companion_cube changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussion about the OCaml programming language | | OCaml 5.2.0 released: | Try OCaml in your browser: | Public channel logs at
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<discocaml> <kaitrna> I m decided upgrading to 5.1 is the best solution, it works well
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<discocaml> <octachron> (I would advise to always update to the last available version for OCaml 5 for now because it is probably the stabler version)
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<discocaml> <froyo> I can see monkeypatching generated js be an attractive option but I think it actually isn't guaranteed (because of inlining)
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<discocaml> <froyo> oh it seems inlining isn't a pass for ocamlc(?)
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> i though 4.14 was still considered a bit more stable than 5?
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> i've been on 5 exclusively and loved it
<discocaml> <octachron> 4.14.2 is stabler than 5.x, but on the 5.x side the last version is the stablest one because the 5.x branch is still a bit unstable and thus it is better to not lag behind bug fixes.
<discocaml> <limp.biskit> plus runtime events
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