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< MattGomes> Does anyone recommend a particular area of the codebase to start understanding the core of mlpack? I have been playing with the Python bindings and seeing where they map to in the c++ code, so I was wondering if anyone recommends a different approach
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< extrowerk> Hi
< extrowerk> So somebody recommended me many times to enable the python wrapper in my mlpack Haiku port.
< extrowerk> I haven't did that before, because the installer puts the python stuff in a wrong folder where python can't find it.
< extrowerk> But now i found out where to move those files, and it seems to be working (at least with opencv: ) so i expect this trick should get the mlpack python wrapper working aswell.
< extrowerk> Will patch our recipe
< zoq> rcurtin: Trying to integrate the cooperative groups based accu kernel, but I'm getting "error: name followed by "::" must be a class or namespace name" when I try to use cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();. I included #include <cooperative_groups.h> in include/bandicoot, which should be all that is needed, have you seen a similar issue before?
< NippunSharmaGitt> Hi, I have a doubt [here]( . Shouldn't this comment state definition of `Recurrent` class and not `LinearLayer` ?
< rcurtin> zoq: no, I haven't seen anything like that, maybe the documentation is wrong or something?
< rcurtin> (like maybe the name of this_thread_block() is actually different?)
< rcurtin> is this inside of the kernel code, or on the host?
< rcurtin> also, I rebuilt the website and it looks like the IRC logs are working again
< zoq> rcurtin: The code works outside of bandicoot, just using nvcc, so I guess the documentation is correct..
< zoq> rcurtin: Also it's inside the kernel code.
< rcurtin> oh, strange... this is a CUDA kernel, right?
< zoq> correct
< rcurtin> all the CUDA kernels are compiled with NVRTC, not with nvcc, so I think it might be possible that there is some option there that's set wrong or something?
< rcurtin> take a look at cuda::runtime_t::compile_kernels() in include/bandicoot_bits/cuda/runtime_meat.hpp
< zoq> Okay, that is a good start, I'll see if I can find anything.
< rcurtin> maybe it needs another option in `opts`?
< zoq> Maybe, I already had to use another gpu-architecture, since compute_30 isn't supported with cuda 11
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: Nice catch, you are right.
< rcurtin> yeah, I hardcoded the GPU architecture but almost certainly that should be changed
< zoq> Ahh, nice there is an option to pass headers, that should solve the issue, thanks.
< rcurtin> sweet
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