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<discocaml> <lyhokia> Hello, any one have some experience working with menhir? Is there a way I can run the parser on a stream and being instruct when should I feed more input to the parser?
<discocaml> <lyhokia> Thanks.
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<discocaml> <lyhokia> Looks like there is fmlib
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<discocaml> <.chubak> How do I simulate Scheme's "let-values" in Ocaml?
<discocaml> <.chubak> Look at this:
<discocaml> <.chubak> ```ocaml
<discocaml> <.chubak> type lexeme =
<discocaml> <.chubak> | LEXM_Integer of string
<discocaml> <.chubak> | LEXM_Ident of string
<discocaml> <.chubak> | LEXM_Real of string
<discocaml> <.chubak>
<discocaml> <.chubak> let scan_scc code acc callback =
<discocaml> <.chubak> let scan_integer code' acc' =
<discocaml> <.chubak> let buf = Buffer.create 20 in
<discocaml> <.chubak>
<discocaml> <.chubak> let consume_digits c =
<discocaml> <.chubak> match c with
<discocaml> <.chubak> | '0' .. '9' -> Buffer.add_char buf c;
<discocaml> <.chubak> consume_digits (next code')
<discocaml> <.chubak> | _ -> Buffer.contents buf
<discocaml> <.chubak> in
<discocaml> <.chubak> consume_digits (next code'), code'
<discocaml> <.chubak> ```
<discocaml> <.chubak> Is this code idomatically correct?
<discocaml> <.chubak> I will make the `next` later.
<discocaml> <.chubak> I don't think I can return multiple values. Messes with combinatory logic. Currying Right
<discocaml> <.chubak> Scheme is based on comb logic too. That's why I would have to use `values` if it were Scheme.
<discocaml> <.chubak> So what I need to know is how to achieve the `values` and `let-values` in this echosystem
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