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<discocaml> <gunpowderguy> Where i can read about parallel programming?
<discocaml> <gunpowderguy> You should check the grin compiler. It aims to bring ml style optimizations to more languages than standard ML
<discocaml> <gunpowderguy> Doesnt flambda 2 also perform unboxing?
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<discocaml> <otini_> that chapter of the manual and the next
<discocaml> <otini_> unless you mean parallel programming in general
<discocaml> <otini_> although, this chapter is not a bad introduction per se
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<Guest36> Hey, bloody beginner here. I'm stumped by something in the very tutorial. To my understanding this should work:
<Guest36> let a = [|1;2;3|]
<Guest36> Array.length a
<Guest36> Expecting the program to return 3, but this instead produces an error: "This expression has type int array. This is not a function; it cannot be applied." What basic concept am I missing?
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<companion_cube> `let a = … in Array.length a`
<companion_cube> the `in` is important
<Guest36> Does that mean the declaration (expression in OCaml?) is not "let ... = ..." but actually "let ... = ... in ..."?
<companion_cube> inside a scope, yes
<companion_cube> `let … = …` is only for toplevel declarations (ie defining functions)
<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> whitespace is not significant in ocaml. in your first code is equivalent to [|1;2;3|] Array.length a (interpreted as Array.length being applied to [|...|] as if it was a function).
<Guest36> Oh, wow. Not used to "white space" actually meaning all of it including line breaks. But this already helps me understand that the tutorial works because ";;" apparently breaks up the code. Thanks for the succinct help, I feel back on track.
<discocaml> <._null._> There are two lets in OCaml; the one for toplevel definitions (let a = expr) and the one for local definitions (let a = expr in expr).
<discocaml> <._null._> A toplevel expression needs a ;; to separate it from the previous toplevel definition (which is why we prefer to only work with definitions, using let () = expr if needed for a toplevel expression)
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<discocaml> <lukstafi> How do people get around this CI error? For me it happens for `macos-latest` and I'm using `ocaml/setup-ocaml@v2`. `[ERROR] The compilation of uunf.15.0.0 failed at "ocaml pkg/ build --dev-pkg false --with-uutf true --with-cmdliner true".`
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<discocaml> <lukstafi> I guess it only happens for the OCaml 4.13 CI target.
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<discocaml> <yawaramin> upgrading OCaml version is not an option?
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<discocaml> <anmonteiro> is this on your release of ppx_minidebug to opam-repo?
<discocaml> <anmonteiro> if so, it looks like you're hitting
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