.> | [] -> ()
<discocaml> <getzapped.> | (module X) :: xs -> begin
<discocaml> <getzapped.> print_endline @@ X.instance;
<discocaml> <getzapped.> print_list xs
<discocaml> <getzapped.> end
<discocaml> <getzapped.> ```
<discocaml> <getzapped.> is using modules for dynamic dispatch to simulate something like dyn in rust idiomatic ocaml? something like this
<discocaml> <getzapped.> ```ocaml
<discocaml> <getzapped.> module type Show = sig
<discocaml> <getzapped.> type t
<discocaml> <getzapped.> val show : t -> string
<discocaml> <getzapped.> val instance : t
<discocaml> <getzapped.> end
<discocaml> <getzapped.>
<discocaml> <getzapped.> let print_list (lst : (module Show) list) =
<discocaml> <getzapped.> match lst with
<discocaml> <getzapped.> | [] -> ()
<discocaml> <getzapped.> | (module X) :: xs -> begin
<discocaml> <getzapped.> print_endline @@ X.instance;
<discocaml> <getzapped.> print_list xs
<discocaml> <getzapped.> end
<discocaml> <getzapped.> ```
<discocaml> <dx3mod> `Base` has abstractions for "idiomatically" writing such things
<discocaml> <dx3mod> ```ocaml
<discocaml> <dx3mod> let max (type t) (module C : Comparable.S with type t = t) =
<discocaml> <dx3mod> List.reduce ~f:(fun max_val x -> if C.(max_val < x) then x else max_val)
<discocaml> <dx3mod> ```
<discocaml> <dx3mod> `Base` has abstractions for "idiomatically" writing such things. Example:
<discocaml> <dx3mod> ```ocaml
<discocaml> <dx3mod> let max (type t) (module C : Comparable.S with type t = t) =
<discocaml> <dx3mod> List.reduce ~f:(fun max_val x -> if C.(max_val < x) then x else max_val)
<discocaml> <dx3mod> ```
<discocaml> <getzapped.> thats not quite the same though, as the whole list is of the same type, no?
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<discocaml> <getzapped.> my print_list could take a list with a mix of integers, lists, floats, and whatever else and print them all the same
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<discocaml> <Kali> try to avoid editing (or posting) large code blocks since newlines have to be split into messages and edits resend the message, on the irc side
<discocaml> <Kali> in this channel
<discocaml> <dx3mod> Do you want heterogeneous lists?
<discocaml> <getzapped.> my bad didnt know
<discocaml> <Kali> #beginners and #advanced-help are suitable for this instead
<discocaml> <getzapped.> is the block the problem here or should it not be discussed in general
<discocaml> <Kali> the block was the problem, though i guess if you don't post more then you can just keep talking here
<discocaml> <Kali> more blocks, that is
<discocaml> <getzapped.> yeah thats one of the uses, im following the ray tracing in one weekend in ocaml and the c++ they used made a hittable class, and a hittable list class which is a vector of pointers to hittable objects, and the hittable list is a hittable object itself
<discocaml> <getzapped.> so i came up with something like the above code, passing around modules of a hittable signature, which includes a val obj : t, instead of a list of a single type of object
<neiluj> hey! if I have a let* res = Lwt.pick [connection_promise; timeout_promise], how can in the case res = Timeout try to check if connection_promise has resolved before it gets cancelled?
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<Anarchos> dh` i use my dragon book, but still can't find how to reduce a conflict due to a special case.
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<discocaml> <polytypic> I only read this channel occasionally. Yes, Picos is definitely still under construction. Please ask questions / open issues on Picos repo, Picos discord, or the #concurrency channel (which I do currently follow).
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<discocaml> <ada2k> what i was doing was outside the scope of picos anyway
<discocaml> <ada2k> i was essentially trying to on-demand spawn a loop at the creation of a domain, whilst respecting structured concurrency to run on miou. such a thing is afaik impossible without cooperation either from the user or scheduler
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