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<discocaml> <lroche> have you installed fmts?
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<octachron> twobitsprite, fmts is a module in the test directory
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<discocaml> <junior4079> hello i'm new how i do fix this
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<discocaml> <._null._> Did you ever `opam init`? If not, do that
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<discocaml> <xingsha> how to fix it
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<discocaml> <._null._> What's Lingsha? You are a few asking about it at the same time but I have no idea what this is
<discocaml> <okiraya_abisu> #offtopic🎲 its custom server for hsr
<discocaml> <okiraya_abisu> person who created it made it using ocaml so now everyone who wants to try it need it to be installed
<discocaml> <okiraya_abisu> and well we all dorks
<discocaml> <okiraya_abisu> #share its custom server for hsr
<discocaml> <._null._> Is there a link for the code you want to run? I want to know the context in which you want to install this
<discocaml> <.thanhtran> Could you please show me how to fix this issue? I apologize for my lack of programming knowledge.
<discocaml> <._null._> (I just saw it's in #share)
<discocaml> <vergiliusskyverse> sorry where to put the opam?
<discocaml> <okiraya_abisu> just enter
<discocaml> <._null._> How did you all install opam?
<discocaml> <vergiliusskyverse> okay... how to uninstall opam now?
<discocaml> <okiraya_abisu> after that didnt work i tried to use winget and ```opam init git+```
<discocaml> <okiraya_abisu> run command i send under
<discocaml> <vergiliusskyverse> this one?
<discocaml> <vergiliusskyverse>
<discocaml> <vergiliusskyverse> opam init git+
<discocaml> <okiraya_abisu> ye
<discocaml> <vergiliusskyverse> I should choose 1?
<discocaml> <okiraya_abisu> ye
<discocaml> <vergiliusskyverse> hopefully this time it
<discocaml> <vergiliusskyverse> hopefully this time it'll works
<discocaml> <._null._> Considering what your issues are, everyone asking about Linghsa should go to #windows-support
<discocaml> <._null._> (unless you set up a help thread in one of your hsr servers I guess)
<discocaml> <hoyoreverse> :teri4:
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<discocaml> <toid.> What's wrong?
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<discocaml> <yawaramin> umm, curious did anyone try downloading the pre-built binary for Windows? it looks like you might not need to build it yourself? ie no need for OCaml
<discocaml> <hoyoreverse> (they want to tweak some values in source)
<discocaml> <yawaramin> oh ok
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<discocaml> <johanes1520> how to fix this?
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<twobitsprite> octachron: d'oh! thanks :}
<discocaml> <wintxrs> I have the same error, did u fixed it?
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<discocaml> <raybbit_> help me
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