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<companion_cube> eio doesn't do concurrent ML
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<discocaml> <yawaramin> isn't Concurrent ML about channels or streams with blocking get/put operations?
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<dh`> yes it is, but it's also about guarded choice and some other more subtle-ish stuff
<dh`> anyway yeah I guess it's an extension, but de facto it's in smlnj and therefore sml
<discocaml> <yawaramin> right. well OCaml has the `Event` module but i have yet to figure out how to use it 🙂
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<companion_cube> Don't
<companion_cube> I've never seen anyone use it ever, and it blocks the thread and has no IO interface
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<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> it's nice to be able to use Windows in GitHub Actions now and it "just works"™️
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